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Torchlight 2

Sly Reflex

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I need to get back into this. I lost a lvl 20-something guy playing Veteran Hardcore a couple of weeks back and couldn't bring myself to start again right away.

Maybe without the Hardcore mode this time. The tension makes it pretty exciting, but it really hurts when you do get wiped out.

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  • 3 months later...

I think our run might be shagged H. The messages on the right are telling me I need to pick up that mission drop, but the map markers are telling me I've already gotten it. We should do the other area and see if that kicks the mission forward for me, although I'm a bit skeptical. I don't think it's going to allow me to pick up following missions. If it is knackered I'll roll a new character and just brute force my way through to where we are now. It's a shame because I think I'm just getting to the point where my build is going to start kicking out massive DPS.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 5 months later...

We must be really close to the end, H. I just had a gander at the achievements and it looks like we're out of bosses to whip.

There's also an achievement called "Reach Level 100", I dunno if this is reach floor 100 of a dungeon or reach level 100 by levelling up. I'm pretty sure they capped the levelling at 70 or thereabouts. Maybe they raised the cap. I see there's a NG+ as well.

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We must be really close to the end, H. I just had a gander at the achievements and it looks like we're out of bosses to whip.

There's also an achievement called "Reach Level 100", I dunno if this is reach floor 100 of a dungeon or reach level 100 by levelling up. I'm pretty sure they capped the levelling at 70 or thereabouts. Maybe they raised the cap. I see there's a NG+ as well.

Yep there's a NG+, there's also something called Mapworks that opens up post game. I haven't tried it yet, but it's basically random dungeon maps by the sounds of it.

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It really does not want to end.

that was my problem with it I think, I preferred the first game because you were always making progress, the more open area in this one just feels like a drag. Shame because I loved the first game and was really looking forward to this

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I do think the game is better at a lot of things over the first one, biggest obvious improvement is the co-op inclusion.

But aside from the massive trawls around the dungeons, I'd really rather they added controller support because it worked really well on the 360 version of the first and I like playing it on my bed rather than hunched over my PC desk.

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  • 5 years later...

Coming to modern consoles in September:


Superb action-RPG Torchlight 2 is making its way to Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 starting 3rd September, courtesy of well-regarded porting studio Panic Button.


According to publisher Perfect World Entertainment, Torchlight 2's console edition will feature enhanced controls, an improved targeting system, a new console-specific interface, achievements and trophies, plus brand-new pets.


Additionally, alongside regular multiplayer options, up to four Switch players can embark on the adventure together on their own consoles using a local wireless connection.

Torchlight 2 will cost $19.99 USD (around £16) when it releases digitally on Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One this September.

From Eurogamer



I’d play this again.

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  • 2 months later...

Started this today on Switch and am currently at level 16 playing as the Embermage.


I have had one crash which forced me to restart the game, but luckily it had auto-saved moments before. Other than that my first impressions are very positive, it plays and looks good in both handheld and docked. I've been playing it mostly in handheld though, and it feels great.

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I'm as SHOCKED and DISGUSTED as a headline in The Sun at the port for this. On a technical level it is fine, on Switch I've had a couple of frame drops but nothing crazy. 


The rest? Whack. The controls are poorly optimised with dodgy targeting for slower weapons and a lack of control options. Nearing level 30 and I ran out of buttons a good while ago. I even demapped magic potions so I could fit another skill on. No room for spells. Right stick could have been easily freed up for 5 extra skills and just set the zoom to maxed out by default. A toggle to auto-use mana and health potions when below a certain threshold would also be nice. 


The skill respec feature is also trash. You can only respec the previous 3 points you spent which might be fine on PC but due to the control limitations you quickly pick up skills that you just don't have the space for. 


The game is also missing features. The little transmutation bro in act two just says he has a hole in his pants and can't help until get gets a patch. So I'm wandering round looking in every corner of the game looking for a patch and he means a game patch. A fucking game patch. What a little cunt. Dunno if it was like that on PC and they just never put it in because they were too busy destroying their company with Hob but that's just so gross. Especially to present it that way where there is a marker on the map and everything feels very anti-player. 


On Switch there also seems to be some sort of always online check that disconnects me whenever I put it in rest mode. So if I just want to put the game down briefly I have to save, then reload the game and summon my pets and rebuild my charges. I only bought it on the Switch because I intended to play it in little bursts here and there. When it's in portable mode I turned the WiFi off and then the game gives me a notification on screen asking me to turn it back on before kicking me back to the main menu. 


The bulldog you can have as a pet is cute tho. 

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