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Halo 3


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Halo is a wooden rocking horse. Im afraid that for me personally Call of Duty shows up the flaws with Halo. That said, ive recently got into the 'old school Free for all' type of game on COD4 which is more cartoony with you having to pick up all guns and perks (starting perkless and with a shitty skorpion), being able to jump higher and also taking more damage, giving it more of a cartoony feel.

If im honest then I probably could enjoy me some Halo, Rocket Races is the best shooter mode ive played, the thing is that Call of duty just holds my attention too well.

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I just didn't "get" halo either. The bulk of the people on there just piss me off. The entire world is better than me at it. It plays farrrr to slow so an action shooter, and i just don't like it...at all. COD4 on the other hand i though was awesome. Both the single player campaign and the multi are fab, easy to get into hard to master, just how a game should be.

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Oliath - http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?ty...pnews&cid=13413

i think cod4 is a good game but compared to halo it's pretty rubbish/boring online, there's no need for teamwork (apart from maybe the hardcore modes but then you sit out most of the game if your crap like me), there's no propper matchmaking and don't get me started on how stupid it is to give someone already kicking ass helecopter and air support - but that's just my opinion :)

sambob wrote:

Thats pretty good of them, im guessing its to try and steal some of the traffic from COD4, as thier new maps are released on the first or second of April.

they did the same with the halo2 maps, bungie wanted them all to be free but microsoft disagree so this is the compromise (well it's more complicated than that and the last halo2 map pack might not have been made free?)

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I'd just like to appologise to Games!!! I dont hate you I don't know what Sam's talking about

Also while Spatular may have spent to much time with me he does still play Halo all the time. If anything he should spend more time with me so we can get to the core of his problem :P

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i would like to say i'll convert you all to the wonders of halo!!!111 etc. but i've pretty much given up on convincing Ben of halo's brilliance.

tonight for the first time in ages we had enough people for some custom games 4v4, it was flipping brilliant :)

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I love lockout.

Def getting this map pack.

I have always loved halo and halo 2 multiplayer in my opinion re-defined online gaming on consoles with its matchmaking system.

As much as i love COD... i do get bored of it much quicker than teh Halo, but i guess it depends what you are into.

Agreed the Halo community is generally full of khunts, but thats cos a whole bunch of kids play it... after all it is a kids game at heart.... but to be good it does require a bit of skill and map knowledge (like any game).

I think i can always rely on it because its so well polished and balanced and pretty much glitch free.... ok there are a few exploits here and there but nothing game-killing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For anyone that still plays this game and isn't tossing themselves off over some Go-Kart racing game featuring plumbers and annoying princesses that you want to punch in the ovaries for red shelling you just when you are about to win..... The legendary Map Pack is out today.

Anyone gonna get it?

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Just some info about the maps if anyone is interested.

Ghost Town which is an organic map set in the area surrounding a large mountain, characterized by its crumbling buildings that stand as a stagnant reminder of the war which has torn through the region.

The idea behind Avalanche is derived from Sidewinder, a map which was held in high regard my many Halo players. It's a remote power station set on a glacial shelf and its open outdoor area and narrow corridors make it ideal for larger games.

The final map in the pack, Blackout, is also based on a map which appeared earlier in the series, the ever popular, Lockout. It's another very remote building standing alone in the wilderness which features tight indoor areas and a maze of outdoor platforms and bridges.

To compliment the arrival of the pack, Microsoft has also published a free Legendary Map Pack dashboard theme, which you're able to pick up absolutely free. US and Canadian gamers can also get their hands on a free gamer picture which automatically enters them into the Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack promotion.

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Yeah me too.

Said i wasn't gonna do it but GOD DAMMIT i had some MS points on my account.

The new lockout - blackout is SPOT ON.

They haven't changed anything really...just updated the graphics. Plays juts like the old one so all the shortcut jumps and so on work... right down to the fact that you can still blow up the fusion coils in the sniper tower and it throws the sniper rifle all the way to the BR spawn.... Apparently they spent ages tweaking this to work with the new physics.

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the shortcut jumps and so on work.

most of the jumps work, but not all, and there's some new ones and some they've made easier too!

Has anything like this happen to u during online?

yeah man, cool stuff happens all the time (well occasionally) in halo :)

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I saw a video on teh internets the other day which was called 'if pigs could fly' its a video of some guy sooting people when all of a sudden a warthog truck lands on his head, the video then goes into theatre mode and what happens is a guy on the same team was driving his car, then crashed into that big wheel thing, the warthog goes all the way around the wheel and then eventually lands on some guy killing him, its hilarious...well i lol'd

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