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I gave up after the first boss on my initial game through, as it was doing nothing for me. 
I tried again, and made it to the second boss. Which killed me over and over again. Getting hit 3 times and dying just wasn’t fun. I eventually managed to beat it. But by that stage, I was so fucked off with it, that I don’t want to play it ever again.

I just don’t get this game. It’s not fun to play at all.

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I think it’s fun to play, the mechanics and stuff feel good and responsive and empowering, it more just outstays it’s welcome. The gameplay is entirely combat and that would be fine but it never really evolves into something more than what it already is in it’s opening 2 hours. It expands, for sure, because you get new powers. But the combination of weaken them by throwing stuff and finish them by shooting never really changes. It is still solid enough to support the game once, but even by the end of one playthrough it starts to get tired.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nvidia released an update to their DLSS tech in their latest drivers. DLSS is their AI deep learning algorithm for reconstructing images. I actually don't really know what those words I typed mean, but it has something to do with the tech they use to upscale an image from a lower resolution to a higher one. Or how they 'reconstruct' it, so think of something like checkerboarding in PS4 Pro but way more sophisticated.


Anyway on my RTX 2060 it's now possible to run this game maxed out at '1080p' with all ray tracing settings set to full. Generally speaking it is hard to see the difference between DLSS off and on, it does a pretty good job now of 'tricking' you into thinking its native. There are parts however where you can see the image corruption a little, signs and text on posters can still look sort of bad. If there's light shining on a carpet or a door with a weird surface it can look very noisy and it will be obvious it's being reconstructed. But for the most part this is a very nice compromise.


Interesting to think that the next gen consoles will be so powerful they might that they might use stuff like this to have ray tracing at super high resolutions and high framerates.


This image is reconstructed from 720p. From a distance it looks fine but look closely and you can see some weird stuff (like her hair). At a higher resolution it would hide the discrepancies a lot better


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've bought the dlc for this (The Foundation), it's set in an area you sort of touch on in the main game. they give you a couple of new powers, nothing  particularly amazing, and certainly not something you're going to be taking back in to the main game. they do open up the skill tree a little, mostly it's just an extra level to everything, but they've added a move where you can rush people with your shield, I've not had chance to use it yet though.


Gameplay wise it's more Control, the story is hinting at getting pretty interesting, but there is also the slight scent of them just putting assets they already had to use. It's a decent length, I've put a couple of hours in easily and won't think I'm halfway through, I suppose mileage varies.


There's a altered item you can miss, it's both very cool and absolutely maddening. Most of the bosses posed a bit of a challenge in the main game, some were more frustrating than others. This is definitely unique, but it's the length of the fight that's the main issue. It's very easy to die, and when you do you have to trudge back to it, then redo the early stages of the fight over and over again. I kind of want to keep banging my head against it tonight, but I also think I should maybe accept defeat and pick it up tomorrow

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I had one more go at that boss fight the other night and obviously did it straight away. Always the way of things


I'm posting now because I've just done one of the few side quests in the Foundation dlc, you have to find some I.D. cards for Pope, went to hand it it and it's bugged out. Google seems to show that a few people have had the same issue. The fix seems to be to reload your save but involves a bit of back tracking after that to fix it (talk to her to trigger dialogue, go and pick thing you've already got back up). Hopefully that actually fixes it, but that's why I'm here and not playing.


It's definitely a decent chunk of content though. I'm sure people could get through it way quicker than I have, but I like Control and like exploring in it so not looking to rush. Assuming that side quest is fixed next time I boot it up, I think I'm right at the end. I guess there could be one final area, but it sounds to me like a boss fight, probably one I've already fought before but hopefully not, the Foundation has been good, it'd be a shame if they reuse assets at the end just for the sake of bringing back gameplay beats

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  • 2 months later...

Started this today, put 3 hours in.


It’s definitely weird that’s for sure, I expected weird and the game has definitely delivered in spades so far. 

