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Im right on the cusp of level 23 and im not getting any drops at all from Crucible, last night I had a few games of consistently being top scorer and not getting a drop but the rest of the team were. I think im going to have to do the raids and stuff to get better things from now on.

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Anybody up for joining me to progress through some story missions tonight? I find them a bit dull on my own. I'm only on Story Level 8 or summink, I think I have one more to do on the moon then I'm fucking off to Venus for the first time.

I'm double your level but I'll join you. I need to gain a level or two for the next bit I'm on anyway

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I dont think so, I did pretty much every story mission that I solo'd on hard straight off the bat, they arent really that hard. I was reading the guide and theres actually a sliding scale modifier with difficulty levels. At a lower level, below ten you can pretty much kill anything above or below you within say 5 levels, but the higher you get, the bigger the modifier is. Effectively a lower level than you will do you less damage, and take more damage and the the opposite is also true for higher levels. When you get to about level 20 this modifier is huge, to the extent where you will do half damage to a level above you and take double damage from a level above.

So imagine your rifle is doing 200 damage, which is typical around level 20+, if you come up against an elite level 24 wizard, which the moon strike has, you will be doing 50 odd damage against a massive health bar anyway, whilst they are doing triple or quadruple damage to you, and they can regenerate their shields. You literally run out of bullets and have to resort to punching and grenades, its as near as impossible, and the game actually stops you from being able to select difficulties that are more than 6 levels (i think?) above you.

I still think you could possibly do it with a fireteam all focussing on the same target, but it takes any kind of fun out of the game, in my opinion difficulty settings that require 2 levels above you are the ones you should go for maximum at a higher level, but up until level 15/16 then id say whack it on the toughest one possible if you have at least one other person with you, the bits where it gets a bit tough are awesome because you have to either revive a downed ally or run and hide until the revive timer ticks away and it gets really tense.

EDIT: that was in reply to Wiivo/lakitu, i typed the reply out then forgot to press 'Post' for half an hour.

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Anybody up for joining me to progress through some story missions tonight? I find them a bit dull on my own. I'm only on Story Level 8 or summink, I think I have one more to do on the moon then I'm fucking off to Venus for the first time.

I'm double your level but I'll join you. I need to gain a level or two for the next bit I'm on anyway

Beanage. Im level 14 now, not quite as feeble as I was.

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Had some good games with Ben DANGERFACE last night, we were doing story missions on Hard. Mostly kicked all sorts of ass but there were a couple of times on Venus when the enemies were not only coming thick and fast but they were powerful too. Lost a few lives for the first time, got some reviving going on

I've been thinking about why I haven't been enjoying the campaign when playing solo and its the same reason Ben couldn't hear me at the start of the night - because I'm an idiot (had the headphones on the wrong way round. There's no external mic see). I should have switched the game up to Hard much, much earlier. I always play Halo and Gears at the 'Herioc' difficulty level, no idea why i'm not playing this at a more challenging level. When the going got tough yesterday it was a lot more fun, especially in co-op, the threat of imminent death demands more tactics than getting close and melee/shotgun combo. So yea, i'll be upping that shit to Hard as default.

I still dont like retracing my steps to new parts of level, that feels like a waste of time and it's boring. So there.

PS: Things are going well between Ben and me. Fingers crossed.

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Its definitely more rewarding to play it on a harder setting, you have to be hitting the headshots and criticals on the regular. When you get to some of the Cabal/Mars level on hard its pretty hectic as each enemy is like a little boss sometimes, but you just die and cover each other with respawns and that.

Just had some good games of Control, its still my absolute least favourite mode, but im only really playing for myself, to get my score nice and high, I guess im techinically helping the team by doing that.

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