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Batman Arkham Asylum


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Tried the demo, didn't think much of it. I'm filing it in with Splosion Man and TrailsHD.

Incorrect. As always the demo doesnt do it a great deal of justice but all the words in the world couldnt sway your first impression. There's just something about it, the atmosphere and the story combined, the fighting and the sneaking and top it all off the Riddlers Riddles. Maybe pick it up when its cheap or summink, its worth the gamble when it ineviatabley (spelling?) come down to sub £20, i think you may be missing out on something great otherwise.

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A friend over at gâ„¢ said he could sent it to me to play before he trades it in, but I just can't find the enthusiasm for it. I'll give the demo this though, the graphics and the voice acting were excellent. I wasn't so keen on how the health system worked, from what I could see you had to kill to fill up your health, which I really don't like at all. I dunno, I'm looking at the words that people have spoken about this game and it just doesn't correlate with what I am playing, I think because it's the first big game of the season, people are getting all excited by it and stuff.

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One thing I dont like about this is the save function. I loaded up a save before and had to do a 'boss' fight again

Funny you say that because I've been thinking that the checkpoints are pretty much spot-on.

I took this to a mates' place and watched him play up to the point where you get the ability to blow through fake walls (I don't think that's much of a spoiler). I was most surprised that he absolutely loved it. He does read the odd graphic novel (and has lent me The Dark Knight Returns) and he loved the combat, loved the grappling but mostly was totally in love with the detective mode. I'm gonna finish this as soon as I can and then lend it to him because I'm dying to discuss certain bits and how clever I think the game is but I really don't want to spoil it.

He brought up a comparison that I never clocked for some reason, that it's very Metroid (or MetroidVania) in style.

I do now think this could be my game of the year, it's totally surprised me and is so much deeper and polished than a licensed game ever is. The real litmus test is that I've had no knowledge or interest in Batman and I've been reading every bio and finding all the touches fascinating.

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I think the ability to save at the start of each room would be a big help.

None of this is probably spoilers, but for reference, just past the 3rd scarecrow section

The Killer Croc fight is a bit arse. It is tense, and I like that they really big him up in this, he actually feels more dangerous than Joker. It takes ages though, moving slowly then doing the same 3 things over and over again. Easily the worst boss in the game, and most of the others so far have actually been the same thing reskinned.

The 3rd Scarecrow bit though was awesome, really highlights what the game gets right with the license. Scarecrow can be a bit of a shit character, but he comes accross as pure malevolence in this, but also a bit of a coward when it comes to fighting directly. I dont know if breaking the 4th wall was the best idea (with all the game references) but the hint when I died made me laugh

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i didn't get the hint, guessing you mean the middle stick thing - what does it mean? also i was getting pretty annoyed with the killer croc bit as i was moving really slow till i realised you can go as fast as you want as long as you're ducked, really liked the end of that fight too

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I do now think this could be my game of the year, it's totally surprised me and is so much deeper and polished than a licensed game ever is. The real litmus test is that I've had no knowledge or interest in Batman and I've been reading every bio and finding all the touches fascinating.

All of this. I really am super amazed by how great this game is, it's completely taken me by surprise. I'll see how I feel when I've beaten the game, but right now it's definitely contender for my game of the year.

I've just done the second Scarecrow section, I'm going to leave it there for tonight as it's a good place to carry on from.

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w00t, found the teeth in Arkham Mansion, thats all the riddles done. I so totally luckily stumbled upon the solution to getting the last of those tablets with the spiders on, i didnt even realise that there was one missing, i thought they were all covered in the Riddles but obviously not...

Agree with Hendo on the Bio's thing, ive been reading them all but their names annoy me, they all seem to have real names so close to their alter ego's, true comic book stupidity!

