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Fallout 3


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I've tried, but now I give up. Really don't like it.

I realise that there's a bit of a grind in the beginning of RPG's but I'm having no fun whatsoever and I can't be fucked to slog it out. Fable II, in comparison, opened up really well at the start and made everything easy to grasp and didn't feel daunting but I'm not getting this at all.

I know where you're coming from. I got around 10hrs in I think and don't feel any need to play anymore because nothing about it is engaging. EVERY mother fucking character is just annoying and so anyone I meet just end up killing and looting. I do want to level up and become bad ass but I cant see myself hammering my way through the boredom to do so.

Don't even get me started on the fucking dog.

My brother on the other hand loves it and went crazy over lvl'ing up.

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Much for the same reason that I bought it in the first place (needing something to sink my teeth into on the big screen) I want to give this another chance, but here's what pissed me off and if anyone can help me out then that would be lovely. :)

I keep picking up all this shit which is slowing me down but I haven't found anywhere that I can sell it. I don't want to just dump it as I've got no money. Which brings me to my next point, when I gave up I had run out of ammo for the guns I had, plus I'm too weak to do hand-to-hand effectively so I need to buy ammo but I got no cash.

I tried concentrating on one side mission, so a woman I met in the bar or motel (the same place you meet the whore, the ghoul and the guy who wants to blow up Megaton) sent me off on a quest to deliver a letter to some people. I got absolutely destroyed about halfway there and ran out of ammo.

Some guy in Megaton I was bribing and he told me to meet him by the water treatment plant and he never showed up.

I tried finding Moira that Riva recommended, and couldn't find him, or if I did find him (the Irish guy?) he never offered any missions.

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Selling stuff is easy, just go to the Craterside supply in Megaton and sell it to Moira in there (She has a quest too). Instead of selecting their items, just select yours and yo can sell them. She usually has some ammo to buy. If you want a proper gun shop, I recommend Rivet City (you have to go there pretty early in the game). It's in the south eastern corner of the map. A big ship.

If you're trying to go to Arefu (I think you are) just buy some stimpaks just in case, and don't get into fights - try to run away. Gain a few levels first before going all gun ho.

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It is a bit of a knightmare early on, but theres a few things to do around megaton that can earn you some exp. First, talk to the old guy in the water treatment plant, he gets you to do some stuff around town for him and offers to buy stuff off you. Fix the bomb, you get a house out of it to store things, also i think a machine gun.

Moira is a woman with a stupid voice, some of her quests are easy enough and dont really involve any fighting, others need you to go to places, these obviously involve fighting to get there and usually fighting your way through.

If you're carrying multiple items, repair the strogest one with the weakest one (unless its later on when you sell individual items regardless of condition). Repairs mean you carry less stuff and what you're using will be more effective

My advice, against my mates wishes who's played this to death, is to carry round some sort of big stick weapon, it saves on bullits and can be pretty effective. Also avoid Greyditch for a while, theres a long multi tier quest there, but it's hard and eats ammo and health.

Some guy in Megaton I was bribing and he told me to meet him by the water treatment plant and he never showed up.

If its who i think it is, he's inside. I might even have had to break in

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Much for the same reason that I bought it in the first place (needing something to sink my teeth into on the big screen) I want to give this another chance, but here's what pissed me off and if anyone can help me out then that would be lovely. :)

I keep picking up all this shit which is slowing me down but I haven't found anywhere that I can sell it. I don't want to just dump it as I've got no money. Which brings me to my next point, when I gave up I had run out of ammo for the guns I had, plus I'm too weak to do hand-to-hand effectively so I need to buy ammo but I got no cash.

I tried concentrating on one side mission, so a woman I met in the bar or motel (the same place you meet the whore, the ghoul and the guy who wants to blow up Megaton) sent me off on a quest to deliver a letter to some people. I got absolutely destroyed about halfway there and ran out of ammo.

