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Final Fantasy XIII


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Stagger is when you reach a percentage and fill the bar fully, the enemy becomes staggered where they recieve much more damage than usual, every enemy has a different % and you wont know the % until use either use libra or have fought the enemy before.

Ravagers rack up the stagger bar quite quick but depletes at a very quick rate to keep it going, commandos make it go up a little but it stops it depleting quickly, so a combo of 2 ravagers and a commando is quite a good way to rack it up, or even 3 ravagers.

Worth noting, especialy for the parts of the game where you are only in control of two party members, is that a lot of the spells in the sabotuer classes can really ramp up the chain combo too, a perfect paradigm to create for those sections is the 'undermine' paradigm. This is usually best switched to at the start of a potentially tough battle with enemies that take a lot to stagger them, usually your sabotuer, either Vanille or Hope will cast a cocktail of spells which not only build up the stagger bar, but also make it decrease slower for when you perhaps want to switch back to the two main attacking classes of ravager or commando.

The problem of having three ravagers Hinn, is that against big enemies there is nobody to keep the stagger bar ticking over or making it decrease slower, as ravager spells only will cause the stagger bar to very quickly decrease. Another thing that is worth keeping in mind is that by later stages of the game you will have quite a few ATB gauges and auto attack can take a long time before an attack is actually done SO - remember that you can Press Y or TRIANGLE (I think its one of these two buttons)to execute an attack a little bit earlier. This is particularly handy if you are a tiny bit away from putting an enemy into stagger mode, or the stagger chain is about to run out OR later in the game and you have the 'Launch' ability then it can be essential to interupt your ATB charging in order to keep an enemy juggled in the air, thereby stopping it from doing some nasty spells on you.

I would definitely reccomend playing around with the combinations of classes to make new paradigms, more often than not the ones they provide you with just dont cut it.

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To be honest this isnt complicated whatsoever, its the most simplistic one yet and so easy for anyone to pick up and play.

You just need to have some kind of stratergy and learn the paradigms.

Also i only never even make an all ravager paradigm, the charcaters i use are better at different roles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Getting along really well with the game, its taking me a while because I dont get the time to play etc. Just got to the part of the game that a lot of people seemed to be hoping for from the start. The enemies have gone from being managable to just killing you in one hit but a lot of things seem to be pointing towards maybe being given a sneak peek at this massive area and then coming back to it later on.

Found some really good spots to quickly make progress on the Crystarium too, which im actually enjoying doing.

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I want to start grinding the levels up but just thinking about it is off putting, the amount of hours need to be put in. The best way is to get the growth egg from Mission 55 so you get double crystarium. But you gotta do missions 5 - 7 and then 11, 12, 14 to get chocobo, and can do mission 55 (Need to chocobo) to get there but you need to be able to spam death. So chapter 11 has to be completed first. :/

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay 51 hours down and the single player is completed. Was it good? well its the only time ive ever beaten a Final Fantasy in one attempt without leaving half a years gap. Now i can start thinking about other games that exist.

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  • 2 months later...

Okay, so now I'm finally rocking this shit. It suffers from the same things as RPGs do these days. I was watching the opening cut-scene and wishing I was involved in the action going on, I don't think it would be impossible to incorporate that kind of action in a turn based system, it could come across as a little like a QTE but with what games are capable of these days I find flashy, non-interactive cut-scenes dull. I'm maybe over 2 hours in and I've not seen any potential yet in the combat system, but I'll stick with it since most report in it becoming decent.

I've seen quite a few thing on the internet about the characters in this game, a lot of noise about how shit they are.. I kind of like them.. most of the noise was pointed at Vanille and/or Hope.. I like them the most.

I didn't think I would. I got the impression that Hope was an annoying emo and Vanille was a happy, smiley, quirky bimbo. They sort of are, but I find their relationship really endearing. He's a young mummy's boy who saw his mother die and latched onto the nearest insane girl who he has a thing for who pushes him to be as mad as she is, it's quite a barmy coming of age story, I like it. Hopefully it remains to be a decent side-plot.

While I'm not totally convinced by FFXIII as a whole, it has potential.

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I really liked the characters as well. Maybe not Hope, well, definitely not Hope. Whingy tit. Also, I recently lost all the progress on my 30 hour game. I was totally telling myself I would go back to it soon as well. 30 hours was not long after the game became more than corridors :weep:

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Glad that this is getting another person hooked, I cant beleive its been nearly three months since I put this to bed. If you start to lose interest, different class then just stick with it because it really is worth it. Also if anyone wants it then ive got a guide for the game thats going for free, it really helped me with the weapon stuff, telling me to save all my components until I absolutely needed to start upgrading weapons, and also really helping you focus on which character is best at learning certain stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I keep putting this on from time to time but after initially liking it I'm finding it less and less compelling as time goes on.

When I think back to some of the older FF games I remember how awesome the opening few hours are, and when you first get on the world map and wandering (admittedly abstract-y) around, all free to explore (sort of). Even if it is an illusion of freedom it still works in putting you in game that feels big, alive and with history. I'm just not getting that here. I never know where I am or why, you just have to accept the areas you are in, I'm finding that bothersome.

I know FFX was similar in that sense, but FFX was mostly quite insular and small scale, but even that did a better of travel than XIII does. And XIII seems to tell a big story but it's like I'm just getting bits of it, like looking at a big picture with my face rammed against it.

But I'm mostly just annoyed that I can't beat Odin.

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  • 12 years later...

Started playing this on PC today and took a few tries to work out a weird hair texture bug but now I’ve got it going wow this shit looks crazy. I lost forgot how good the opening cutscene is. The battle music in this game is killer too.


However it throws you to it’s bullshit with no explanation and painful dialogue. I was hoping to understand what’s going on but i’m lost already. 

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This is leaving Gamepass but I’m quite enjoying so I think I’ll make my first ever Gamepass purchase and buy it for the discounted £8.00 price


The only problem is I need a partner to invest with me and help me make this happen. Who wants the chance? You have an incredible opportunity to invest in this venture for the next 3 days. And it’ll only cost you £12. I think that’s a deal and you’d be mad to miss it 

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