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Mario and Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story (DS)


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I'm surprised seemingly no one else here has this game yet, considering I could swear everyone here has played Partners in Time and maybe Superstar Saga, and everyone likes Paper Mario, which is pretty similar.

If you've played the others, then this is pretty much more of the same, but when the scripts and scenarios are this funny, it doesn't really matter. There are some twists to it though, namely that in the game, Bowser is the one who does the outside exploring while Mario and Luigi get inhaled by Bowser during a dodgy mushroom trip (It makes no sense really, Bowser's big but not that big!). This means Mario and Luigi walk around fighting enemies and exploring inside him. There's no gory stuff at all, just mental crap and enemies. There's sort of a simultaneous nature to it as well, like you don't just take turns playing as Mario/Luigi and then Bowser, because you can change between them at anytime. This means that you can get Mario and Luigi 'helping' Bowser from the inside, like powering up his muscles by stimulating nerves and helping hime do things. I just had to solve puzzles which relied on being in Bowsers stomach while he drank water, which changed the environment. Knowing Mario and Luigi games, I expect these to get more and more rediculous as the game goes on.

But yeah, definite thumbs up from me. The game has a very tight and funny script (What else would you expect from a Mario RPG?),amazing characters and the series great battle system has been simplified somewhat after Partners in Time made it very complicated with the babies.

The EU release is on Friday, if anyone's interested.

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Bowsers inside story sure touched the normally stony hearts of GameCentral.

Review by David Jenkins - There's not been much for Nintendo fans to feel happy about this year and we're not sure this doesn't make things worse.

Although it's by third party AlphaDream this is classic Nintendo whimsy and it might almost have been easier to think they couldn't make games like this anymore, rather than choosing not to.

Endangered species or not though this is one of the games of the year.

This is the third in the Mario & Luigi series and although it's very much its own game many of the mechanics stretch back to parent franchise Paper Mario.

The plot involves a pandemic called the blorbs, which causes all in the Mushroom Kingdom to inflate in size and roll about like broken Weebles.

To cut a nonsensical story short Bowser then gets tricked into shrinking and inhaling Mario, Luigi and the rest.

The end result of all these gloriously silly plot twists is that you actually play the game from two separate, but interlinked, points of view.

As Mario and Luigi you explore Bowser's murky innards in something like a traditional Mario platformer.

At the same time though you also get to control Bowser himself, as he stomps around the outside world in the series' standard top down isometric view.

Right from the start the game manages to masterfully mix the two different viewpoints, such as Mario and Luigi massaging muscles to help Bowser fight.

Eventually you're able to exit his unpleasant innards but the game remains consistently inventive in its puzzles.

There's also far more mini-games than before, including a particularly satisfying one where Bowser expands to Godzilla size to fight giant enemies.

In terms of stats and items this is as simplistic as role-playing gets, while the combat requires fast reflexes to get the most out of each attack.

Mario and Luigi still fight as a team, while Bowser now has minions he can call on for special abilities.

It's fast paced and there are no random battles, but even so the formula is the only element of the game that might be starting to seem overfamiliar.

Despite all the varied mechanics, and excellent use of the DS's various features, the best part of the game is still the gently humorous script.

The knowing comedy, as genre cliches are simultaneously used and abused, is the closest any video game has come to a successful Airplane! style parody.

It's a joy from start to finish and the only downside is how long the wait will be for another "proper" Nintendo game.

IN SHORT: The best Mario role-player yet is sharply funny, surprisingly deep and endlessly inventive.

PROS: The different play styles mix perfectly, with great puzzles, a witty script and a great turn from Bowser.

CONS: The role-playing style combat is still better than most, but it hasn't evolved much. Story is quite linear.

SCORE: 9/10 Out: 9/10 (UK)

I think I might pick this up, as I really enjoyed the others.

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I'm surprised seemingly no one else here has this game yet, considering I could swear everyone here has played Partners in Time and maybe Superstar Saga, and everyone likes Paper Mario, which is pretty similar.

i loved the thousand year door, so tried some other mario rpg's but have been a bit disapointed and given up, unclear why, they just didn't seem as funny, although maybe i didn't give them a good enough chance...still tempted by this though.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Almost nine hours in now, and I'm still loving it to bits. It's utterly charming, and just so enjoyable to play. It's easily my DS game of the year, and I doubt Spirit Tracks will top it for me.

Is anyone else still playing this, or planning to get it? I know DifferentClass is going by the gaming week thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost 15 hours in now, taking my time with it as I tend to play it mostly at work on breaks. I'my on my way to getting the third star cure. I can't praise this game enough. It has a very good chance of being my GOTY full stop, not just my handheld one.

I know that Hendo, Ben, and Sly Reflex have all mentioned they'd like to play Bowser's Inside Story. When you are able to purchase it, you're going to have an absolute blast. :wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm done, finished this earlier today. It was fantastic.

The turn based combat is brilliant, I'm amazed they can still throw in surprising attack patterns even though its the third game in the series. the story is ridiculous and is entertaining because of its characters that rarely fail to amuse. The only downside for the whole thing is that adrenaline mini-game, most of them you only did once or twice but you had to do that one more often than it was welcome (maybe five times, I hated doing it).

I really enjoyed it, I wouldn't mind going through the others one day. I finished the last DS one but I can't remember a thing about it and I got stuck near the end of the original on the GBA. I think this one has made the most impact, I'd enjoyed it as much as Thousand Year Door.

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I finished this last night, too. Superb from start to finish. I honestly couldn't find a single fault with the game.

I ended the game with 21hrs and 22mins on the clock, or that was before the final boss fight anyway.

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About 3 hours in now and the wacky French block thing has told me about the Bitties that he wants collecting (very different context than if you watch Little Britain) and I'm wondering if you are ever given a clue of where they are?

They briefly flashed up on the map screen but if I'm trying to level grind Bowser, I'd rather fight the enemies myself rather than inhale them for the brothers to fight.

So, do you ever have a clue of which ones to inhale?

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S'alright, I found out - you get a little hint in the fight if you should use the inhale thing, and I think I've found about 5 of them so far. Think it tells you in the Blitty screen roughly where you should find them.

Bit further in, have done a boss fight, after which Bowser has proved his stupidity and now is

a lardy arse.

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