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unlucky illdog :(

spatular is above me. 6795!

i must have got that on the last day because i thought we were really close at ~5800!

as someone looking for this to replace halo multiplayer, i'm not fully convinced by it still, but i was liking it more the more I played it. the bits i'm not convinced by are things like how many instant death weapons there are - everyone has their special move, and everyone has sniper/shotgun - which leads to a lot more deaths and less tactical confrontations. although i guess this might cut down on people holding areas with all the snipers and stuff like that. also i found the lag/delay or whatever it's called between hitting someone and them dying to be quite a bit worse than in halo, hopefully that's just a beta thing - although it always seemed to sort itself out to a fair result it just looks wierd. and this one is just personal preference, but the reduced time to kill - like the scout rifle (dmr equivalent) only taking 3 headshots (i think) - i don't like. cod/battlefield fans will probably like that though i guess. having to look down the sights more makes the scout rifle really hard to use at close range - again maybe not a terrible change, maybe done for balancing, but something that i'll have to get used to - same for the radar, i don't think it's bad but i rely a lot on the radar for enemy positions in halo, so this is going to take some getting used to.

also the scoring - i don't like how using special weapons gives more points. and killing people while owning more zones gives more points - making the individual scoring a bit skewed (or maybe they've already thought of that?).

also also we need more info from bungie about how the crucible weapon levels and stuff are balanced.

but yeah i'm sure i'll get it and enjoy it, and i probably shouldn't compare it to halo so much :)

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I agree with you on all of that Spatular, although the multiplayer is secondary for me, id like to know a lot more about how all of that stuff is going to work itself out. As the tired old rule goes, its the same game for everyone, but I feel like these things somehow make me feel a bit cold about the multiplayer. Im sure that 90% of it is just things they wanted the beta to be able to work out, but some weapons are a bit OP especially that massive vehicle that fires one hit kill rockets like nobody's business, although they are definitely going to fix that I think.

One of the biggest things for me was that its an MMO, they give you different class builds to pick from, but I dont really see how they complement each other, if at all. The hunter class that I played as didnt really feel like it was particularly suited to long distance weapons, apart from the fact that you are given one to start with, and told that you are a long range specialist. I found that I got so many more kills with an assault rifle and lots of headshots/criticals than the limited capacity but powerful sniper rifles. I couldnt see any situation where sniper rifles really benefited me. Sure you can take enemies out from far away but then they just instantly spawn back in, and they are hardly that difficult to kill anyway, you cant really use it on bosses as they are so mobile so as to provide a challenge to close range shooters. It was best for me to use it as a mid range weapon that I would switch to if I found a little movement glitch on a boss, or in multiplayer as a one shot switch out weapon to take that initial chunk of health off somebody that I knew was about to run through a door so I just turned and aimed, like a fucking 1800s musket, or a mid ranged shotgun.

Just a little gripe even though ive gone into it a bit, hardly game breaking as you just use something else, but I felt that it needed a bit more balance, I dont know how much they really thought through all the weapons and classes and sort of opted for just chucking them in, but again thats exactly what a beta is for.

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I found in multiplayer pretty much everyone had a one shot kill weapon, except for me. Which made every match pretty tedious. Don't get me wrong, i'm not a kill/death ratio obsessed tool. You die in online multiplayer, I'm fine with that. But here, I never seemed to get anywhere, whereas in Halo I usually did alright for myself.

At the moment, I'm planning to rent it for the campaign missions, and fuck Crucible in the bin. Just doesn't seem to click for me. Granted, that's half the game. Hence why I'd rent it.

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I liked what I played, didn't especially mind the multiplayer either but I think that's in the knowledge that I'd barely ever play it. What has put me off though is being forced on to Strike teams. If they end up optional, or I could guarantee I'd be at the same point in the game as you lot and could get a game then fine, but I don't want to all of a sudden have to rely on strangers to play on my own

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I did not mind the strike missions as I did not have my mic plugged in and I'm sure they were cursing me out, but fuck'em. With the limited scope of the game (one location per planet/moon) with the bulk of the game consisting of backtracking and the game being one big repetitive collect-a-thon this game is not for me. Destiny does do some things well like the air bikes and the Warlocks "force" move set. Hopefully DICE "barrows" those elements for Battlefront.

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Yeah I don't think I'd be too keen on having to play the strike missions with randoms either.

Good point about the floaty tank thing Sam, like you say though theyve said there nerfing it and only having one on the map for people to fight over.

I sort of know what you mean Andy, compared to halo I found I was dying a lot too, and from instant death stuff, but you should have pretty similar stuff available to you as everyone else, unless you were playing the iron banner mode, and it's possible to play without a heavy weapon but ammo for that is pretty limited.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know whether to get this, or whether to use the spare time I'll get from people playing this to clear out some more backlog. I can't say I'm interested in the Vs stuff, Halo will be out soon and I'd rather play that or Battlefield.

Plus I have Diablo 3 to be getting on with as well. I've hardly done any of that.

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I was well up for it before the alpha, after that it's just ambivalence. The versus part really put me off which I think is a major part of it. I was thinking that maybe they could progress on that formula I knew and loved, but they didn't.

It's all probably unwarranted. I'm just wary of buying something else that I'm not really going to enjoy as much as I thought I should.

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