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Modern Warfare 3

Sly Reflex

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Activision's CEO, Eric Hirshberg, is not to be confused with Activision/Blizzard's CEO Robert Kotick, but he is to be taken seriously when it comes to all things Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. He's spoken out about the MW3 leak that occurred last May.

Speaking Advertising Age’s Creativity and Technology event during CES, according to some good reporting from Ripten, "He talked about fans of the franchise, and how they had every right to enjoy the information and discuss it via the multitude of online social outlets that propagate the web today."

More surprsingly, and quite refreshingly, "He went on to say that he implored his team to embrace the leak and live on, to view it as an opportunity instead of an obstacle"

Frankly, he seems to have been sensible about the whole thing, "telling his team to embrace the fire, to embrace the discussion. To ask themselves why they would normally rejoice at the notion of millions of fans discussing their game, but with this instance found themselves cringing at it simply because they did not control the moment and means which it was revealed."

You can say all you want about Activision, that twat Kotick and the business decisions they make, but can't help but agree with some of the stuff they say. Leaks are bad, but you can listen to the feedback of what people are saying. They are basically free testers.

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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone on here even play this anymore?! :blink:

Content Collection #1 compiles the Liberation, Piazza and Overwatch maps, alongside a brand new Black Box multiplayer map and two Special Ops missions; Black Ice and Negotiator.

These three new pieces of content are the subject of the screens, as you can see below. The Black Box map has you fighting beside a downed Air Force One, while Black Ice Special Ops mission features a big dollop of snowmobile action. The Negotiator Special Ops mission sees you trying to clear up a messy hostage situation in India.

Content Collection #1 hits on March 20th and represents the first time non-Elite subscribers can get their hands on meaningful new MW3 content.




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  • 4 weeks later...

I decided to throw this in after finishing Mass Effect last night. First lobby I got into had some twat rapping. I spent most of the night losing, the match making can be quite horrible. It doesn't seem to give a fuck on what skill level the people are, it just throws everyone in. There was one game I played in last night where one guy got 5000 points, everyone else barely managed to get 1000 or higher. Some of the exploits are fucking annoying as fuck. On that contruction site map people have figured out you can shoot a rocket at the ceiling and kill everyone withing a huge radius, once your got a team in there doing that it was game over.

It also appears that some people don't move what-so-fucking-ever. I could understand in objective games where you have to sit and protect points of interest, but in game modes where you are free to just run around you can bet that most of the people in the lobby are squat in a corner somewhere laid in tall grass going 10/2 and thinking they are awesome. These people really spoil the game, it's easy to get angry when you are getting killed by these cunts or witness them on your own team not pulling their weight. I spent the night going from anything from 1/10 to 30/20 running around. I tried to sit in a corner and it just made for a boring game. The most ironic thing with the camping is that in objective games where camping could be tolerated, you just have people using it as TDM. It's like those cunts on BF games that take absolutely no notice of the crates or their teams interests because they are getting an awesome k/d. I've no idea why teams must have all 3 flags in the flag capturing game, spreading yourself too thin just looses you the game as you are constantly exchanging flags between teams instead of holding them for the absolute duration.

The players are so fucking dumb in the objective playtypes that you have to wonder how they operate from day to day. Why are people avoiding picking up tags in kill confirmed? Just pick them up, the person that gets the kill gets the points as well I think. I don't know why this behaviour is prominent. I have no idea why most players will go for a yellow tag over a red one either, you are bleeding more points not picking up the red tags than you are picking up the yellow ones. I've had games where I could kill shit, yet I was top 3 because all I was doing was hovering tags up. It's not rocket science, tags equal points. Just pick them all up.

Odd as it may seem I'm enjoying it. It could be better, people could be less mouthy in lobby, there's no need to be a cunt to people online, it doesn't make you big or clver. Normally I let people have open mics in games when I play online but in this case I'm finding I need to mute a hell of a lot of people, it's like playuing Halo 3 all over again with all the foul mouth kids. The most annoying thing is that I did hear some genuine conversation on there that I would have talked back to if I could have been bothered plugging a mic in. It's just that the majority of people playing are utter fucking cunts that could make online gaming a better place by cutting their fucking tongues off.

