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  • 2 months later...

I've played through Hero of Many recently, it's one of those games where you wonder if reviewers got a different version to you because apparently it's short and too easy, neither of which were my experience with the game.

It's a 2d adventure game, not quite metroidvania but not far off. You play as an orb and collect fish (they look like sperm look like an egg) to fight for you as you float through the game. Along the way you pick up moves, nothing complicated as everything is touch based, but you can swipe to send your horde dashing towards an enemy, open doors, call things towards you, and eventually cause an explosion.

The game starts simply enough, try to avoid fights unless you have the upper hand, but you have to solve puzzles in your environment, move rocks, trigger events, find ways around. They're simple enough usually but the game gives you no guidance, if you can't figure it out Hero of Many isn't going to solve it for you.

There's also fights against creatures much larger than you, here it's hard to know if you're supposed to run or stand and fight. Solving how to beat these larger monsters, and being able to pull it off with the touch controls and character inertia is another matter.

But it's great, you feel like you've achieved something when you do beat an area, there is a tension to certain parts of the game. It looks great too, almost Limbo - style, but at the same time the look is used to contrast your side against the other fish, the other horde.

The biggest compliment I can pay Hero of Many is that if they sorted out some of the music cues and added analogue controls, I don't think it would be out of place on a console download service

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Level-5's next major RPG is called WonderFlick and it's for iOS devices. Reminds me a bit of a more free roaming Dragon Quest Swords. Hopefully this gets an Xbox branded WP8 release too, but won't be holding my breath.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/VvwIV8iDkL0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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  • 3 weeks later...

Essential that one.

I've been playing a few iOS games recently.

Pocket Miner is a free-to-play bottomless hole - like an endless runner but you dig down.

Angry Birds Go! which is a karting game. Hardly original but very well made, aside from the free-to-play aspects such as your characters getting tired before you can race again.

Device 6 is the latest game from the developers of Year Walk and is an adventure puzzle game, lots of text to read and turning the phone/tablet around in different directions as you read the text that changes orientation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone played The Room?

After seeing it loads on Google Play I finally decided to give in and shell out the 2 quid. It's not the longest game, probably only a few hours long, and nothing in the way of replayability, but the way it's presented MORE than makes up for that in my eyes. It's one of those puzzle games where you have to manipulate the environment to get to the next puzzle until the game is finished.

Several different puzzles lead into the next level and it all revolves around opening up a box, which leads to another box, which leads to another box and so on.

It was a lot of fun while it lasted and now I REALLY want them to hurry up and port the sequel across from iOS.

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  • 1 month later...

I picked up Game Dev Story over Christmas, really wasn't expecting much as I didn't really get the demo. Now I've had some time with it though I agree, it is essential. What a genius game :)

I started gds again a few weeks back and had to delete it as I spent 5 hours playing it in one sitting.

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iOS users (if we still have any other than me) - download Threes. No IAP's, stupidly addictive number block puzzler.

Also the number blocks are adorable.

Not that I'm saying it's a bad game, I haven't played it, but I'm pretty sure the guy that makes this works out of the same office as Patrick Klepeck. The amount of press people I've seen /heard talk about it, I don't know, there's just something off about this being the game they all rally around
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Not that I'm saying it's a bad game, I haven't played it, but I'm pretty sure the guy that makes this works out of the same office as Patrick Klepeck. The amount of press people I've seen /heard talk about it, I don't know, there's just something off about this being the game they all rally around

The developers behind it have pedigree. Between them they've worked on Hundreds, PB Winterbottom, and Ridiculous Fishing. I imagine the people who cover these kind of games are going to pay attention to something new from them.

I've looked it up, and I don't think it's my thing.

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