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Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth

one-armed dwarf

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14 hours ago, Metroid66 said:

You play as her in X-2

I know that. But the point was she is not a pure white mage. She's basically a more religious version of Garnet. Taking away the Materia, Aeris is the low damage dealing white mage job class. Her Limit Breaks were among the best. None were for offense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah the bits of sidequests they've shown in videos look pretty dogshit. It's got ubisoft towers and the very stale robot NPCs that they had in the last one


I can forgive all of that though for an excellent card game with its own parallel progression system. About fucking time they brought that back. Question is it Fort Condor from the DLC or something new (FC was neat, but I'd like something new)

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It's not FFVII anymore though, and the last game was very threadbare for activities which weren't fetch quests. So it does need more stuff. 


Frankly it's the one thing which keeps VIII and X in the higher tier of FF releases for me, hugely diverting activities like Triple Triad and blitzball. XIII, XV and XVI needed something like that

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1 hour ago, one-armed dwarf said:

It's not FFVII anymore though

I guess I need to bear that in mind.


2 hours ago, one-armed dwarf said:

the last game was very threadbare for activities which weren't fetch quests

Maybe if they didn't try to base a whole game around an hour and a half of the original. They could have included the mini games that defined OG 7 and not modern filler content. It would be like if REmake 1 took place purely on the first floor of the Spencer Mansion.

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  • 1 month later...

Looking forward to this now, have no interest in next state of play, want to discover anything else in my own play time. 


Id have no objections to tripple triad coming over, not the 4x4 grid in 9 though. 


I didnt enjoy the fort condor game in yuffie DLC. At this point I m more than happy for them to skew the content while keeping the plot beats there. I don't want to play a ff7 remake, I have the original that I already played far to many times for that. 


Having replayed remake last year my main criticism against it isnt the fact it only used the Midgar opening portion, I love the idea of them trying to flesh it out. But they could have done so much more with it, midgar is so massive they could have put in other sectors for us too finally explore, could have felt way mors like an open world than it did. 



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