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Doritos XBLA games


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Normally id just put this in the Live Arcade games thread, but cos its free i thought a few people would have it.

Its not a bad game actually, just ridiculously easy.

You are a T Rex, you have to eat vans. Once youve beat that (20 mins), you are a van collecting Doritos avoiding T Rex's (10 mins). Half hour later, 190 points for nothing, job done.

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Well, that was...err...fun?

It wasn't too shabby actually, it felt pretty dirty with a game just throwing achievements at you though, even if they do make it clear when you start the game up that you're going to "go on a Gamerscore Rampage!"

Shame the multi is offline only as it could be a fun way of passing time.

I liked it. I think.

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I thought it was alright.

So did you if you thought it was "stupidly enjoyable".

It might be an ad-game but that doesn't mean it's automatically in the sucky pile. As a game I think there's a potential there that could've been fleshed out, that's the only real problem with the game, that it's too short. But the controls work, it's fun to play, what else can you ask for?

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The controls barely worked, thats my point. The Rex was clumsy, fair enough it IS a dinosaur, so I didn't expect anything else, but considering how zippy the vans were they're handling also felt clumsy, also the collision detection on the water was a bit off and it was all too easy to get stuck on them. It was "stupidly enjoyable" in the respect that it wasn't long enough for these problems to stop someone playing the game.

I did say I wasn't going to go into detail on why it was crap, because I was willing to overlook them to an extent considering its price and the length of time spent playing it, but, meh, I was forced into it ;)

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The controls seemed fine to me. Sounds like niggles.

Again, if you were enjoying it while you were playing it then the controls couldn't have been a massive problem.

I'm not defending it as the best game ever made, but the fact that it's a cheap and cheerful ad-game doesn't mean it should be ripped apart for the smallest of things.

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The controls seemed fine to me. Sounds like niggles.

Again, if you were enjoying it while you were playing it then the controls couldn't have been a massive problem.

I'm not defending it as the best game ever made, but the fact that it's a cheap and cheerful ad-game doesn't mean it should be ripped apart for the smallest of things.

Which is why I was reluctant to do so in the first place :)

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It's not great, but it least it has a bit of a soul to it. The game makes a joke about the achievements, so I don't think it takes it to seriously. I would never buy this, but as a free game it's a pretty good laugh. After all, isn't that what Christmas is all about? :lol:

I do feel slightly bad that the 200g I got in 10 minutes got me up to 10000g.

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Its alright this, not a classic and it feels incredibly cheap and shoddy but its a laugh and an afternoons worth of carnage. The cars probably more fun the the t-rex purely on the basis of controls, I got a bit annoyed with the other rex's telepathy and perfect handling compared to the giant turning circle and loose aiming of mine

I've not played the multi (and i suspect a lot of the people with max points havent played it properly either) but it seems like it could work in a pacman vs kind of a way.

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I got a bit annoyed with the other rex's telepathy and perfect handling compared to the giant turning circle and loose aiming of mine

I came onto this thread to say exactly the same seen as no-one else had mentioned it till now, took me several goes to beat the cunt each time, it was awful. The cars were indeed much more fun, i could play more of that.

I've not played the multi (and i suspect a lot of the people with max points havent played it properly either) but it seems like it could work in a pacman vs kind of a way.

I did, my misses got her ass kicked several times in a row. Its funny, she likes this game but hates Mirrors Edge.

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I got a bit annoyed with the other rex's telepathy and perfect handling compared to the giant turning circle and loose aiming of mine

I came onto this thread to say exactly the same seen as no-one else had mentioned it till now, took me several goes to beat the cunt each time, it was awful. The cars were indeed much more fun, i could play more of that.

I've not played the multi (and i suspect a lot of the people with max points havent played it properly either) but it seems like it could work in a pacman vs kind of a way.

I did, my misses got her ass kicked several times in a row. Its funny, she likes this game but hates Mirrors Edge.

she should review for EDGE

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  • 1 year later...

Thought I'd use this thread rather than make one or two new ones.

I seem to be the only person alive that liked Dash of Destruction but these new games are genuinely good!

Crash Course is like a Total Wipeout kind of thing, or Trials HD without the bike. It's addictive and has the leaderboard feature that few games have used since Geo Wars 2 - your nearest rival is on the top right of the screen, taunting you. In my case it was always Hinn, though illdizzle was top dog on the full leaderboards. The achievements don't seem to be as piss easy as DoD, at least getting all gold medals will take some skill.

Harm's Way is one half off-road racing and one half real-time tower defense. You either race your motor across these bumpy tracks that have different shortcuts that open and close, or you play as a laser tower on the side of the course, shooting everyone up.

I think there's only 3 courses but it's fun to play.

Thumbs up to both - I'd certainly have been happy paying 400 points each for them.

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Me & a couple of mates were playing Harm's Way for a good hour or so last night, and it was actually surprisingly fun (for free)!

There didn't seem to be any randoms playing it online (so we just filled up the empty slots with bots), but I would imagine a full lobby of 8 players could easily turn out to be a riot!

Also gave CrashCourse a ten minute blast... felt like a poor man's TrialsHD, though still better than Dash of Destruction...

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Crash Course is frustrating as hell, gets very hard pretty quick. I have some control issues, the acceleration is to slow on the ground and too quick in the air which takes a bit of getting used too. Aslo, the tramplolines suck phenominal balls, if you dont hit them dead centre thats your decent time gone. Still, like Hendo says its addictive as hell. Oh, and it needs a restart level option like Trials has.

Need to play Harms Way with someone to fully appreciate it, its a good idea having two seperate aspects in one game but it felt a little flat in single player. Still, what i played of it i enjoyed more than Crash Course.

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