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Final Fantasy X / X-2


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I've only maxed out levels once in an RPG before: FF7. Even maxed out all the stats at 255 too. Suffice to say the game clock stopped at 99.99, long before my playthrough did?. Oddly enough I didn't really bother going that high in FF X. If you max out the Sphere Grid you don't really have to level grind. That and FF8 taught me the dangers in playing the same way in every game.

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As a present to myself I decided to disregard the final piano puzzle in the endgame and try to kill my nemesis, Azi Dahaka - the guardian of Vegnagun, demon of the farplane, keeper of the cheapo wipe.


You'll be glad to hear that the beast has fallen beneath my bloody blades. Finishing all the quests and the mad run to get Ultima, which was a waste of time btw, raised my level enough to take him down, although it still took 2 attempts.


From what I've read on the interwebs from those who managed the deed Azi Dahaka makes the final boss look like a new born chokobo, so hopefully I'll be closing this out tonight.



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Reminds me of Blue Dragon, the only JRPG I ever bothered doing any kind of optional stuff. When I finally arrived at the final story boss, I killed him before he managed to take action.


JRPG balance can be weird. 

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Its fine, when they tie in to their own universe. FF 4 & The After Years, FF 12 & Revenant Wings etc etc But "FF2" isn't even the same world as "FF9", so trying to cross reference them reeks of a cash-in. That kind of thing irked me with X-2 and with Crisis Core, to a lesser degree.

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Another one done and dusted ?


As suspected, thru my determination to gain revenge on the abominable Azi Dahaka, the final story boss was no more than a minor inconvenience. I didn't even need yuna in her white mage gear. Two mega potions got me thru the whole show. I deserved it though. Azi Dahaka was frankly the fitting final boss for the whole saga, and easily the hardest thing in my whole FF run so far.


Been a great little adventure I'd say, and the fast paced X-2 went a long way in redeeming the main game, which pissed me off a bit with all the hidden content. I understand the process now tho, and if I ever play them again I'll make sure I check a guide to see where the hidden goodies are - like the two aeons I missed in 10. That really pissed me off!


Anyway, a short break, then on to 9. 


And let's not kid ourselves. I'll probably end up playing 8 too, and 13 if it ever comes to the Switch.

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Congrats! It took me two attempts to finish X-2 at a cousin's house years back. Like RE 4 it was a game I tapped out of and came back to later.


Wasn't 13 a PS exclusive though? ? 


FF 8 is different to what you've experienced so far. @Nag and @one-armed dwarf sing its praises but, just be aware, it doesn't play like the others and you'll be fine.


Anyway, FF12: Revenant Wings was alright, if memory serves. Technically a prequel, but if you liked FF 12 and want to see a bit more of it, you will have to track down a DS to play it.



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VIII is actually super open though, it's why I think it holds up. You can roam around cities for ages collecting spells and cards.


XII and XV are the only ones more open than VIII imo.


I like XIII at chapter X and on, but it felt like work until then. Which is why I can't really replay it.

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FF 2 was considered the first 'black sheep' of the main series. If you ever play it, you'll know why in the first 30 minutes. That torch then passed to FF 8. Now, I don't think anything will take that crown from 13, unless it is an extreme departure. Not to say they are bad games,  just divisive. Square normally doesn't drop the ball too heavily on the mainline titles. Only the spin offs.

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