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The rumours aren't true

Nintendo has told Eurogamer that it will not show off any new hardware at E3 2014, after reports published overnight and today suggested it was readying some kind of announcement.

Comments made in an IGN podcast sparked the debate, which was then picked up and added to by a number of other sites.

However, a spokesperson from Nintendo told Eurogamer this afternoon: "we definitely aren't announcing hardware at this year's E3".

Nintendo announced this week it would again eschew a live press conference at E3 2014 for a "Digital Event" to be streamed online at 1pm UK time on Tuesday, 10th June.

The broadcast will "reveal and provide further detail about the gaming experiences on the way for Nintendo platforms in 2014 and beyond," the company teased.

In addition, Nintendo will host a Smash Bros. Wii U invitational tournament for top-rated players which will take place at the show itself and be streamed online.

Finally, "Nintendo Treehouse: Live @ E3" will offer constant live game demos from Nintendo's booth "during all hours" of E3.

I'm surprised this got as much traction as it did because it doesn't fit, really. It does fit in with some rumours a while back but it's not surprising that some people at Nintendo (or any console manufacturer) are throwing around ideas for the next consoles, and this thing may be something that happens eventually, but certainly not just two years after the Wii U.

Yeah, the Wii U is doomed and that but even the N64 and GameCube weren't massive sellers compared to the competition (they exist in different times and markets, but they were/are strugglers) and they certainly didn't scrap the consoles so soon. It's not that smart.

I do think they will introduce another console sooner rather than later. I'd say we'll get five years of the Wii U, six if it's lucky. But not this soon.

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Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have announced Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, due out worldwide for 3DS in November.

Described as a fresh take on the original Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire, which launched for Game Boy Advance in 2003, the new titles promise to take players through “a dramatic story within a spectacular new world.”

Watch the announcement trailer below. View the box arts and logos at the gallery.


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remember those pokemon figures that worked with the WiiU pokemon game that I think only I played on here? Well Nintendo are taking that idea, making it so the figures can store data from multiple games, and not limiting it to just Pokemon



WiiU and 3DS, I think I read that the first 3DS game is this year, with the first WiiU game early next year, which seems backwards but whatever

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to use pokemon as an example, but they might not actually do this. Let's say you bought a Tepig figure, used him in the new pokemon game they announced by placing him on the sensor. Your progress in the game with him, all the moves he's learnt, what item he's holding, what his stats are, would be saved to the figure. You could then use that character in another game, say a WiiU pokemon fighter that may or may not be on the cards, taking over all your levels and stats, adding to it in the fighting game, then using that in the next Smash (or whatever)

or they'll release 2 games then never bother with it again

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Nintendo will focus on Nintendo Direct broadcasts, social media channels and events to communicate with its customers following the now confirmed closure of the Official Nintendo Magazine.

"Nintendo is constantly evaluating and evolving the ways in which it speaks to its fans," a company spokesperson told Eurogamer.

"With this in mind, Nintendo UK has decided to focus on alternative channels including Nintendo Direct, social media and online channels and public events."

ONM publisher Future today announced that the latest issue of the magazine would be its last. The decision marks the end of more than 20 years of officially-licensed Nintendo publications in the UK.

The first to officially feature Nintendo's name was the Nintendo Magazine System, which debuted back in 1992. Through name changes and changes of publisher, an official Nintendo magazine has remained a fixture of UK newsagent shelves for the past two decades.

The US equivalent, Nintendo Power Magazine, was itself closed by Future at the end of 2012. Future UK's unofficial mag - Nintendo Gamer formerly NGamer, NGC and Super Play - published its last issue back in 2012.


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