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Everything posted by OrangeRKN

  1. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    There's a quest with him that changes that He somehow gets lets interesting afterwards
  2. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    So you missed out on the adventures of Herbert "Daring" Dashwood and his ghoul manservant Argyle??? Galaxy News Radio is absolutely top tier. Fallout 4's radio is incredibly disappointing in comparison :(
  3. I got this on Switch but need to give it a proper go. I think I'm being somewhat unfair in comparing it to Binding of Isaac considering that game is near perfect
  4. OrangeRKN


    It's alright but I was getting bored of the loop as I was finishing up the third dungeon. I would have pushed through but after placing down a portal before the boss, every time I tried to return the game froze on reloading the dungeon. That bug killed it for me as I couldn't stomach working through every floor again when I should have just been able to teleport back in and take on the boss. I think the game is just a little slow at ramping up the shop mechanics, I'd find it more engaging if it was quicker paced.
  5. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    Look forward to it! Told you this was a good idea ;) I think this is just what happens when you play a Bethesda game several years down the line, once they've had a load of patching.
  6. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    Synths are bad guys, Brotherhood are bad guys, Minutemen are good guys because I am their god-emperor
  7. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    Worst thing about the Brotherhood - by refusing to join or help them I locked myself out of their questline, which meant that I never got the trophy for finding every location in the game because there is no other way of getting to their blimp >:| Literally the one location I was missing
  8. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    I think this can sometimes happen when an enemy dies, despite you not being involved. Sometimes from fighting others, sometimes just from bugging out on spawn or something.
  9. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    It's better than 4 imo :P Most interesting setting of all the Bethesda games with a massive and varied map, and a ton of variety in enemies too. Mostly though I just love being able to build camps almost wherever I want - settlement building was by far my most loved part of 4. Yeah it doesn't have many NPCs and the quests are all linear, but that was the weakest part of 4 by far and New Vegas has all the other games beat hands down. NV is still my go-to as a proper RPG with interesting and branching quest lines (and the only game I felt it worth having companions in), but I'm enjoying 76 plenty as an exploration game. It still has all the environmental storytelling that Bethesda are actually good at, without the badly done quest writing that upset me in Fallout 4!
  10. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    Yeah there is a lot of learning of what is and isn't worth picking up. I'm still going through it in 76 at the moment. The scrapper perk is super useful for gathering materials as it gives you more and extra materials from scrapping things.
  11. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    Classic Bethesda bug right there! On settlements being attacked, I /think/ that each settlement has set spawn points just outside, so enemies will always attack from certain directions, but I think I also read that the AI needs to be able to path them into the settlement, and if you prevent this from happening (i.e. have no doors/gates at all) then they can start spawning inside. Certainly with Hangman's Alley it was enough for me to put turrets at the two entrances and enemies would just throw themselves against them. If your defence stat is high enough attacks happen very rarely anyway (you definitely want defences totaling more than the settlement's combined food and water yields).
  12. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    I like the player camera as it makes it feel more immersive, like you're actually building rather than pulling you out the game. But yes it can be fiddly as hell. I don't think the game ever tells you this but if you hold down the select button (X on PS4) you can move the object forwards/back and left/right without moving yourself. That lets you place stuff further away and is occasionally useful. The later levels of the Local Leader perk are worth getting too as they let you build stores and workbenches.
  13. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    The radioactive pool in Starlight Drive-In can be made nonradioactive by scrapping the radioactive barrels that are in it. Just enter the crafting mode and hover over the barrels and you'll be able to scrap them. I had a water purifier sat in it with a few shacks surrounding it, but the main thing I did with the settlement was build up against the back of the giant screen: Also Hangman's Alley was one of my favourite settlements, I managed to max it out with 20 settlers despite being so small by building up along the walls. It was super fiddly but I was proud:
  14. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    Yeah you need to link settlements with supply routes, once you've done that they will all share an inventory. It's possible for supply routes to break if the person assigned to them dies, but it's pretty unlikely! I just gave them all shotguns and mining helmets (I liked them all being visible from their light). In crafting mode when you highlight a resident it will show you a symbol to what they are assigned. It will also highlight the exact resource that are assigned to, but that requires them being in view, obviously. You select them then the resource you want to assign/unassign. It can be fiddly, but if you build a bell that can help. When you ring it all the settlers will stop what they are doing and gather at the bell, so you can more easily reassign them. I absolutely loved the settlement building, best part of 4 by far!
  15. OrangeRKN

    Fallout 4

    Welcome to Fallout 4, enjoy your next 100 hours
  16. OrangeRKN

    Comfort gaming

    The PSP probably has the most comfort games for me, like Star Wars Battlefront II or Elite Squadron and Dead to Rights: Reckoning. It's hard to pinpoint why but that era just feels very "classic" in game design.
  17. OrangeRKN


    This almost sounds like the premise of Space Station Silicon Valley
  18. I love the Switch but the d-pad (or lack-of) is a bit rubbish. The best d-pad is actually on the Vita
  19. I think the art style captures the tone of the game perfectly. Also I recall reading this quite a while ago, all the way back with DX the developers were talking about "The cute, bubble-headed characters" and "The brightly-coloured scenery" https://www.glitterberri.com/links-awakening/staff-questionnaire/
  20. OrangeRKN

    Tetris 99

    I think you'll want to switch away from attackers occasionally, as if you and your opponent are both set to attackers but one happens to have attacked the other you'll get stuck in a loop constantly fighting each other. If you switch out to another target for a bit you'll break the loop.
  21. My favourite game of all time! I'm incredibly excited, they appear to have nailed the art style by capturing the same whimsical, pocket-fitting, cartoon and almost toy-like feeling of the original. You can already spot some QOL changes like being able to jump at the same time as having the sword and shield equipped and having a scrolling screen overworld. The actual areas in the trailer look very accurate although they aren't exactly 1 to 1 with some slight differences I can spot in tree and bush placement.
  22. This is great and all, but when are we getting Kessen IV
  23. OrangeRKN


    Any idea how many chapters there are and what the level cap is? Sounds like it could end up pretty damn lengthy
  24. We're already playing Death Stranding through Kojima's marketing and it's great, all you doubters are crazy
  25. I also got it as it was cheap on Switch and I'd heard good things, but I just don't feel it. The visual style promises more in stills than it actually delivers and the gameplay feels uninspired. Playable, but quickly forgettable.
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