I do like the setup of the story. Being thrown into this weird building with lots of weird stuff going on but at the same time this building is super cool and relatable if you’ve watched pretty much any cop shows over the years. This building by all intents and purposes should be a mega boring office building but it isn’t at all, I really like how there’s no modern tech in there and how they justify it through the lore.


The combat is ok. So far I’ve not really unlocked any abilities, I’ve got the gun and the launch ability and that’s pretty much it. So yeah, it feels serviceable at the moment but fun enough to satiate me, feels very similar to Quantum Break. 


You can’t help but be intrigued by the Oldest House itself and the story, it kind of pulls you in in the middle of a big mystery and asks you to figure everything out. I do worry the later I get into it the weirdness is gonna go over my head like with Alan Wake and I’ll just end up going ‘what the fuck was that?’ I will say though that I still find Remedy put too many written lore files into their game, they did this way back with Alan Wake and still do so now, it gets annoying having to read so much stuff to get all the lore in 2020.


Playing on PC the performance hasn’t been too bad. I’m getting almost constant dips from 60FPS at Medium settings but as this is such an intensive game I expected worse to be honest. I’m gonna try putting some stuff down to low tomorrow to try to bump up the FPS a little.

So yeah, a promising start. We’ll see how it goes from here on in.

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I might give it a go tomorrow @one-armed dwarf ta, not sure how it’ll effect performance though. I turned off film grain,  motion blur and screen space reflections and am getting much better performance now, still some dips but nowhere near as bad or frequent as yesterday.


So yeah, played another 3 hours today and made some good progress. Did all of the maintenance sector and picked up the Shield and Dash abilities which are cool. Combat definitely feels better now, I’ve got more options and feel much more agile, I’m able to be way more aggressive in dealing with enemies than I was before. 

The story has got much better now with Jesse


revealing how she managed to get into the Oldest House and her true agenda in finding it. I also like that you find out the name and backstory of her invisible friend at the same time Pope does. From its grandiose beginnings and mysterious introduction the story has now become quite simple, find Jesse’s brother; Dylan; which is cool as it gives you a clear goal to aim for and an emotional anchor for Jesse. 


I kind of know the structure of the game now, I assume I’m gonna go to a new sector, cleanse it and possibly fight a boss and then go back and see Pope for my next objective. Using the keycards I’ve received in the meantime to go back and explore previously inaccessible areas. Also a brief mention on the Janitor, he’s great.


So yeah, I like it, today it possibly grew on me a little more and I can’t wait to get back to play it tomorrow which is obviously a good sign.


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In terms of impact on performance it got me from around 20fps with RTX stuff all on to above 60 on my 2060 so it's pretty massive. But you're dealing with a reconstructed image and it all depends on how far away from the screen you are whether or not that is noticeable. 


Honestly DLSS will be a huge weapon in Nvidia's arsenal when the software matures as cheaper GPUs start to leverage it more. 


Anyway Control is very cool and I want to go back to its Stephen King-esque weirdness at some point

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Tried to get DLSS on today @one-armed dwarf but it was greyed out, I assume it’s because I have to run it in DX12. 

I’ll definitely try it tomorrow, will turn on a few of the Ray Tracing reflections (not actual RT itself though as I don’t think my GPU will handle it) as well. 

Bought the Season Pass whilst the EGS sale was still on as well. 











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Been playing with DX12, DLSS and a couple of the RT options turned on (reflections and surface) for my last 6 hours of play, haven’t noticed a huge deal of performance drop so I’ve stuck with it, can definitely notice a different in the lighting, kinda spooky seeing Jesse’s reflection in all the glass panels at times as well.


Still really enjoying this overall but I struggle to motivate myself to play it some days. Once I get say down with the headphones on and controller in my hands I really dig it in no time again though, I will say I found Thursday a bit of a slog though for some reason.


I like almost everything about it really. The Oldest House is still cool as fuck and the combat has gone from strength to strength as I’ve unlocked more abilities and weapons. I think I just got the last one today in Levitate but there may be a few more.


