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Everything posted by Maf

  1. Maf


    Kind of jealous, actually. I really wish I had the time to play this again
  2. Maf

    DmC (Devil May Cry)

    Uh, also there’s V. Which makes a good chunk of 5 rubbish
  3. Maf

    DmC (Devil May Cry)

    I still think it’s the best Devil May Cry game
  4. Maf

    BAFTA Games Awards

    @Nag You can’t be the God of Boats unless you actually spend all your time in a boat, that’s just obvious
  5. The idea of a marathon is stupid. It isn’t a sequential story where you got a remember that time Tony Stark got a robot virus and tried to DKR’s it up on a formula 1 track to enjoy EndGame. They are stand alone adventures that cross over here and there, and periodically they actually have full on crossovers.
  6. I got this today Literally collects the first 7 issues of Jim Lee drawing X-Men. The version of the team I actually give a fuck about
  7. Maf

    BAFTA Games Awards

    I keep thinking I would play GoW again but then I remember that fucking boat and am like no
  8. https://www.first4figures.com/collectibles/super-mario-mario-and-yoshi-definitive-edition.html https://www.first4figures.com/collectibles/sonic-the-hedgehog-vs-chopper-diorama.html ?
  9. Maf


    Well, I guess then technically he’s in it but I would want to see a dash of actual Batman. Like not even for him to interact with Joker necessarily but I think it’s weird when they go so heavy on all this Batman stuff without Batman being there. Just the slightest visual queue or nod would do. Even if it was just the bat signal
  10. Maf


    The thing is Comics them self aren’t a genre they are their own type of entertainment. So in the movie world the comic book movie has been defined by the Marvel formula, I think it would be a mistake to think of that as the comic book genre. That is the action movie genre based on comic books. They could and can still be much more than that
  11. Maf


    Wow that trailer is amazing. It’s actually better than all the Endgame trailers. Even if it was the briefest, briefest appearance it would be great if Batman was in it.
  12. Maf

    Borderlands 3

    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I think it’s the best cover art in years
  13. Maf


    I don’t care enough to watch it but I need an opinion in case someone asks quick help
  14. Maf

    Borderlands 3

    Those covers are amazing. I would only get the standard, though
  15. I’ll give them that Savage Avengers is a new theme at least for Avengers. X-Force is a closer analogy. But it is fucking stupid. Stupid to the point where I might have to see it. Side note people are raving over Jason Aaron’s run on Conan at Marvel right now which I didn’t pick up at all because I don’t know anything about or care about Conan. But now I might need to pick up the trade.
  16. I don’t know if this is new or not but - Conan the Barbarian becomes part of the Marvel Universe?! The Hand has teamed up with the evil wizards of the Hyborian Age to summon a death god from a celestial hell. The only thing standing between Earth and destruction is the Savage Avengers: Conan, Wolverine, Punisher and Voodoo. I wasn’t going to buy this but... Fuck it sounds so stupid I think I need to know
  17. The new trailer is ok. I don’t think it’s that spoilery at all. Got to say have ‘t really been bowled over by any of these Endgame trailers. Nothing that that second Infinity War trailer, anyway. Is it really happening, are they not going to be able to stick the landing after 10 years? Surely no film ever has the potential of disappointment that this film has lol
  18. Maf

    Sonic Mania

    As much as Sonic Mania is one of my favourite games of the past few years I still prefer the standard mode over the remix mode. Some of that is just because I played so much of the base game that’s just what I know, but also the character swapping was kind of annoying, they moved all the special stages around, and the special stages were so much harder. I really like playing as Mighty because he was always one of my favourite side characters in Sonic, and I think the remix mode is ok for what it is, but I only played it a couple of times where as the base game I have played probably upwards of 15 across PS4 and Switch Shameless showing off here is my awesome run at Hydrocity Act 2 and Chemical Plant Zone Act 2
  19. Oh my god I just found an artist called Iban Coello whoI have never heard of before but ? He drew Amazing Spider-Man 16.HU which I just read ?
  20. Maf

    Devil May Cry 5

    Oh, jeez, here we go. Combo Mad videos. beware of lots of spoilers of all varieties
  21. Say what you want around Grant Morrison but he invented a Green Lantern called Vulk who is a volcano and has a ‘rumble’ speech impediment ?
  22. Maf

    Yoshi’s Crafted World

    I’ve had 3 play sessions on this today and I finally got the first gem in the game (There appears to be 5). It’s all very nice but also not very exciting. Like I’m forgetting the game as I’m playing it. Which is really bad considering that to 100% each land (Which I’ve been doing) you might end up playing the same level up to 4-6 times. I don’t really have anything to complain about, but nothing to really shout about, either. It’s good and I’ll keep playing it. Just wish it was a bit more interesting both in themes of levels and exploration of the levels.
  23. What do you think @OCH is this a good collection? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cable-X-Force-Omnibus-Marvel-Comics/dp/1302917773/ref=sr_1_19?crid=1PEN7U6XN9PHR&keywords=marvel+omnibus+hardcover&qid=1553955270&s=books&sprefix=Marvel+omn%2Cstripbooks%2C135&sr=1-19
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