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Destiny: The Taken King


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He did apologise for it although what that apology is worth, as it was almost certainly forced, is up to the individual. I think that regardless of whether you buy the DLC, the changes to weapons and loot drops is for everyone, but im not certain about that.

Reading back through this thread, and also from the main Destiny thread, you can see that your opinion of the game hugely changes based on a lot of the communication from Bungie to the userbase around the time of House of Wolves and just after. I think its good to see in this day and age a consistent stand point on this sort of thing. I remember saying (its written down in the thread) that I wouldnt pick this up unless they budged on the price point. They havnt and ive still picked it up (although i technically wont have paid the price point for it).

For me personally I havnt played anything else for as long or as often as Destiny and the only thing that came close is Battlefield, and as a result of that I dont want to not play the next instalment because I previously internet promised I wouldnt. In the long run I know this opens me up to potentially more of the treatment I was displeased with, but I do feel like, having seen a lot of the stuff about the game thats come out, there was a significantly bigger effort having gone into this coming release than any of the previous releases.

I will honestly say regarding the issue of value, that I dont think this release is going to be near equivalent to the vanilla game with regards to content. I paid about 45 I think for Destiny and I think that this release should be no more than £30, allowing you to find a deal that might make it 25 or less. However, i do think that there is way more in this than dark below or house of wolves, Id say even if you put TDB and HoW together then there is still more, and id say that I would value TDB and HoW at about £15 each so in that respect its not far off...

Id go as far as saying that I think that what we are going to be getting with TTK will be of a higher quality than vanilla destiny, its had a ton of feedback, and a lot of time for refinement, so everything you get from it will benefit from that, and I honestly think that from what ive seen so far, you can see that. I honestly cannot wait to see what the playable area is going to be like this time, and the Raid should be something special. Add in all the little stuff, like things being scannable so the lore is now in game rather than being on some stupid cards, much more story content (admittedly not a difficult task), cutscenes, more character development, better loot drops, even more maps, more play modes, more weapons etc etc and its gets me off my grumpy seat that previous shortcomings put me on.

In summary, I dont think that the RRP should be £40 or £45 whichever it is, thats too high for something that isnt technically a full game. Ive got the previous content, I dont want to pay for it, so with that set of circumstances its stupid. Having said that, I think when you look at it objectively then what you get for, certainly £30 which is what I paid for it, but lets say £40 its actually not too far off being pretty good value, and its not enough of a sticking point for me that I wont change my mind and indulge myself in continuing to play a series that ive enjoyed more than ive hated, or in other words, just play more video games, that I played before, and I like.

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Come on dude, lets not pretend that anybody in these positions actually give a shit about you or me.

'Woah, the developer of this huge Bungie/Activision blockbuster just wants me to shut the fuck up and buy the game he is working on? I am shocked to my very core.'

Its a shitty thing to say, and fucking stupid in this crazy world of PR really, but to be genuinely offended by it is a bit silly. Its comedy of manners type stuff and im actually glad to see it in way because I would prefer it over a lot of the hugely over polished squeeky clean version of interaction we normally get nowadays. Ultimately its a human being being human and the reason it caused such a shock is because we just arent used to seeing it any more as a consumer.

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For a lot of people who knew his work as a journalist, it was shocking because he always railed against that kind of money grabbing bollocks. I can very clearly him as a journalist saying about this very kind of thing, "what are you doing?!".

I'm glad I hesitated about going and getting Destiny. I'm sure it's fantastic for those that get into it, but it sounds like a complete mess.

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I'm glad I hesitated about going and getting Destiny. I'm sure it's fantastic for those that get into it, but it sounds like a complete mess.

Totally agree with this, and thats going to be the biggest problem the game faces with making this a ten year long franchise. If you had never played it then the only impression you would get of the game is that its a convoluted mess. Even people that played it and liked it for a time are turned off by it, the people sticking with it dont claim its perfect and treat it like a marriage of convenience, better to stay in now they have committed. I think thats the reason behind keeping the price point and bunging the whole previous content in with this release.

If youve got some spare PSN credit or when the whole package inevitably comes down in price I would recommend picking it up, theres plenty there now for a first time player to enjoy.

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I mostly enjoyed my time with Destiny and had the DLC being priced appropriately globally then I'd have probably jumped in. I refuse to be gouged, but unfortunately my voice is one that's not in the massive collective of people that will be getting the DLC so it matters not to Bungie/Activision.

I think they took the piss with what the other DLC's offered for the price they were asking as well. It's a format I can see the game running with for it's entirety. You only have to look at fellow Activision stablemate CoD, back when other games were chucking map DLC out for sub 800MSP for 4 or so maps Acti were gouging 1200 for (usually) 3 maps. I don't think they'll ever stray from that path, if what they were doing nearly ten years ago is still in practice today then they've clearly not intentions of changing that. It's always been less content for more money when it comes to dealing with this publisher.

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Come on dude, lets not pretend that anybody in these positions actually give a shit about you or me.

Because people are still handing over their money..?

*if* I didn't own the DLC, then buying TTK is probably worth laying down the money, If you're new to destiny, then even better. But I already have both of those things and I'm nout going to rush out and gamble £40 on a handful of glitter.

It's a self fulfilling prophecy to say that "company X has all the money, so why should they care about us?", because people keep giving them that money.

Look at GTA.

It's had problems, but Rockstar have worked to try and fix them. It's had extra content for free.

Rockstar have also let lose a fuck-ton of extra stuff at no extra cost.

If TTK turns up for £10 as DLC add on at some point, sure, I'll take a punt.

But for now, I'm not moving on my opinion.

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For those who definitely 100% dont intend to get TTK, its probably worth erasing Destiny from your games list or whatever it is that makes the PS4 download updates for games. AS of the 8th September, the game will be getting (on PS4 at least) a nearly 60GB update. Thats a six and a zero, I didnt mistype it. It will be getting this regardless of whether you get TTK or not as its stuff that will prepare the game for TTK.

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I agree, its a very odd move. I can only imagine its unavoidable, if the game requires that big of a data load.... Ive read that its going to be in two parts, some on the 8th some when it launches on the 15th.

Its almost like they are forcing people to make that decision to either declare interest now or miss the train. I think a lot of people who were undecided will now either wait or forget it but definitely remove it from their systems.

In positive PR news, their advice to people playing on older PS3, or Xbox 360 consoles some of which dont even have the space needed was to 'upgrade your console' (I imagine that was probably a misquoted attempt on Bungie's behalf to do their bit for upselling consoles by the way)

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As of the 8th September, when the patch drops, bungie are making all of the new maps and crucible modes available for anybody who owns vanilla destiny to play for a week.

Apparently this patch is going to be 20GB as well, then presumably a bigger one on release, or they might do a predownload, who knows.

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  • 3 weeks later...

my understanding is that everything above level 20, be that missions or weapons, has now been marked as 'year 2', so is no longer available on the base game

i.e. if I wanted to get back in to this, I would have to buy the expansion to play at a level to suit my character

fuck Destiny

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