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The Kickstarter Thread

Sly Reflex

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A few more worth mentioning as well as The Realm above:

Camelot Unchained has passed its $2,000,000 target with less than a day to go. It's an RVR (realm vs. realm) mmorpg and a follow-up to Dark Age of Camelot. It's impressive how steadily the game advanced towards its target, there was barely any slowdown in the backing throughout the 30 days. And Amazon Payments even broke down yesterday. Only 13,000 backers as well. Obviously with 43 updates they've ran a good campaign.

Among the Sleep is on track to reach its $200,000 target with 16 days remaining. It's a Norwegian horror game where you play as a two year old child.

Chasm is a Metroidvania like title which has nearly reached $150,000 with 10 days left.

Jagged Alliance: Flashback is one-third of the way to its $350,000 goal with three weeks left.

Stonehearth has almost reached its $120,000 goal in 48 hours. It's a town building/army raising/population managing etc RTS with Minecraft style graphics. Looks exquisite to me. Oddly enough it's being developed by two brothers who are responsible for the EVO fighting tournament, so it's a bit of a departure for them.

Obviously the big-earners on Kickstarter have been the known names but the rewards are certainly there for the unknown faces if the campaign or game is good enough - Shovel Knight was a huge success and it looks like Among the Sleep, Chasm and Stonehearth are all going to be comfortably funded.

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One of my most wanted games of the year is Divinity: Original Sin and this video by AngryJoe popped up in my suggestions:


Gives a good look at combat in the game and how multiplayer will work.

AngryJoe must be one of the biggest gaming channels on youtube with over 650,000 subscribers. I watched a couple more of his videos (Two Worlds II, Dragon's Dogma) and they're well worth a watch. Subscribed.

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basically it's a podcast series they are going to do regardless, they set a $10 goal, so they will definitely hit it, meaning they will get to keep any and all money they receive because they can't possible not hit the target. You're basiocally pre-ordering a product that is costing them nothing to make.

Their pledge bonuses include paying $55 for some outtakes, $500 for a thank you on the podcast, $1000 for 1 hour of co-op with them on a game they want to play (I presume you buy the game at your expense) and $2,500 to suggest a topic for them to talk about, but not any topic, it has to be one they want to talk about

when you spell it out it certainly reads like a parody, but there's no indication it actually is, same with that Giant Bomb one

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Why don't they have a paypal or something where people can donate if they feel obliged similar to RPS? I understand that running something like costs money, but being blatant about it is really crude. I don't know if it's an American way of dealing with it or what. It's a super tacky thing to do, you think these people would have some sort of decorum to how they act. It looks really unprofessional.

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Got to say that for once I totally agree with what Florence has said on the subject, its a real fucking of the system. Shame because I actually liked penny arcade. I think the thing he said that best sums it up is 'Newsflash for Penny Arcade and the like - People who enjoy your work don't necessarily owe you a fucking living.'

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Ouya launches today in North America and the UK. The Android console can now be purchased through Amazon, Best Buy, GAME and Target for $99.99. Extra controllers will run you $49.99 each. It comes with over 170 free-to-try games, Twitch.tv, TuneIn and Plex as well as the Make Channel that allows developers to build and test games. It has already sold out on Amazon, and many who pre-ordered via Kickstarter are still yet to receive the system. Thanks, Polygon.


Anyone interested?

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