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Halo 4


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How's the hologram working out for you Ed? I often get fooled by them, you used to be able to tell the difference as no name would appear over them in reach, not sure if it's the same here? Promethean vision seems popular but if you know the map and read the radar you Have an idea where people are anyway. Invis seems more powerful now, you can still see moving invisible people, but they don't lose the invisibility anywhere near as much when firing, so I'm finding loads of snipers hidden in plain sight, not sure how long it lasts though.

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The hologram seems to fool more often than not. I love it. :D

I just came top on Infinity Slayer on Complex. I do like that map, and the hologram then alone must have helped me get about 10 of the kills. I just send it out, let the enemy pump him full of ammo, and then make my move.

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It'd be nice if the hologram did more than run in a straight line. Saying that if you run in next to or behind it it can confuse a lot of people. Sometimes just standing it where people usually stand to snipe can net you an easier kill.

I've been using the xray vision and heal bubble. I like the vision better. I'd like it if you got points for dropping heals on injured team mates but the game doesn't seem to cater for that.

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Promethean Vision is my bread and butter currently, flicking it on and off quickly as I'm approaching a corner feels like it's giving me a slight advantage when someone is coming the other way.

Haven't been in a couple of days and noticed they've added a SWAT game type which is pretty fun. Headshots only and no armor abilities is way more fun than I thought it would be :)

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Glad people are liking this, im still at the stage where im getting a little frustrated by lack of team work, particularly as some teams do work well together and normally tear my team apart, but I just need to adjust my play style, in the smaller maps with smaller teams im doing quite well though, last night I had one team member that just followed me around and we worked really well together. Ive got a bit better with my plasma grenades so, I can normally get my kill from beyond the grave cancelling out if I do get killed and ive also had a cheeky double kill from it a few times too.

I wish that more powerful weapons were around more often, sometimes its a bit like the golden gun mode from Goldeneye if a team controls the good weapons, although having said that Ive seen a lot of people very good with the battle rifle from ridiculous distances so it sort of evens it out.

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You can see on your mini-map when people fire off promethian vision. I drop a grenade and jump in to follow up the kill, or drop the auto turret and back up.

As for the hologram, you can really see the hologram ripple when it gets shot, you can still however to the halo reach tactic of spawning a hologram near an edge then crouching and standing in your hologram. People still seem to go for the headshot on the hologram and make for an easy snipe.

It's a shame grenades are piss-weak now, I managed to land 4 all around a warthog and seemingly did no damage at all, didn't even flip the thing.

I've gone for auto-turret (you get free points for it shooting things for you), the other people I play with go shield and heal bubble. You con dominate a map if you push around in a group like that. With Reach, there used to be a danger of a grenade wiping out everyone, but you can survive a grenade at your feet easily if you jump.

I agree with sly about the scoring begin somewhat broken too. You get shit all for support play, and that's wrong. There should be more incentive for team play rather than lone wolfing. You can't use the AI as a driver either, tehy spend minutes at a time driving into a wall or a rock going backwards and forwards.

Like most halo games, the easiest way to win is by grouping up and moving as a unit, it's piss easy to take down something like the giant robot thing so log as you're moving as a unit of people, but you get very little in the way of points for that. I also don't really understand what 343 were trying to achieve with the new scoreboard. Halo has always been run on kills. Your K/D spread is everything. I can understand why they wanted to make that a bit more forgiving in halo 4. For example, if you're playing distraction or drawing out the other team then you can leave the game with a negative spread, but you've helped your team score more, so why do you get such little reward for assisting?

Hopefully they'll iron out the kinks in good time, and I'm still enjoying the game a lot, but I think some of the new ideas are a little half cocked.

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It's a shame grenades are piss-weak now, I managed to land 4 all around a warthog and seemingly did no damage at all, didn't even flip the thing.

Yeah I noticed that too, along with the less powerful grenades, i think the hog is much more stable than in reach.

Interesting hearing about the different tactics people use with the abilities, I'll have to try a few different ones out :)

About the team thing,, I usually only play with friends but we're useless at teamwork, generally running around in different directions shouting at each other that we should be doing some of this teamwork stuff. An organised team usually kicks our asses :fist:

Edit- also about the points, not that they matter that much, but in ctf, koth and oddball you get shed loads of points for going for the objectives, so that's good.

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When I play with people that are worse than me, I have games like this.




Then I start playing with people that are better than me and I get this.



https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/Sly%20Reflex/home/match-b978db181633d627 <-- I couldn't fucking move in this game. Laggy as fuck, the kills I got I wasn't even shooting at and I would just die randomly.

Moral of the story? Play with people that are not as good as you if you want to stand a chance of having fun, it's utter fucking bollocks trying to play against people that are much better than you because the game is matching you up to the most capable players. When you are playing with people that are sniping you out of spawn because they are godly it becomes no fucking fun whatsoever.

