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Phooey Has A Friend


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Yep, I got a new phone today, which means I can finally get rid of my piece of wank Motorola RAZR fucking piece of shit that it is.

Thought I'd take advantage of some xmas deals and one carphone warehouse are doing a deal with orange where you get a ps3, so I did :)

No idea what model type it is (heres hoping 60 gig with BC) Is there one where it's just an Atari 2600 in a giant shell?

Anyway it should arrive either tomorrow or saturday, and hopefully I'll have enough cash to pick up a game for it. Im thinking Heavenly Sword as Blockbuster only give £8 trade, so it should be piss cheap

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RetroEd wrote:

Woah man, all three 'new-gen' systems in the house!

What deal did you manage to blag, if you don't mind me asking? Oh, and what phone? :)

It's a Nokia 5310 Xpress Music phone. It's crazy thin, about half the width of a US DS case and really really light. Unless i got too used to carrying around the Razr brick

Not had much of a play, but i got the radio working easy enough, and it comes with a 2 gig micro SD. It tried syncing with something and i accidentally cancelled it and it said it wouldnt remind me, so i may have broken something already. But considering i couldnt turn it on for 10 minutes because i didnt realise it had a power button and was just pressing green and getting angry, thats no surprise :blush: Big screen, 2 gig camera (but not light) and a seperate sound chip for what does seem really good sound (through headphones)

It's £45 a month, which is a fiver more than i was paying (still am for a couple of months) but you get (Orange)900 mins and unlimited texts. However it also said 450 texts, so im guessing its unlimited for 6 months or something. I'm hoping i get a bit of free net usage too, but i cant see it mentioned anywhere. It was the best thing about my 3 contract tho, i used to get 3meg net access a month which combined with Opera mini went a long way (which comes already installed on this :D)

So far im happy enough with it, but i really cant think of anything i want on the ps3 at the minute

EDIT: I should say Ed, they had 2 other phones to choose from, neither of which stood out as anything amazing. The better camera and free memory made me pick this one. On the CW website tho theres similar deals with Wiis

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Nice. :)

I recently got a new contract on Orange. I went in to Phones 4 U and they bought me out of my 3 contract by giving me £75 cashback. I'm on the Orange Dolphin tariff, which is 500 cross-network mins and unlimited texts for £35 a month. For an extra tenner I have combined my home broadband into the cost and get free landline, orange mobile, and international calls at all times when I plug a phone into my router! So I've bought a new home phone and we use that all the time, saving around 15-20 quid on calls we used to make with BT. Unlimted downloads and 8meg connection, too. I got the Sony Ericsson K850i (unbranded and unlocked) the day after it came out, tis a beast.

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Hmm, becuase that was an early game and should be cheappy cheap cheap, I was thinking of picking that up, think I'll give it a miss.

I think I can get enough in trade for my old phone to get a ps3 game, anyone know of anything worth picking up? I've nothing against motorstorm but having played Excite Truck this year i'm not sure i need another game like that just yet

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I have a PS3 chum here on these internets boards? Excellent. :) As for games, Uncharted is supposed to be pretty good. I've got my copy, but it's a present to me from me for Christmas, so I can't open it yet. :laugh: I'm actually enjoying Motorstorm & Resistance, but that's probably because I've been playing portable games, so these are a nice change of pace. I've also got Ratchet waiting to be played. Plus I've been downloading all the updates for teh rumble support.

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I must say to address my previous comment on Resistance, i failed to mention I really enjoyed Motorstorm, it would definately be a purchase if I had a PS3. Its like Colin Mcrae meets Texas Chainsaw Masscre.

So there, i played 2 games on the PS3, one good, one bad. Enjoy your life together Phoo and Ben.

Thats is all.

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The ps3 just turned up, its a 40 gig version, and ive not tested it yet to see if there is some secret BC in there, i doubt it but it'd be nice.

It did come with 2 free gifts though. The first was super shitty film Stealth, great to show off teh blurayz, except ive got a normal telly and i try to avoid shit films about hitech planes going rogue

The 2nd freebie tho is much better, Ratchet & Clank, a game i wasnt all that interested in, but for free 'm looking forward to giving it a go

Edit: The 6-axis is even more uncomfortable than the duelshock 2. Why they persist with this stupid design is beyond me

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Ben wrote:

Edit: The 6-axis is even more uncomfortable than the duelshock 2. Why they persist with this stupid design is beyond me

It's actually one of my favourite pads, although I have got teh rumble so the extra weight makes it feel nice. Of course, I am teh SONY FANBOY!!!11 so I would say that...

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I quite like the Sixasis fwiw. I like it being light, I don't like its analogue sticks or bizarre triggers though.

As for the PS3 itself, mine is a VF5 player and a web browser. That's it. There's no incentive to turn the damn thing on when I have a Wii and a 360 next to it. Recent games that have had people crowing "triple A!!111" are merely slightly-above-average (Uncharted: Worst Name Ever, Ratchet & Clank) and the online setup is beyond bad. No XBM in-game? Excuz me, wtf r u doin?

Still, I'll keep it for DMC and MGS I suppose.

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I can see that if a person owns a 360, there's probably little incentive to warrant a PS3 purchase at the moment. However, I don't own a 360 & have mainly been a handheld gamer for the last 12 months, so my PS3 is getting lots of use. In fact it gets used every day. :)

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Oh, I'm not trying to disparage you, or anyone else, at all phooey. It's disappointment in Sony that's causing the anger, I really hope it recovers, as the machine is absolutely essential for the Japanese developers.

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I know that mate. :) There are numerous faults with Sony/PS3 & I'm certainly not going to stand on my soap box & lecture everyone on how wonderful they are. Because they're not. But so far, I'm pretty happy with my purchase. If I'd been a 360 owner since day one, I wouldn't have bought a PS3 yet, but I'm not, so I'm now in bed with Sony. :laugh:

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