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Halo 3


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I really feel like I should pick Halo 3 back up again in light of all the extra free maps since I played last....that and the fact that I hardly ever get to play on any new maps on call of duty because the host just leaves whenever there is a game he/she doesnt want to play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just trying to get the most out of my day of a stable net connection before it dies around 8 tonight, so I booted up this and had a miserable time of it. :(

I can't control it for shit and I keep clicking in the right-stick by accident when in a fire-fight. Then I left the normal match and went into a rocket race as that's always fun, but my team mate was a cock who refused to play the game properly just because I was such a low level rank.

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Cant control it? Whats that, too much COD4? I only ever play deathmatch to be honest but i almost always dig it.

I remember totally kicking illdogs ass at this, thats why he didnt go on to Call of Duty 4.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Cant control it? Whats that, too much COD4?

It would make sense, but I don't click in the right-stick all the time in CoD4 (it's for knife).

I swapped it so that the melee attack is on the right click. I can't snipe for shit, so it is a good trade off for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i've got so used to the cod4 controls that i have problems with most other shooters now,in r6 vegas 2 i keep pushing b to crouch and end up throwing grenades at myself all the time

Ahhhh Pickled i know what u mean...

Although for some reason Vegas2 uses the weirdest controlls compared to other shooters... it always throws me when i get back into it.


Also... had pretty much given up on Halo3 to be honest.... got close to selling it, but i was playing with a mate over the weekend and then we joined Spatulars game with a bunch of his friends, who clearly know what they are doing in the game and kicked some ass and it was great fun and reminded me of why i loved the game way back when.

I think like lots of multiplayer games its much better when you are (winning) with a big group of people that you can communicate with as opposed to some random twerps who TK you and stuff.

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Anyone else here that used to play Halo 2 and now dispointed by the lack of online match options? The maps also are poor in comparison. Not many are included, most you have to pay for and it takes an age to download them.


Absolutely with you wiivo on those thoughts.

I personally think ALL the halo2 multiplayer maps were way better than the halo3 ones.... and the fact tha tthey left out classics like blood gultch or whatever its called in halo 2... the massive outdoor one with two bases either side....is insulting.

I keep wishing that they would just release all the halo3 maps as a DLC.....

Also the whole FORGE make your own maps thing is great.... but also fails at the same time.

I have NEVER played a custom map ONCE unless its with someone i know and we made it.

There should be a custom map playlist... where the top ten ranked home made maps for example get played....

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Personally, I would like to see a big change in the big team games. There should be an option to play just slayer, and another option for flag capture and maybe big versions of grifball and team rocket race. Some oddball wouldn't go amiss either. They should sort out the veto system too, I shouldn't have to play a flag game after vetoing a flag game. It happens all the time. It goes from team snipers to shotty snipers. I find that pretty annoying.

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edit - agree with this ^ on vetoing, it's silly when you veto vip cause it's crap and it just gives you the same game on a different map, or even worse, one sided vip :(

I think like lots of multiplayer games its much better when you are (winning) with a big group of people that you can communicate with as opposed to some random twerps who TK you and stuff.

completely agree with that, it's much better in a team.

good games when you joined the other night, it doesn't always go that well! and sorry i missed your message before, i'm rubbish, always missing messages.

i think halo 3 is better than halo 2, overall it just works better, the gametypes (bomb and terratories especially) are better, i like most of the maps better, do miss headlong though.

edit - didn't really explain why it's better and still aren't really going to but the shotguns work better, the beatdowns work better, your not as screwed when you spawn, for the maps, they have zanzibar and lockout in halo 3, valhalla is better than it's halo 2 equivalent, guardian is ace, as are standoff, the pit and avalanche, don't really like epitaph or snowbound mind.

also regarding the forge maps if you play the mlg playlist there's a really cool flag gametype on a custom foundry map. also there are some good mongoose race tracks out there.

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Ah ok ill try the MLG stuff then.

Still wish there was a customs playlist though... with loads of crazy gametypes too.

I agree with you though Spatular on the mechanics of Halo3.... everything about it IS better... i just think the maps in halo 2 were more memorable. That said there are some GREAT maps in Halo3 to.

Will try jump in your game again next time i see you online.

