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Halo 3


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I'm really shit at Halo. FPS' in general, I guess. Is it wrong that I want to play this on Easy? Does it affect the game in any way, achievements, story etc? I want to play the single player and enjoy it, but even on Normal it could be too hard for little old me.

I've never gotten into the whole Halo thing, but really want to, and want to get good enough so I can play multi some day. And how does the co-op work? Can I play the single player campaign then have someone jump in part way, then carry on on my own, for example?

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I think so, yeah Ed.

Me and dead rabbit were playing this on local co-op the other night and he got a message while we were playing from someone on his friend list asking to join in, but I think he ignored him. :)

We finished it on Easy (for he is a pussy), Easy is fine for single player but on co-op you're best notching the difficulty level up. You don't get anything for finishing it on Easy though.

I don't blame you for going through single player on Easy but by all accounts the game feels very different on each notch up, and Heroic is where it heats up.

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I've had a little play and I reckon I'll continue on Normal (for teh achievements, lolz). I've only played it for a short while, am currently on the third objective of the first mission. At least there are checkpoints at what seems like every five steps or so!

Another question, if one or two people were to jump in on my game, how do the achievements work when you finish a mission etc, does everyone get them or are they not applied? Not that I'm really bothered (I have a massive 165 achievement points currently), just wondered how it worked.

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I got my version yesterday finally and its all japanese and instead of the master chief you play as kim jong ill....

not really, but its a good game, I put it on easy just to get used to the game, but instantly regretted it as it feels like im on a cinematic version of the game, just sort of rolling along, the only time I ever died was on the massive walking tank boss and its because i was pissing around trying to jump off a platform onto the tank.

Its a really enjoyable game even though im not perfectly up to speed with the story. I wouldnt say that the gameplay is groundbreaking really, i like being able to rip the turrets off their stand and run around with them, but theres nothing new. Having said that everything that the game does, it does really well.

I bought this mainly for the multiplayer potential so if anybody is up for a game then make it known, and Ed if you are looking to do some co-op then count me in, two noobs together.

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You don't get any achievements for playing it on Easy, I did the single player campaign on Normal, which got me the achievements for that and have been going through Legendary on Co-Op, although I joined that group a little later than planned so missed the first two levels :(

I have an absolutely epic set of screenshots from the bit you mention sambob involving me on co-op, with a mongoose ;)

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I can imagine that the game would be awesome on maybe hard difficulty level but with a few people playing. The bits where you rip the turret off the stand feels like an arcade version of Predator that i played when i was younger.

The vehicle combat feels quite good, my favourite vehicle so far is the ghost, its pretty nippy and handy being able to boost over a jump and then leap out of the drivers seat, good timing can result in some pretty succesful killing.

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Had a very brief multiplayer game with Jimbo last night, and it was good apart from the fact that there were only two of us.

So now that there are a few of us that have the game what say we all play it this weekend? Whos in?

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Yay, I did the first mission on Normal this evening, on my own, and am now part way through the second mission. I'm loving it so far! As it is well known around these parts, I'm not a huge FPS fan, mainly because I'm a bit rubbish at them, but I was really getting into this earlier!

I also tried 4 player co-op but it was super laggy due to someone's connection, so we ended up doing slayer matches on a couple maps. I came last, naturally, but I was having a great laugh at the same time. Good stuff.

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I've gotta make a trip to town later, my disc has cracked, it had started to before, but I hadn't been to town to exchange it, but even though I've not played it since Tuesday and the cracks hadn't left the area of the plastic bit in the middle of the disc, they've somehow spread into the code!

And thats with me keeping the disc in a plasic wallet insie the tin rather than on the spindle...

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