I’m surprised how long it is though. I looked at HLTB before I started playing and expected to almost be done in 15 hours but I can’t see any end in sight at the moment! This is definitely Remedy’s longest game I can think of, their games are usually just under/over 10 hours like clockwork.


As I’ve got further in a few of the side quests have opened up. They’re nothing spectacular or anything but neat little distractions, I did particularly enjoy the one with the fridge I must say. The story itself not much has happened really, I’ve just found Dylan and am heading back to greet him at the main base. 

I didn’t expect this to turn into Dark Souls with that Salvador boss though! All the bosses have been a pushover so far but that was quite difficult at times until I got the hang of it, must’ve taken me 5+ tries. The next Fridge one was much easily thankfully, I didn’t mind a bit of challenge though.


I think the only things I don’t like about it are the written text collectibles, there’s just too many. Also, the fact enemies respawn as you backtrack around the base can get quite annoying when you just wanna explore and see what rooms you missed first time round.


But yeah, I love this weird Stranger Things meets X-Files meets Men in Black meets Stephen King game right now. 
I have been streaming this on twitch everyday and uploading my sessions to my YT playlist here if anyone fancies a browse:




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Just a short update on this.


The more time I’ve put into it the better it gets. I honestly think this may now be my favourite Remedy game after Max Payne. There just seems to be a such a strong confidence running through it that has been missing from their games for a long time, it just seems so assured of itself and rarely puts a foot wrong. Like all these years of struggle Remedy has finally hit their stride once again.


I’m just having a blast with it. Thanks to doing an awful lot of the side missions (which are mostly excellent) I’ve picked up a ridiculous amount of ability points which means I’m basically running around like an overpowered badass Superhero right now. I don’t even bother firing a gun half the time as Launch takes our enemies in 1-2 blows. 

The bosses in this game are just so damn fun. Some are a little frustrating and I don’t like the check pointing system on occasion but they’re just fun and so damn satisfying. I took out the Mold one in the Pit with just a sliver of health last after trying for a good 30 minutes or so and it just felt awesome to pull off. 

I finally returned to the story today after putting it on ice and it’s gone from strength to strength as well. 

Honestly, if I’d of played this last year it would’ve been right up there for GOTY so far.

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Finished this yesterday in about 25 hours or so.


Will just reiterate my thoughts from my previous post, definitely Remedy’s most assured and best game since Max Payne for me. 

It’s almost flawless. Fantastic combat, great bosses and incredible level design coupled with a surprisingly simple story - that’s told in a purposefully obtuse way - the entire package is just great. Only negatives would be the check pointing at times and a bit too many written collectibles.


Can’t recommend it enough.







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  • 1 month later...

As my internet speed has been greatly improved, I’m able to use PlayStation Now. As a result, I’m giving this one final go. I’ve got further than my previous two attempts, and pumped all my upgrade points into health, so I don’t die in 3 hits. So that’s an improvement. We will see how it goes. 

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Made it to Chapter 4. And I am so done with this bloody game. Reached an encounter where several enemies shoot rockets at you. By the time I figure out where they’re coming from, I’ve lost over half of my health. Only getting your health back from shards enemies drop absolutely sucks. Not being able to choose your difficulty absolutely sucks. 

I died 4 times in a row to that cheap section, and I’ve finally had enough. Sorry, but this game just does my head in. I’ve tried repeatedly to get into it. But it pisses me right off.

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Ohh, I remember that part. Kind of on a rock bridge or something? I died a lot there too, just couldn't see where the missiles were coming from. I don't remember having much trouble after that short section, but if you aren't enjoying it by this point I'm not sure it's suddenly going to click for you 

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Hm, so not the rocky mold area? But yeah, if you don't enjoy, no need to continue.


I would, however, recommend looking up the Ashtray Maze on youtube or something. It's a phenomenal set piece from later in the game with some very unique level design, so to speak.

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