I'm probably going to spend a few more hours playing it and see what I think after that. I wasn't going to bother with it at all, I only brought it here so the missus could play it as she is partial to the Call of Duty games. If it doesn't light my fire after that I think I'll give that Gotham City Heroes game a go, or at least try the demo and see if it's up to much. Either that or I might scan the shops for a cheap Halo Reach or something. I'm not sure yet.

There was one stellar moment last night where a guy was bad mouthing me because I was a level 15. He quit out after a few minutes because I spent all game leading my team. The fucking tool.

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Activision need to sack the people responsible for whoever designs the maps and spawn system, they are both unforgivable. The maps are really boring clusterfucks of design, no matter what the setting they all feel the same. Some of them in particular feel like fan made ones from back in the time where you could make your own on the PC.

The spawns are a joke. I've been killed before I can even move from killstreaks, on one map is spawned me about 3 feet away from where I got sniped. It's spawned me on top of enemies. It's spawned enemies right in front of me. It's spawned me on top of grenades. It's spawned me in traps. It's crazy bad. I hate how fucking random it is too, objective games are a nightmare because of it.

lag also makes the game frustrating, I thought one guy was cheating because I put a whole clip point blank into him, got hit markers for every one, stabbed him, then got killed by him. I checked the leaderboard just to make sure. Every time I came across that player I died, even if I was shooting him from behind, the killcam wasn't even showing him get hurt or me firing or anything. It's so frustrating when that happens, those are those occasions where you might as well not even bother for all the good it will do you.

The music when something levels up is nice.

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I played some more tonight. Kill Confirmed as from what I've played of the other game types I don't like, too full of people trying to pad their special stats by sitting on barrels in corners of dark rooms. Of course, people still do that in Kill Confirmed, but those players seem to be in the minority.

After a few games it appeared that a clan joined consisting of 4 people. These games where the bests ones, even though I got totally fucked when I ended up on the opposite team, the games against these guys were the most fun, mainly because they were running around in packs, it was really satisfying to get a flank on them and clean them all out in onew go. It was even better playing with them. They were talking to each other and playing the game, staggering their killstreak to make sure they always retained the upperhand. It was nice to play in a co-ordinating team, it's probably the first bunch of people I've played against on CoD that weren't uber cunts. They even stood by me so I could self revive when I was on a death streak, which I thought was nice of them. The games where I were playing with this guys were the best games I've ever had. I think I managed 22/10 in one game, and I had other games where I was pulling results out like that similarly.

I found a few guns I like using, and I'm settling into the perks that I have selected. There was one gun I ended up picking up and it was beastly, it had one of those little radars on it. I don't have that radar thing yet for any of my guns, but if I did I'd probably use it all the time, it was really handy.

I'm still yet to play through all the co-op stuff as well, although I'm guessing that none of you would be about to do it with me. I normally get online just as everyone is going off. I'll have to see if I can get on earlier one day, maybe jump on at dinner time here and see if I can get some games in with any of you guys. Ironically, although a few people on my friend list play this game, none of them are forum dwellers. I seem to the the only person playing it. :blink:

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  • 1 month later...

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wgZFvCloRHw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Modern Warfare 3 getting free 'Face Off' mode, non-free Content Collection 2

A new way of murdering your friends and/or strangers is coming to the Xbox 360 version of Modern Warfare 3 on May 15, in the form of "Face Off" mode. Face Off has been designed for 1v1 or 2v2 firefights, with its four maps built specifically for small, close-quarters battle between a small number of soldiers. The two free maps launching with the new mode, Aground and Erosion, take place on a beached ship on the coast of Scotland and on the Italian coast during a volcanic eruption, respectively. PlayStation 3 and PC dates for Face Off have yet to be determined.

