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The Kickstarter Thread

Sly Reflex

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This looks pretty useful for keeping track of Kickstarter projects:


Games requiring funding on page 1, successfully funded on page 2.

I haven't been paying too much attention since the "Double Fine Adventure" and Wasteland 2, but Paper Sorceror looks pretty tasty...

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This might be the place to ask. What's going on with that android console? Would I be able to register my Google account and play games I've already bought or is it a whole new thing?

Sounds like they were going to have their own store, separate from the regular Android store. don't know if the existing one will also also be supported.

Personally, I'm fairly doubtful about the whole thing.

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This might be the place to ask. What's going on with that android console? Would I be able to register my Google account and play games I've already bought or is it a whole new thing?

Sounds like they were going to have their own store, separate from the regular Android store. don't know if the existing one will also also be supported.

Personally, I'm fairly doubtful about the whole thing.

Shame because it's cheap enough that using it as a media server with some games and web browsing wouldn't be the worst thing, but I can't see it surviving as a console on its own

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  • 1 month later...

I've contributed to a Kickstarter though not really video game related. It was a guy who made a chip tune cover album of Pretty Hate Machine by Nine Inch Nails. Very good it is too!

Have you got a link to that? Very interested to hear that!

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I've contributed to a Kickstarter though not really video game related. It was a guy who made a chip tune cover album of Pretty Hate Machine by Nine Inch Nails. Very good it is too!

Have you got a link to that? Very interested to hear that!

it might be this, either way Pretty Eight Machine is a great name


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I've contributed to a Kickstarter though not really video game related. It was a guy who made a chip tune cover album of Pretty Hate Machine by Nine Inch Nails. Very good it is too!

Have you got a link to that? Very interested to hear that!

it might be this, either way Pretty Eight Machine is a great name


thanks! the Sin cover is very nice!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kotaku has the first screens of Shadowrun Returns, with some comments from the developer:


Check out those environment screens.



It's a pretty exciting time to be an rpg fan right now. There are some very impressive old school rpgs that have spent years in development due out soon (Inquisitor, The Age of Decadence) and kickstarter looks to have birthed some quality looking titles with Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun Returns.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a good day for kickstarter.

Obsidian have launched a kickstarter for (working title) Project Eternity which is going to be a crpg in the vein of Troika/Black Isle/Bioware etc, which has already raised over $400,000:


Also, spiritual sequel to Total Annihalation, Planetary Annihalation, has raised over $2 million:


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  • 1 month later...

Project Eternity, the isometric party-based fantasy RPG from Fallout: New Vegas studio Obsidian Entertainment, has become the most-backed game ever on Kickstarter.

With an initial target of $1,100,000, the game's funding drive closed at $3,986,929 pledged by 73,986 users of the crowdfunding site.

Double Fine Adventure previously held the record, having raised $3.33 million by the end of its pledge period.

"Project Eternity aims to recapture the magic, imagination, depth, and nostalgia of classic RPG's that we enjoyed making - and playing," Obsidian says on the game's Kickstarter page.

"Project Eternity will take the central hero, memorable companions and the epic exploration of Baldur's Gate, add in the fun, intense combat and dungeon diving of Icewind Dale, and tie it all together with the emotional writing and mature thematic exploration of Planescape: Torment."

From October 30, Kickstarter will allow UK inventors and entrepreneurs to submit their proposals on the crowdfunding site.


Project Eternity, Wasteland 2, Shadowrun Returns, Double Fine Adventure, Broken Sword 5... And the good thing is, when they all come out i'll be finished with college and can go back to gaming all night, guilt-free!

Chris Robert's Star Citizen looks amazing as well (although not kickstarter funded). Kickstarter seems to have rejuvenated a lot of older game developers.

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