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Good skills Sly. I wonder if this uses behind the scenes ranks for matchmaking like reach, if so it'll be too early to get a good match so you'll be playing a much wider variety of skill levels, when it settles down you'll still play people of varying skill levels but they should be a closer match. Did a little research and yes currently it's like reach, with the true rank hidden, but they will be showing it on waypoint later on:



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It's already in effect now behind the scenes, hence why half those games I did good and half I did bad because it was pairing me up with players beyond my skill set.

I don't know about you, but at my skill level the camo is the nuts. With a bit of smart use you can absolutely dominate with it. It hides how many of you there actually are, so you can puff your chest out and pretend there's loads of you when you are outnumbered to put group attackers off, or you can hide how many people you have in your group by activating it. On one on one punch ups you can normally win by activating it because they struggle to see where you are. Dropping down from ledges on single players and activating it makes them panic as well, as there's so many dots on the radar that they have to take time to pick out the actual threat, by which time it's too late and you've donked them on the back of the head. The only problem is the players with Promethean vision can use their perk to see through your disguise. I'm guessing using a similar loadout with the Wetworker class with circumvent some of that. Saying that, the vision takes up a lot more juice than the camo so you should come off on top more often than not. It depends if they are flashing it on and off to check corners.

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Camo sounds cool, I should try it to attempt to get my own back on all those invisible snipers!

What I meant about the matchmaking is it will get better with time, it doesn't know how good everyone is yet so it won't be doing a good job of it currently.

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I had a great time with the Camo last night, but in typical Halo hilarious fashion, because I was invisible I kept getting run over by my own team mates in ghosts, those little buggies, and one time, no joke, a Banshee. I just laughed it off rather than kick the accidental betrayer, but it goes to show that it works a treat.

I had an absolutely amazing run in a Mantis last night too, but again was let down when I basically got swamped by the opposition team and had no protection at all from my own team. I got an overloaded plasma pistol shot rendering me immobile while five of the opposition team sticky'd me and then I got invaded from the rear.

One thing Im really missing from Reach is that armour lock ability, I used to love fucking vehicles up with that, and it was also amazing in close quarters melee situations as breaking out of the armour lock would remove shields from anybody close to you, leaving them open to a melee kill.

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One thing Im really missing from Reach is that armour lock ability, I used to love fucking vehicles up with that, and it was also amazing in close quarters melee situations as breaking out of the armour lock would remove shields from anybody close to you, leaving them open to a melee kill.

I've died sooooo many times instinctively using my armour ability hoping for armour lock and nothing happening. I had it nailed in reach, so satisfying armour locking a sword lunge, popping out EMPing their shield off and finishing up whit a quick melee for the kill.

Using the holo-shield has cause me to be sent flying across the map when I've been hit by vehicles. I keep forgettign that the jump is the way out now.

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The only problem is the players with Promethean vision can use their perk to see through your disguise. I'm guessing using a similar loadout with the Wetworker class with circumvent some of that. Saying that, the vision takes up a lot more juice than the camo so you should come off on top more often than not. It depends if they are flashing it on and off to check corners.

I've been mauling people using promethian vision.

When they activate it, it sends out a radar 'ping' if they activate it and run towards you, it's easry to drop a grenade and run backwards shooting. I've found that more often than not, they run right on top of the grenades I've dumped out leaving them open to a headshot. It's like people lose situational awareness and focus only on chasing you

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I love this in big releases, how after a week or so the tactics you use have to adapt to how the masses play. For example, the people that are now just getting the hang of vehicles are getting totally dominated by the people that made the clever decision to unlock the Plasma Pistol early on. I see that so irregularly, people actually making good use of it, but its effectively a shield remover and a vehicle stopper all in one if you use its overcharge properly. Eventually people will make good use of one of the shield abilities, at the moment I dont think theres an obvious choice, they are fairly equal and normally a combination of several of them in a team is the best, hardlight shield guy at the front with healing dude behind him, but that sort of teamwork is just too rare.

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The most annoying combo I've come across is the sticky grenade throwing hard light shield user. They run in, lob the 'nades in and then throw the shield up so you can't retaliate. I think they use the grenade perk where you can resupply of dead people. They are well fucking annoying.

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panic zoom! yeah I do that sometimes too.

One thing Im really missing from Reach is that armour lock ability, I used to love fucking vehicles up with that, and it was also amazing in close quarters melee situations as breaking out of the armour lock would remove shields from anybody close to you, leaving them open to a melee kill.

while I won't miss the armour lock in general, doing it to a vehicle was flipping brilliant, it'd be good if you could have a nerfed version that was really good against vehicles but less annoying in normal use.

not sure if it's been mentioned already but they've added a SWAT (headshots) playlist.

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