Some guy in Megaton I was bribing and he told me to meet him by the water treatment plant and he never showed up.

I tried finding Moira that Riva recommended, and couldn't find him, or if I did find him (the Irish guy?) he never offered any missions.

You're trying to get to Areyfu, theres a school and a couple of Raider encampments along the way which is probably why you're dying? I think there's also some Mulucks (or whatever) around there too. I stuck to the cliff wall as much as I could around there when I first went that way, the place you're looking for is on a bridge but on the way there you should find Vault 106 which will give a bit of exp.

Every single location you find will give you some exp so do as much exploring as you can

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it's worth early on dropping the difficulty a bit, you get less exp but you can still level fairly quickly, and everything is much easier to kill, when you've levelled up a bit, then just up the difficulty and it'll be loads better

and hire jericho if you're playing as an evilly, he's awesome, and damn useful

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I love this game. Still keep going back to it as there is LOADS I haven't done. The dog is starting to annoy me though. You should have a command to send the dog to attack who you want. I was busy lobbing grenades at a super mutant then all of a sudden "Dogmeat has died". I finished my killing, walked up the stairs to the body and bloomin eck! Dog meat had been attacking him too!!

Not seen a GIANT super mutant yet. I was a little disappointed at the ending and stuff but there is plenty to keep me playing the game.

Wiivo sold his copy. Pfft...


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started this on wednesday, could not put it down its fucking brilliant. 1000/1000g already! such a rich, gorgeous, dangerous, enchanting world bethesda have created from the already brilliant source material. V.A.T.S. was immensely fun, i wasnt sure i was going to enjoy that

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Nice rounding down to the game as well I thought. I went fully science stats and so managed to trick the enemy super smart computer into destroying itself and the base, which is just an incredible possibility to include in a game.

I remember being really sceptical about the game in the initial stages but like you say Topgun, everything just works.

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started this on wednesday, could not put it down its fucking brilliant. 1000/1000g already! such a rich, gorgeous, dangerous, enchanting world bethesda have created from the already brilliant source material. V.A.T.S. was immensely fun, i wasnt sure i was going to enjoy that

Tranquility Lane is a fave bit - reminds me somewhat of Pleasantville. It reminds me of bringing in an element of the surreal that I haven't seen in a game since Shadow Of Memories. Its nice standing on the top your balcony in Telpenny Tower looking out far over the horizon - you can see for miles! I've recently explored (& Looted) the abandoned robot factory & an old Power station.

I remember feeling unsure about VATS but its proven much more satisfying in practice than simply watching it on trailers - guns & ammo feel plentiful - shotguns in particular have a real weightyness & punch about them.

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i remember seeing vats in action in a video and thinking HOW MANY FUCKING HEADSHOTS (does it take to kill one guy).. but i think the video had been set up to make it look more worse than it is, for comedy or naysaying purposes. most decent weapons will one bomb humans heads right off if theyre not heavily armoured, and fuck it it looks amazing to watch a bullet fly cinematically through somes head taking it off as it goes through their skull, or watching your character sneer psychotically as he fires the finishing few assault rifle rounds into his unprepared victim. its just fun fun fun

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I love the mysterious stranger perk, a guy in a big hat and mac randomly turns up in VATS and some wild western music plays while he shoots the shit out of everything in sight, a little bit like 'Odin' in the final fantasy 8 game.

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started this on wednesday, could not put it down its fucking brilliant. 1000/1000g already! such a rich, gorgeous, dangerous, enchanting world bethesda have created from the already brilliant source material. V.A.T.S. was immensely fun, i wasnt sure i was going to enjoy that

I noticed you playing this the other day and you were level 2, a couple of days later I boot up the 360 and look who's online and see you're a level 20 character! Fair play to ya, you crazy bastard.

I'm seriously thinking about starting from scratch with a totally different character type, but can't remember which one I rolled with originally. Any advice of what's the most fun to play as? Does it even make much difference?

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