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I’m not expecting anything huge. Presumably there’s a new console out next year so they should save games for that (although they’ve been known to do cross gen stuff before with Zelda BotW and TP for example)


My big hope is a Mario Galaxy 2 remaster given they already remastered the first one, the console is at the end of its life, and they’ve remade everything else! 

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I am, but then... I always have high hopes for something in the last 5 minutes :D
I'll have to avoid everything online and watch it a bit later this evening too!


Ha, good point though, not a lot left to remaster. Maybe some Gamecube stuff...

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Arguably they started too strong…


I already bought DKC Returns on Wii and 3DS. I’m sorry, I’m not buying it again 


EDIT: Wow Dragon Quest looking and sounding beautiful


EDIT2: This Funko game is the ugliest looking shit I ever see

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13 minutes ago, Maf said:

Never played Zero Mission and it goes for about a million pound on eBay so really great it’s available now


It's very good.  Very close between this and Super Metroid, for me.


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1 hour ago, Maf said:

This Funko game is the ugliest looking shit I ever see


People who buy that crap don't deserve any better.


That was a surprisingly good show. I like how Nintendo embraces these twilight years of a system with a massive install base by just greenlighting whatever mid-budget wacky thing people want to do. Case in point that new Zelda game. They're obviously not putting any big hitters on it anymore, or at least not exclusively (Prime 4), but the system still feels very alive.


Also, missed opportunity to call the DK game 'Donkey Kong Returns Returns!'. Like maf I already own it twice but this will be the first version you can play entirely with buttons at 60fps so I'll most likely triple-dip.

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1 minute ago, Maryokutai said:


Like maf I already own it twice but this will be the first version you can play entirely with buttons at 60fps so I'll most likely triple-dip.

So will I, I just hate that I will. But this the last time, I swear

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Just regarding the Switch online releases - I wish they’d pick games which aren’t already easily available and had better versions released elsewhere. Both PD and Turok have had remasters with better controls and a good frame rate without having to do these versions. I want games I can’t play anywhere else yet. 

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Zero Mission is the best of that bunch either way.


Looking over the trailers again, there really was some cool stuff here that got completely overshadowed by my brain going on tilt when they showed Prime 4.

Has anyone played Metal Slug Attack before? It looks decent and is only 10 bucks, but I'm usually not big into tower defense.

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I thought this was pretty poor. Nintendo's stuff is so tired, they really are struggling to fill the time they would have had their new system out.


There's still a few promising things on there though, but very little I'd be playing on Switch. Even Metroid (which they're really made look like a Prime game, you can see the remaster benefited them) will likely be on their next console

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12 hours ago, DANGERMAN said:

they really are struggling to fill the time they would have had their new system out.


It didn't really look that way to me. Especially considering this is likely the last Switch Direct, I was expecting a truckload of remasters, but we actually got two completely new entries in long-standing series, one of which turning the formula on its head. Mentioning Prime 4 is a bit of a cheatcode considering it was announced so long ago, but usually the twilight years of a system from Nintendo don't look like this. Old Nintendo would absolutely have held back that Mario & Luigi game for Switch 2.

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1 minute ago, Maryokutai said:


It didn't really look that way to me. Especially considering this is likely the last Switch Direct, I was expecting a truckload of remasters, but we actually got two completely new entries in long-standing series, one of which turning the formula on its head. Mentioning Prime 4 is a bit of a cheatcode considering it was announced so long ago, but usually the twilight years of a system from Nintendo don't look like this. Old Nintendo would absolutely have held back that Mario & Luigi game for Switch 2.

Fair enough. A HD port of a Wii game that's already been ported once (not coming until next year either for some reason), a port of a 3ds game. Then 2 titles from their C-tier in Mario Party and Mario & Luigi. 


The Zelda game is reusing a lot of stuff, but I'd rather they do stuff like that to kill the time, even if I'd personally rather play Donkey Kong again 


And this isn't in isolation either. They've done a ton of ports this past year or so. Each to their own obviously, a huge Zelda fan is getting more from that Direct than I will, but there's absolutely nothing there I'd be buying on Switch 

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