Im going through the challenges now before i go through the main game on Hard, and some of the challenges are NOT fun. The fighting ones can demonstrate a few flaws in the fighting system, ive had punches that have missed henchman even tho im right infront of them. Also when your stringing together critical hits it can be infuriating when your blatantly pointing at an unarmed henchman to keep the combo going and Batman decides to go for the guy with the cattle prod just slightly to the left of your intended target, fucking up your combo in the process and getting yourself fried.

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I've fully powered up now and only have 4 secrets left to get, though 2 of them are in the Botanical Gardens in the Abandoned Chamber and I hate that part, I don't like not being able to use the grappling. Well, in another stage it's fine but something about that bit I don't like.

Anyone listened to all the speech? I was in the medical hall and heard a web address read out in an advert and sure enough it's real. :)


and this http://www.gothamcitymunicipal.com/

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I tried that site and it wouldnt load the other day, might be because i had a www. in front of it. There's another one too, soemthing like Iaminsane.com but I cant remember off hand

ill touched on this before with how many of the characters have similar real names to their criminal names. It's really cheesy, maybe it wasnt way back when, but now it's horrible enough that they could probably justify altering names a bit.

Anyway, it reminded me that there seems to be an alarming number of doctors that go criminally insane. Harley Quin, Poison Ivy, Hush, Freeze, zsasz, maybe a couple more

and one more thing, the Riddler in this is awesome. Not just the collectables and puzzles that add a bit extra to do and let you keep playing, but his character in the tapes. Jokers problem is always that he isnt actually funny, Riddler often comes across as similar to Joker because of that imo. Here though he's got a sharp wit, the riddle he asks the doctor in the tapes made me laugh. He might still be a bit similar to Joker for the 3rd Nolan Batman film, but if they do use him I hope he's something like this just with elaborate plots

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I figured it out and knew where to go, but I thought I was looking for a person so when that person wasn't there, I started looking somewhere else. I look in Gamefaqs and it turns out the last thing was right under my nose in the original location. :rolleyes:

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I'm going to try to do a bunch of the challenge rooms.

Thats what ive been doing. My fightings getting alot better, infact i got the achievement for doing all 9 of B-mans moves in a continuous combo. They get fucking hard tho, the Shock and Awe ones particularly suck ass due to the amount of henchmen with weapons and the time limit your given before the floor becomes electrocuted.

Some of the Predator Challenges are rock, ill admit to having to resort to a video guide on YouTube for Intensive Treatment (Extreme). One of the Medals is rewarded for killing three henchman at once using explosives on three different walls - a bit much i thought but the blurb on the YouTube video claims its the easiest room in his opinion. I would never have worked out what to do i dont think, although now i know what to do and where to hide and when to throw the Sonic Batarang things are easier. Still struggling a little kicking a henchman through a window with the Line thing without getting shot to shit, that would just leave a Glide Kick for all three medals. I had a mere slither of energy left, lured the single remaining ruffian to a point below me and waited for the game to tell me to press X to Glide Kick. I kept my side of the bargain but the 360 had none of it and Batman just dropped to the floor and was promptly shot. I was cross.

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I tried some of the challenges but I've really no interest in them so I've lent the game to a mate.

I've watched him get as far as

the bat cave.

He absolutely loves it which is very surprising because usually these days if it isn't called World of Warcraft then he isn't interested.

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The last level of the Challenges took me two hours. Two fucking hours to get over 5000 points. The challenge itself seemed easy enough, i just encountered so many random problems like punches not connecting, B-man hitting the guy with the cattleprod instead of the unarmed guy next to him, that sort of thing. Anyways, my reward was 100% completion.

Im going through on Hard difficulty now, the main difference is the damage you take from enemies and there is no warning (in the shape of those lightning strike like lines coming from the heads of enemies) when you are going to get hit. The game tells you the henchmen are more aware of your hiding places but i havent found this to be the case. Knowing what im doing this run through has obviously made a ton of difference time wise, i think i did in two hours what took me 6 the first run through. Ive just done the Crocs Lair bit (which is rubbish) so im not to far off finishing i dont think.

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