Hope they release some more DLC soon too.

Halo 3 does have one HUUUUGE advantage over pretty much EVERY other game out there at the moment and that is their playlist system.

This is all controlled by bungie at server side....so they can litterally change the entire way the game plays at any point, add new game types and so on so it is always evolving.

Such a good idea and hopefully more will follow.

It still upsets me when you take a potentially awesom game like Unreal Tournament.... and they FAIL big time to include matchmaking and other stuff... i mean COME ON!!! There is NO excuse anymore not to use this technology.

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  • 1 month later...

New achievements are GO. 10 achievements, 250 GP and a new rating system.


Just to recap:

Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch (0 points) – Get to the rank of Lieutenant in any playlist in the new EXP progression system.

Vidmaster Challenge: 7 on 7 (0 points) – Enter into any ranked or social playlist with 7 EXP on the 7th of the month.

Vidmaster Challenge: Annual (0 points) – After 9/25/08, complete Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts.

Double Double (25 points) – On a Legendary map, get two Double Kills during any ranked or social match.

Poor Yorick (25 points) – On a Legendary map, get 3 Oddball melee kills during any ranked or social match.

Came…From…Behind (50 points) – On a Legendary map, get 3 assassinations during any ranked or social match.

Defend This (50 points) – On a Legendary map, get a flag melee kill during any ranked or social match.

Flag Dropped (25 points) – On a Legendary map, get 2 flag carrier kills during any ranked or social match.

Road Rage (25 points) – On a Legendary map, get 5 Warthog chaingun kills during any ranked or social match.

Look Both Ways (50 points) – On a Legendary map, get a Splatter Spree during any ranked or social match.


I just noticed the official Halo 3 score is now 1750. The rumours were true.

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yup yup, was on halo at 4 in the morning to see if i could finish any old ones, cudnt get that triple kill with a sword, bah!

Theres an extra 30 achievements, and theyre not very good... They got some with 0 points, and alot of them are for people with legendary maps.

Theres one for doing legendery 4 player co-op, iron skull on, and in ghosts(?!) I dont get the last bit, but you guys going through it again :P

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i just don't "get" halo multi player. I was trying again the other night and i find its a hard beast to tame. It seems to be very cliquey and tough to get into. Stupid game

I disagree. Ive always found it easy to pick up and play online - and im not a huge fan of playing against randoms. There's no 'clique' in Lone Wolves, thats my favorite playlist. Dont even need a mic, just kick ass. Whats to 'get'?

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i just don't "get" halo multi player. I was trying again the other night and i find its a hard beast to tame. It seems to be very cliquey and tough to get into. Stupid game

i think it can be hard to get into, it's like paper sissors, stone with the guns, they each have their uses, if you're shooting someone accross the map with the assault rifle you might as well throw a paper plane at them or something (pick up a battle rifle asap, but don't use it for really close range stuff), so knowing stuff like that helps a lot, then in the team games again knowing where the teratories, flag/bomb spots are and the map layouts helps. (i still don't know my way round epitaph :blush:) but like illdog says i guess lone wolves should be easier to get into as theres less to worry about, just shoot everyone, no need to talk. although personally i don't like lone wolves. love the team games though they can be cliquey - if you don't talk its a detriment to the team and can anoy people, although with some of the mentalists on xbox live i can understand why some people don't want to talk (edit- its a good idea to set the chat to team and party only so you only have to hear the idiots on your own team).

with the update today came a sort of stats reset, you keep your overall rank but now each playlist has its own rank/emblem - i've not explained this very well though.

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Yea, basically you are ranked in individual playlists. So Lone Wolves, Team Slayer, Team Objective and so on all have their own experience points and titles. For example, under the new structure, overall im a General. But on Lone Wolves im only a Private. As i rank up in Lone Wolves not only will my Lone Wolves title goes up but so will my overall title.

I played Lone Wolves for a bit last night, got myself right back into Halo online. Was absolutely terrible at first but once i remebered stuff I started to get better, did my usual trick of flying into the lead for the first few minutes then choking and eding up fourth.


I see some people on the MGC Halo 3 leaderboards have 1750/1750. Not bad for a load of achievements not out yet.

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