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Mario Kart 8


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I always thought Toad was gay, plus there almost all colours of characters, short, tall, thin and fat... Even ghosts and dead people are covered..? :)

Anyone thinking of boycotting it now?

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I think You've got the day one DLC thing twisted, PV. The review just says its surprising there is no evidence of a portal or link to the store to get new tracks in and stuff. And I do agree that it seems strange because they experimented with DLC for Pikmin 3 and Mario Kart seems a better fit. I'd pay for some more retro tracks or some Year of Luigi tracks down the line.

And the Mario is full of white people is fair enough. It is, and sometimes a critic has to point out the obvious if they feel it needs to be pointed out. I'd rather that than just 'woo, Mario Kart! Fun! 10/10!'

And it's not as if they're calling for a boycott, they still gave it an 8.8, pretty much inline with everyone else.

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The other notable omission is in the cast of characters’ diversity. After 30 years there are still zero Mario characters of color, a problem that Mario Kart 8 highlights by lining up all the characters on a single screen. When it comes to human characters, Mario Kart 8 is overwhelmingly white. Of the 29 drivers, 14 are human (including Toad and Toadette), and every single one of them is white. While it’d be atypical of Nintendo to introduce new characters into a Mario Kart game, it’s also where the deficit is the most obvious, and during play I found myself disappointed that Nintendo’s stable of characters so painfully fails to reflect the diversity of its audience.


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I did not mean to offend you D Class with that post. I do apologize if I caused any stress. I just wanted to share the article, because it did make me chuckle that video game as a hobby as become this over hyper politicized that race has spilled over into a kart racing game. While I do believe gaming needs more diversity in regards to playable characters and while I was offended that Nintendo will not have same sex relationships in Tamagotchi Life. I also believe people need to take a step back and take a deep breath, because honestly the gaming press is starting to look like a side show. That's just my opinion.

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I'm not offended. I'm not bothered either way as I'm buying this game full of whiteys or not.

But I think these things are valid points to be made, as trivial as they can seem. That's all I was getting at. It's not personal to me.

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I think you hit the nail on the head. I'd buy it if all the characters were all black or all white, or whatever else Nintendo did. None of us are racist (I know.. there is ill...) and the press just make problems where there isn't one. Is it even anything that any of us ever consider or do we just get on with the fun adventure of exploring a new game?

For me it's all about the gameplay :)

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Difficult to say really Jon, I imagine that 'we' probably dont think about it very often, but then again most games fit quite nicely within our class/gender/race etc boundaries and expectations. I doubt we have ever done a check but I imagine the majority of MFG mofos are white (I know...there is ill...) and so its probably not a big deal to us. I suspect that if the next 50 games to be released on all consoles had only black (in this case, but see also; gay or female) characters then there would probably be some internet interest.

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When I was in school I had a friend called Elliot that had a bone wasting disease that meant he wasn't allowed to walk about unless he had no other option. We used to race around in his wheelchair around the corridors. School was awesome.

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