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Gran Turismo 7


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Trying to watch the video from yesterday but it’s really boring to me. I don’t know why but GT has always just felt so old and stuffy. The new one gives the same vibe.


On the one hand I appreciate how much they lean in the luxury of cars through the presentation, music and voice over. Even having filled out museums and timeline teaching you the history of cars and car brands. It’s neat but again old and stuffy and not what I really care about. 

Maybe the game will be fun, it’s just the video is so low energy. Maybe they’re the targeting the GT community expertly because I will say it’s giving me the same type of yawn all the GT games have given me. So maybe they’re nailing it.


But I’m still yawning regardless. 

EDIT: Gran Turismo is the video game version of Antiques Roadshow except about cars 

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I think that is what has put me off GT in the past really, the dash, the driving experience etc.


Just everything seems over clinical really and devoid of any fun or excitement that it kind of seeped into my driving experience. 


That is ages ago though, I've literally not touched one aside from the 1 hour or so I played of GT5 way back when and I was a lot younger and less patient in those days. 


That being said though, from this video and all previous footage this is the most exciting GT has been to me and with the Music Rally mode its letting in a little bit of fun into that clinical environment. 


I still think the menus look like ass though and have never liked them, but the cafe, music rally, the world map and of course the actual racing all look banging.

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Dont go into it expecting an accessible racer is the nut and bolts of it, If you want Sim(ish) sense of realism this is it, admitedly not as hardcore as some of the PC sims, but it really isnt a pick up and play.


its a game that reward driving skill patience and perseverence, if you like that then all aboard.

Does seem a little less clinical in presentation than that of GT's past but still expecting loads of menus, after all its a Japanese game 🤣

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Yeah tbh what you’ve described not liking about past GT games @DisturbedSwan was still true of the last one so don’t expect any massive shift. 

I did enjoy the last one though, when it let me. But I remember being massively disappointed that there wasn’t a friends leaderboard and dropping off it. 

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