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MFGamers Podcast (archive)


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It would've made more sense, possibly, if the rest had been left in, but it all got wiped.

Feedback noted though, we'll stick to the usual style for the next one, well, the next one I'll be on as it's up to the others what they do while I take a break.

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Yeah, your and Bens bit was the only cohesive bit because you were not jumping back and forth for those bits. Also, I'm not an achievement whore you crazy guys, if I play a game I like iIgo for them, but I wouldn't dream of buying shit just to bulk out something that means nothing. :P

On another note, how come a podcast as long as giantbomb doesn't have chapters? It's like 2 hours plus. I swear some people don't think when they are making something for others consumption.

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I was gonna send out PM's to a few people, but here we go.

Could do with some more music tracks put forward from pretty much everyone, though two people have given me loads for the time being, they should know who they are.

Though anyone who feels inspired should send me tracks as I'm working well in advance on the music ones.


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MFGamers Podcast 27 - Music From Games vol.11

Tunes chosen by Badger McCornish, Ben, Craymen Edge, Cyberpunk, DifferentClass, Hendo, JimboXiii, RetroEd, Sly Reflex and wiivo.

Theme music courtesy of Brad Sucks found at http://www.bradsucks.net

MFGamers Podcast 27 - Music From Games vol.11 (Enhanced version)

MFGamers Podcast 27 - Music From Games vol.11 (Standard version)

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That out take at the end was great. Some good songs this week too. On Hendo's choice, you could pretty much put any Sonic tune in there, they are all really high quality. My favourites are Starlight Zone and Chemical Zone. The invincible tune as really good as well, I'm saddened when you pick up the invincible item and you get other music in later games, it's just not the same.

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Going to have to disagree with you on JSRF. I loved Jet Set Radio on the Dreamcast, but think Future improves on it in nearly every way. It changed from a very defined time attack challenge where you must find the optimum route, and execute it perfectly while avoiding cops... To a much more wide open game with huge areas to explore, Tags to place, races to run and hidden Graffiti Souls to puzzle your way to reaching. Removing the time limit was a huge improvement in my eyes.

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Yeah, JSRF was way better than JSR, the only bit I missed was the way you used the spray cans as pulling the RT wasn't as involved. Saying that, I have no idea how the hell you would do some of them in JSRF given that your flying past them so fast that they seem to be reactionary tags, like the ones where you have to jump past them from a grind. Removing the time limit was a one of the best things they did, as it just let you play in the areas. The areas in JSR were not as explorable as you were always been constricted by the time limit.

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JSRF is generally the better game but the style of the first I preferred. Also when you sprayed the cockpit of a chopper you could see it spin and crash into the ground or a building on JSR but they changed it on the sequel, they would just blow up where they stood, lame Xbox.

Fail with Resi knowledge, the peace played is Moonlight Sonata and the reason it sounds all shit is its because if you play as Chris you come to the piano and you need to play Moonlight Sonata to open a door, Chris is a fudge fingered tit who can't play the piano and when he tries that is the noise that comes out.

Good work with the Okami track too, I ashamed to admit that even though I have played alot of Okami I must have totally ignored the soundtrack because that was awesome and I can't really recall it.

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I disagree with all of you on JSRF, for me they took the gameplay out of it, and it was too vast to start out. I probably dont hate it as much as I've convinced myself i do, it's just I was so disappointed with it. I did like the track though

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not finished listening to the podcast but so far liked the persona and jsrf tracks :)

just wanted to chip in on the jsr thing, i really liked both of them, but liked the first one a little more, can't recall why though, might have been the scoring thing, i liked going back to beat my high scores on the first one (and i definitely played the dc one a lot more), did they take the scoring out of the xbox one because of lack of a time limit? i can't remember so may have completely made that up, sorry.

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Not finished it yet, but I love this one so far. All music in Space Channel 5 is brilliant and I especially love that track that was chosen. It made me want to walk like Ulala - not a good idea through the middle of Sheffield. I love the game and I do agree with you Ben - the timing is slightly off - especially with the shoot button.

Sonic is classic music and I was wondering while it was playing what was missing from it and then I think Hendo said the ring collection chime and he was spot on. A few jump sounds and TVs popping would have completed it.

Liked the JSF track - never played the Xbox version but I did play the DC version quite a bit.

Other than that - hated the PoP track and was pretty ambivalent about the Persona and Resi one.

I might even contribute a track at some point - now I see the blatant Sega fanboyishness going on :)

I want my Dreamcast out as well.

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Yep, send in as many as you want. :)

I forgot to mention that I really liked the Godsmack riff. I was testing out the finished podcast while playing Battlefield and I shot a plane out of the sky and it hit the ground right near me just as the track kicked in which was perfect. :D

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I forgot to post after I'd listened to this on Monday. I've forgotten a few that were played, but stand outs were Green Hill Zone which is just timeless and always takes me back (I play it at least once a year, too), and the war one from Cannon Fodder. It's super catchy, and has a quality video too (see below). I didn't like the opener that much, but enjoyed Ben's finisher.

I completely forgot I asked for that Super Mario Galaxy track! It was great to hear it though. One of, it not the, best tracks in Galaxy. :)

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Good work, very well edited there Mr Jeffries. :)

It made me go "hmmm" when Ben mentioned the thing he liked about Shatter with the leaderboard, because if you hooked your 360 up online more, you'd see most of the games doing the same thing, which is why Live is enjoyed so much.

Speaking of which, I'm above illdog on Splosion Man, how'd you like them apples?

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If the 360 was wireless it'd be hooked up all the time, I can't justify running 2 wires up the stairs for the off chance I'm playing something with a leaderboard. I knew plenty of 360 games did it, I didn't really make that clear I guess, but more games should do it on psn.

I'm only about halfway through the podcast, but a good job of editing mr Wiivo. Hendo would have been more ruthless, but he also would have taken another week off had he had to deal with illdogs wandering volume levels :P

Edit: Anyone elses skipping a bit?

And by way of explanation, illdog was having problems with his mic, it'd just randomly disconnect every so often

Another Edit: Quick apology regarding what the forums been playing. We were pressed for time with all the problems we had, so had to race through what was posted. Also we recorded on Thursday, which was before the recent burst of posts in there. They'll all go in next weeks cast I'd imagine

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Nice work n00bs. It didn't skip, just Illdog's mic having a mind of its own with the volume.

I don't know if there was too much rambling or not, I maybe got bored because the chat was about games I don't have alot of interest in. The little soundbites were a nice touch. Seems like it'll be okay when Hendo wants a hoiday.

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