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  1. & done. Thank God for that. It did have moments of greatness. About 2/3rds through it had a couple of much more focused linear levels & not long after an extended climbing and platforming section in and around a temple. I really enjoyed these parts. The 2 linear levels were particularly impressive Uncharted lite experiences. More of that instead of all the stealthing, generic open world shite, tedious getting about (especially in the 3rd area) and bad boss battles. I would have loved this. AV wise it stayed consistently brilliant throughout & the cut scenes were really entertaining. But mainly it was just a fucking slog to get through. Don’t know why I did to be honest. Just felt I had to for some reason. 6/10 Hope the success of this doesn’t stop them making Wolfenstein 3. I fucking adored the last 2. I’d be gutted if they didn’t finish it off.
  2. Done! 168 hours. Started this on launch day and put off playing anything else until I finished it, so that’s about a year and half playing only one game, on and off. Overall, I’d give it 8/10. Which is being generous, as the ending is terrible and the game deserves to lose a point for how bad the last few hours are. I would say Act 1 is the most fun, Act 2 is the most interesting, and Act 3 is when they just said fuck it and threw the kitchen sink at you. I think the game hurts itself by trying too hard to match the scale of an epic fantasy novel - it works in a book because you can turn the pages quickly, it doesn’t work in a game when you have to act out every small little thing and the game plays at a snail’s pace. Fundamentally, the game is solid. But Larian’s games have been solid since Original Sin 1, and it’s disappointing to see how ambition over-ran common sense here. Should a game be this long and have this much content? No, in my opinion. Is the pay off worth it? No. I had no emotional investment in this game or its story, which is absolutely necessary for a game this long. I might make another post talking about ways they could (and should) improve their next game, or how they could have improved this one, but one area they really need to look at is storytelling and characters. I would like to go back and finish Original Sin 2 someday, and compare them properly. I would say what I played of Original Sin 2 (60 hours or so) is better than this.
  3. Yes that was fucking infuriating, I had no idea what the shit they were saying. Some shit about the bible and a blackcurrant patch or something. I was reading that apparently nearly every film adaptation only adapts the first half of the book, which is crazy to me. Surely they must all miss the point of the story then, and how vindictive Heathcliff becomes. Was gonna watch the Lawrence Olivier one but not bothered by it now. The director of Saltburn is making a film of it next I think.
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  4. I think I know exactly where you mean and it’s where you have to find the exit after completing the big boat in the cave I’ve played the game 3 times and struggled to find the exit every time That might just be a very specific bad bit of game design
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  5. Don't know about that. I had an almost old school TR moment last session, getting almost hopelessly lost in the underworld after tackling a difficult tomb based around a Spanish Galleon. Just about scraped out of there. Of course getting lost used to be the norm back in the early years (and even first reboot) of tomb raider.
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  6. Saw this & made me think of your post. So true.
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  7. I haven’t encountered any scripting bugs, at least none that stick out in my mind. The pacing is definitely bizarre. It’s not just a Larian issue but it is an issue with all of their games, a complete lack of forward momentum. The game basically starts again in each act, so you basically have to finish three (full size) games to finish one. Yeah I reached the level cap very early in Act 3 (if memory serves) and played the majority of Act 3 at the same level. I wouldn’t say it hinders the game massively and I can see why they did it (I’m assuming so that Act 3 is relatively balanced for everyone). I played the game on normal difficulty (I think it’s called Balanced) and I think the combat had the right level of challenge and fun for the majority of the game, until a certain point in Act 3 at which point your party becomes too strong for everything.
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  8. This is a mixture of the Steam winter sale and CD Keys bargains. Should keep me busy on the Steam Deck for a while. 👀
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