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Grand Theft Auto IV


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But yeah... i feelt left out when i turned my box on last night and all eleven of the people in my friends list were playing GTA.... and then Illdog came on and was playing Simpsons which made me feel better.

The Downside:

I have a copy of the game... its sitting here in my drawer at work waiting for me..... but i have forbidden myself to play it till the end of may when the project i am working on wraps up otherwise i know i will just stay up all night playing and tire myself out.... and it hurts :-(

The Upside:

Gonna take a week off as soon as i'm finished JUST to play the game :-)... by which time everyone will have probably realised its crap and be playing COD4 again.

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I've not done many of the missions yet - I spent a bit of time just wandering, but all I seem to have done so far is be a taxi driver <_<

The sixaxis controls are horrible - the helicopter is impossible to control

I turned it off last night after a mission where I had to

go for a drink with Roman and get pissed. It was so funny us both trying to walk home and then drive a car. I caused a massive pile up with the police and ambulances everywhere, Roman got inujured and then I ran over a paramedic so I thought I best turn it off.

So far so good :)

The phone is handy too

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I feel so left out.

It's pathetic, but I feel like I need this game. I need therapy.

*Hugs David*

Don't worry mr Games!!! you're not alone. And if you're really lucky i'll be joing you in the The World Ends With You thread.

One thing though Dave, can I call you Dave? Can you stop licking my neck, otherwise I'll end this mighty hug

*runs to join hug*

I dont have it either! *cries joy tears*

And once my The World Ends With You arrives i'll play that.

I've finally got my bank card back so i'm going to get the world ends with you today as well, lets start the anti-gta group over in TWEWY thread.

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Guess what! My PS3 copy slipped through the letterbox yesterday - only a day earlier Littlewoods said it wouldn't arrive till May 3rd!

First impressions: my PS3 version looks awesome - even on my standard widescreen TV. The controls are taking some getting used to but the realism & attention to detail are breathtaking. There are some frame rate issues here & there and some games have been reportedly freezing (although mine is absolutley fine) & installed on my 40gb model. Theres clearly lots to experience and although the PS3 has online multiplayer, I won't be taking advantage of it.

Its difficult to say any more really other that that R* have clearly crafted an awesome universe to have fun in.

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I am having so much fun on the single player... i want to try out the multiplayer cos gta multi is gonna be wierd! My Live subscription ran out on sunday (my internet got connected on the saturday - d'oh!) so for the time being im just gonna use 48 hour trials and stuff, although i did get a month trial with gta :D

Thats gonna be my mission for tomorrow i think

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As luck would have it, a solution has presented itself (kind of).

A mate of mine (Shin also knows him) rang me up last night and told me not to buy GTA IV as he'll be getting it for me as a belated birthday present. However, the poor deluded soul thought that he could just wander into a shop and pick up a copy.

Oh well, gives me more time to plough through Dead Rising.

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A lot hinges on the multi, if this turns out to be up there with Halo 3, or especially CoD 4 as a keeper, then I'll be well up for it, but if the multi is poo I'll just be wasting my money.

played some multiplayer last night and it's a bit hit and miss, i doubt it's going to chalange halo/cod in the long run but it's not pants, it was good fun in a similar way to crackdown - it's just good fun messing around with your mates. matchmaking didn't seem to be working that well but it's early days i guess.

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when i was in gamestation earlier i was asking one of the many generic emo staff that work there (no offense to any generic emos that work in gamestation) about gta selling out, there getting in more stock in at the end of the week. If you own a ps3 they had plenty of copies left...In the 15 or so minuets i was in there,at least 10 people came in asking if they had any left. they must have been sick of it by closing time.

I can;t understand where there are so few copies available. Its not like its a piece of hardware, its a dvd for fucks sake. Why hadn't they made another few million copies, its not like they didn't expect the demand. This trend of generating false hype is worse than the casual gamers spoiling things of the rest of us :unsure:

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They are blaming it on the worldwide release everyone got it on the same day time etc... so thats why we have the shortage, im with some of you guys on here, i haven't got it yet when i checked my bank account tuesday and found out i have cash for just food and thats it till pay day may 16th!! damn!! but there is a Tesco with my copy behind the desk just sat there waiting for me, wont say which tesco as dont want you lot pretending to be me to get my copy!

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I got this for my xbox 360 (yes I finally got one) yesterday morning.

Start driving around, hit a wall at top speed and I'm projected out of the car over the wall and end up in hospital. Smash another car and instead of it blowing up it stops working.

I love GTA always have but I never believed this one'd turn out so good :P and it is slightly harder than the older games(they were too easy).

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I got this for my xbox 360 (yes I finally got one) yesterday morning.

Start driving around, hit a wall at top speed and I'm projected out of the car over the wall and end up in hospital. Smash another car and instead of it blowing up it stops working.

I love GTA always have but I never believed this one'd turn out so good :P and it is slightly harder than the older games(they were too easy).

:lol: Don't you find Niko moves like he's walking through treacle - and trying to run up or downstairs makes it feel like he's twisting his ankles - and theres no sense of speed. On the upside its the detail I'm awestruck by - activities like Darts & Bowling are genuinely enjoyable and mixing it with socialising give it a sense of purpose - you really do care about winning too. This also extends to the carnage - you really do feel bad about knocking someone over - especially as Niko has probably more charm than any past GTA lead to date.

I couldn't stop playing it last night - even going for a stroll down the Promenade near Niko's hideout was an absolute joy and the sunsets are so relaxing - oh, I felt like a bit of Bowling so hooked up with Michelle (the only woman in my life :lol: ) and she beat me!! You can actually make it across to the next closed island - but be prepared for an exciting & frantic police persuit! :lol: - no kidding - it was like a scene from Speed as I stole a City Bus and they chased me down at every level until I eventually lopped into the river trying to get back across......!

This is easily the best game on every system its on and I'm becoming more in love with it far more than I could have ever originally imagined - and thats me as a single player!

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Had some great fun in multiplayer last night with Hinn and Sam and someone else whom I forgot, sorry!

All 4 of us getting in a helicopter, going for a fly over Liberty City then 3watching as one of us falls out of the chopper, that's the stuff this game is full of.

Those special individual moments that aren't that special in a typically gamey way, but actually transcend normal games almost.

Not since Mario Galaxy has a game been so deserving of it's hype, sure, there are problems here, but sod them, the fact that you are playing in the most real and alive world ever created in a game is enough for me cheers.

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My copy arrived by carrier pigeon today (actually that's a lie, my mate picked it up from Argos) so I look forward to getting thoroughly bored/enjoying it/wanking incessantly like everyone else.*

*Delete as appropriate.

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