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Everything posted by HandsomeDead

  1. I got round to seeing John Wick 4 and I really liked it. I was worried about the run time but it passed nicely. I maybe should have watched the third one too because I've only seen it once and memory holed it a bit so while it's mostly self contained there were some threads I got lost on. The end of an era, and I did find it really satisfying. I also watched The Killer and I dunno how I feel about it. I thought it was a dark comedy half the time and other times it felt it was playing 100% straight. Then I wondered if the stuff I found funny was on purpose or not and by the end I didn't figure it out. I'm sure it must be darkly funny with the assassin being so self serious and pretentious yet he keeps fucking up, but then why the other stuff? I'm just going round in circles, and was while watching it too.
  2. They've already published games on the Switch and PS4 (Minecraft, Ori), and I guess this is spurred in by rumours(?) that Hi-Fi Rush is also coming to other systems. I don't think they'll do that with their marquis titles but I guess they'll do it if it suits them. But yeah, I guess maybe they'd prefer to be a service than a manufacturer but I dunno about a traditional third party.
  3. Yeah, I think it assumes knowledge of Crisis Core too, or the FF7 extended universe generally. I get the sense all that stuff is going to play out really differently. So playing the original first is the only way to get that twist in a satisfying way. In any situation it's always best to experience a series the order they came out, there's never a time that's not the case.
  4. Yeah, but it's increased interest in playing the original game too. In certain company I just wouldn't be as flippant about plot points as I would be 5 years ago is all I'm saying. And I don't think you need to have played the original to get parts of Remake, you just need to know that it is a remake and in some dimension it's already happened.
  5. When the remake came out I was surprised at how many didn't know certain events that happen in FF7 as I'm sure most of us our age here have played FF7 or picked up bits through osmosis. But you gotta kinda go through another phase of shushing because of the remakes since there are so many who didn't grow up in the 90s where their first FF was XIII or even this remake itself. Here specifically I think it seems silly to be precious about spoilers in FF7 but I suppose you never know.
  6. I think the only DLC I get excited for is Monster Hunter stuff. Iceborne and Sunbreak are extensions on there respective games that really add to the game in a way that improve already very good games into something excellent. Not just adding content but rebalancing, pacing, new ways to play and more.
  7. The channel has a few good ones The Office X Mass Effect is good too
  8. I guess I've just got a few days to finish GTA5
  9. I've been playing a lot of SMT this year and let me tell you about some deeper cuts than P5. No shade, P5 has some of the best bangers. But imagine a dubstep and nu-metal remix of the Nier soundtrack. That's Soul Hackers 2: And SMTV may have my favourite hang out in an open world music.
  10. HandsomeDead

    Random News II

    I saw someone play some of the older games that started on GoW'18 and they were more receptive to it than I expected because I guess when you go in knowing it's a time Kratos has a lot of shame for it gave the events of the original trilogy a different context. It's interesting how well it works. The OG is a fun bit of pulpy dark fantasy you don't see quite done like this so it has some value, you just gotta brace for the times it gets so edgy it shits itself.
  11. I bought this during the summer and forgot all about it. So I booted it up. I've just beat the matador that Dwarf was cursing at. I didn't know how I was gonna do it so I just painstakingly went through what demons I could fuse and found a full team of wind resistant/draining demons and just brute forced it, missing a lot of attacks but one of my demons was a strong healer so media (all healing spell) countered it's physical attacks. It was a bit of a pain getting those demons, though. I don't think I'm feeling the game as much as I'd hope. SMT4 was my first that isn't Persona 3/4, and I love that game and it's affecting my appreciation. It's a little too user unfriendly. It's all pretty unsurprising as well since I'm even playing this after SMT5. Maybe it's the problem with going back to games that are very similar but improve quality of life as they go on.
  12. Mine looks about right. I've not had the Switch on since TotK tbh.
  13. @Nag S up I couldn't resist the joke 🙃
  14. They generally get widely reviewed as a final product when they're out of early access.
  15. I don't think any of us are into this scene but they're always given so many chances and grace. As much as some like to pretend it's a first time thing, it never is. Just be cool and not a dickhead. I dunno how so many of these guys fail at that.
  16. I think there are two causes for this. A lot of gaming culture can be explained by the 'distracted boyfriend' meme in that it can feel like there is such a focus on what's coming next over what is currently available. And secondly, there is a whole attention economy on social media that fuels finding out news and details on upcoming releases. Leaks used to be something you had to search out but now they can find themselves on your various feeds. It does just mean you have to be responsible with how you engage with it all. How much or little do you want to know? but unwanted news will still slip through, or missing stuff you would like to know. Overall it's just all part of us not being built for this level of information yet.
  17. That's unexpected. I guess it doesn't track 360 games because Lost Odyssey is double this.
  18. I don't know if there's a lot to say off that GTAVI trailer other than setting the scene so I'm mostly pretty neutral on it. It did make me finally play GTAV so that's something it did. But unfortunately doing that reminded me why the games aren't a favourite of mine so I guess any excitement I had briefly the reality hit me that they're very well made games that are a bit boring. I get the feeling of being an actor playing a roll, I'd not thought about it that way but that's the feeling I'm getting from GTAV too. It's frustrating because you have this very intricately designed environment with all these physics that look like they can open up gameplay possibilities but the missions are very curated. I can't shake the thought that with these tools I should be doing something more engaging. It would be nice if GTAVI knows this and tries to do something more interesting and I hope that's the case but we'll see. I'm assuming it'll be more of the same but with a new story. That might be enough for a lot of folk. I think I accidentally put my GTAV impressions in this thread.
  19. I might give first person a go and see how it feels. I've heard playing it stealthy is hard because of all the clapping.
  20. Wow, it's 2023 and we're finally seeing some videogame thicc arses. I guess the new one goes back to Vice City but having a broader rep of Miami, and maybe Florida more generally so I bet there is a lot of juice in that fruit. I've also got GTA5 downloading. There's a lot of jokes about how old it is but I'm gonna play it for the first time. I think the LA setting was one of the reasons I was less interested in it because satirical depictions of that were a bit old hat. Felt like I'd seen it all before. I'll give it a fair shake, tho
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