A new Content Collection is also on its way, available to Call of Duty Elite subscribers on May 15 and everyone else (with an Xbox) on May 21. Content Collection 2 includes three new multiplayer maps (Sanctuary, Foundation and Oasis), as well as two new Spec Ops missions (Iron Clad, Kill Switch) and the other two Face Off maps, Getaway and Lookout. As per usual, PS3 and PC dates are indeterminate, but everyone is welcome to take a peek at the new jams courtesy of IGN's trailer above.


I'm looking forward to this, it'll get me back into MW3 for a bit. Looking forward to playing some games of it with sibernet 1v1, and 2v2 against others.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I got back into this as a guy in work has added me to his friends list and plays mostly just Call of Duty. It took me ages to download all the new maps but I really enjoyed playing it. Terminal is a great map. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Me and Sly have been playing this, doing the standard Special Ops missions and it may surprise people (including both me and Sly himself) to learn that Sly has actually been enjoying this!

I'd like to try and get 2 stars on all of them and also try the Survial and other types. Some of the levels are quite clever and more than just kill a room full of people.

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Sly? Enjoying COD? Fuck me, it's the Rapture!!! Save yourselves!!! ;-)

He certainly has a point though, there's a lot of fuck-wits playing it. Still, least it meant easy scores on Kill Confirmed, I pretty much only played that mode the entire time I played this.

Having said that, if Activision seriously think people will pay £160 for Black Ops 2-Flying Drone edition, they're mental.

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  • 9 years later...

So right off the bat seeing the Russian army spend 50+ days trying to take over a few cities next door makes a game where they are fighting and beating every western country in the world at once lose any semblance of believability this game might try to have. 


I played through this today because I like the MW series, but couldn’t remember this one at all. Playing through it again I see why I didn’t remember it. It’s not a bad CoD game. Certainly better than even some of their more recent games. But definitely forgettable. 

IW had a big walk out on Activision after Modern Warfare 2 and my read is this game turned out the way it did because of that. It has the same feel to me as a Shadow of the Tomb Raider or a Bayonetta 2. A team picking up a previous team’s work and just doing their best job to imitate what had already been done instead of doing something new. 

So it checks all the boxes, but neither does new stuff or the same stuff better than what had already been done. 

MW3 also comes off worse than the other examples too because MW1 and MW2 are simply iconic. Amazingly designed, innovative, world beating games and MW3 isn’t any of those things. It feels a bit like a headless chicken. It’s knocking over Eiffel Towers and blowing up a 100 warships off the coast of New York and chemical weapons are being released in London but I really never understood what was going on or where I was going half the time. Just running around shooting everything going I guess this’ll work.


For my money MW1 and MW2 are some of the best FPS campaigns I’ve ever played and despite all the bombastic, rollercoaster, nuke detonating shit, those games have a pace, a place and flow through them that makes the big action scenes hit. MW3 got none of that.


But it’s not bad. It’s fun to look at and plays well. But it’s just kind of forgettable.


I played on PC (Completed my first PC game yay) with mouse and keyboard because the game has no controller support. It wasn’t hard because it’s CoD, but there were a lot of deaths where I jumped instead of crouched or couldn’t get away from a grenade fast enough. I think I now know why PC players talk about FoV options. It’s never bothered me ever in a CoD game but by the end of the game I was feeling a tiny bit sick between my jittery mouse, the screen shaking and just trying to look everywhere. Probably because I’m sitting much closer to the monitor than I would a TV as well so having an option to pull back a bit would have been nice maybe.


Maybe that isn’t why people like FoV options at all but this was my experience playing the game.


On the flip side the mouse really gives the CoD gunplay a John Wick sense of efficient, highly precise, double tap dead style to it which compliments CoD’s fastest finger first mechanics, I think. Apart from at the end where I couldn’t see shit and returned to spraying and praying. But up until then it was cool.


Slightly unfortunate but the end to the game has a QTE bit. So the guy jumps off a thing and it says “push E” and I’m like where’s E and I died. Then next time I’m ready for it and straight after the game says “Push F” and I’m like where’s F and I died. Took me 4 attempts to get through final sequence.


But I did a game with M&KB yay.

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