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Everything posted by mfnick

  1. I listen to a lot of podcasts and I’d say every person I heard speaking about MKX always got on their soapbox and started going on about how they thought they were going a bit too far with the violence. That’s what I’m basing it off mainly.
  2. mfnick

    Rocket League

    Just booted this up earlier to find its had a Xbox One X patch finally!! One of my favourite ever games finally in 4k and with HDR. It looks glorious. Its actually one of the more impressive 4k implementations I’ve seen. This is probably biggest difference I’ve noticed with a game yet. Most likely due to simply how much time I’ve put into it so the difference seems particularly noticeable and impressive. It actually helps to see what’s going on at the opposite side of the field too so genuinely helps gameplay.
  3. So glad it sounds like they are doubling down on the violence and gore. I heard a surprising amount of pushback against the violence in X saying it was going too far whereas I found it hilarious and it was one of the main things I loved about it. I was worried they were going to listen to all the soft gits and hold back. Doesn’t look or sound it though thankfully Don’t like it? Play another game. Injustice 2 for example.
  4. A bit late to the party but after about a week of dipping into it every now and again I’ve finally watched all this. What a load of boring shite it was.
  5. I never actually played 3 . It was meant to be set over 2-3 instalments if I remember rightly? Knowing we’d never get the others I didn’t play it. Plus I didn’t have the money and couldn’t find it in shops, then the prices skyrocketed. I’ve sometimes thought of buying another Saturn to play it but don’t know what it’d be like these days
  6. I completed Blue Dragon on 360. Quite enjoyed it. I loved what I played of Lost Odyssee too, but I got distracted by another games as per usual part way through disc 2 unfortunately. Im 60 hours into Persona 5 now, it’s all kicking off! Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shining Force 2 and Shining The Holy Ark are the best ones ever made IMO.
  7. Moooorrrrttaaaaalll Kooooommbatttt!!!
  8. I fucking loved this back in the day. I’ll defo buy it if it’s true. This and Sonic Racing Transformed shit all over any Mario Kart.
  9. Nick_2k7 apart from rocket league I haven’t played a proper online MP since Bad Company 2
  10. Bad Company 2 was the fucking shit!!
  11. Haha yea I forget these might end up in a podcast. I’ll try and make mine more concise and to the point in future as well. Preach!!
  12. @RikSP Sorry to hear that mate
  13. Play Persona 5 - As I said in the November one. I’ve not played a traditional RPG for years and I’ve proper fallen for this one. I’ve never played a Persona before either. I get what the fuss is about now. Rocket League - This has been a mainstay in my “now playing” category since it was released on PS Plus. Own it on PS4, Xbox and Switch and play it constantly even now. Not bad to say I’m not bothered about sport or online games these days really. God of War - God of War is one of my favourite gaming series of all time. I didn’t click with this new style like 99% of people did, preferring the old type. Plus I prefer Greek mythology to Nordic. But this had me compelled from beginning to end nonetheless. Completed It fully, got the platinum and thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one. Ended up buying some books on Nordic mythology after playing it too so that’s a plus in its favour. Want Last of Us 2 - The first was one of my favourite games from last gen. As well as one of the most memorable games I’ve ever played. That opening is probably the closest I’ve come to having tears in a game. The entire game was full of amazing moments, great storytelling and I even really enjoyed the stealth gameplay. The trailers for the new one have just got me even more excited. I really can’t wait for the Resi 2 remake and the new Trials game too. I’ll check out the new Super Meat Boy too since the original is my favourite game of all time. But the trailers, it being a Runner and 1 half of the dev team not being involved I’ve not got high hopes it’ll even be good enough to be mentioned in the same sentence. We’ll see. TLoU 2 is the main one though. Bin Open World Games - There's just too many and they're too big! Games as a Service - I'm sick of these types of games. The ones I've played all seem quite shallow and just seem designed to compel you to spend money rather than create a good gaming experience. They're leading to more monetisation in games and fewer games in the AAA space seem to be getting made as they just try to make these big ongoing, money generating machines instead. If a game can't be monetised all year round most publishers don't want to know anymore. GotY Forza Horizon 4 - Bit if a slim year for me, hardly played any new releases. This has to be my standout though. Plays incredibly well, looks amazing and has a ton of content.
  14. Mine was right huffy, any movement and he would ball up and huff like mad lol. Good at falling asleep on me though
  15. I used to have one of those. I did the exact same, called him Sonic. He was a right unsociable bastard! Surprisingly hard work too. How you getting on with yours?
  16. Just subscribed and listened to a couple of episodes. Really enjoyed them, too work. Nice to have a more varied podcast with a wide range of coverage instead of usual where they just cover current games and news and that’s it. Got to say Small was brilliant too, had me properly laughing a few times. Hearing Sly breakdown from lack of control a few times was great. Illdogs description of SF2 was brill too. I could picture every move he wasn’t talking about. Nice nostalgia trip. Like the way you do play, want, bin with forum contributions as well, very nice touch.
  17. Think you’ve probably got it spot apart from Forza Horizon 4. They always seem to dismiss the Forza games come GotY time no matter how much they enjoyed it. Not sure what will take its place though. Maybe Celeste? Not sure how much of that any of them played. Also would just like to add with the 10 year thing - it really did highlight how much better it was with Ryan Davis (RIP) around and Vinny in the west coast. Beast it’s loads better than West too. Although I don’t think GB is anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Their podcasts and their videos are still what I make most of my purchasing and playing decisions from. I enjoy how cynical Jeff is too and how he enjoyed winding people up with yoshis island, Majorca’s mask etc. Ben MF Rorie can do one though as far as umm concerned. Rorie is just irritating and Ben has that stereotypical nerd voice IMO which I just find grating. Just like Patrick did. Still listenable though.
  18. mfnick

    Tetris Effect

    Sweet, I’ve got good set of headphones and a surround sound system so all good there :). I’ll be sure to pick it up when I see it slightly cheaper then, cheers
  19. mfnick

    Tetris Effect

    Are you guys playing with or without VR? Still worth it without?
  20. Sorry, but I just can’t understand people who buy digital over physical with full price games on consoles. Usually you’re paying about £10 more and you can’t sell it on when you’re done with it. Just can’t get it in my head why you’d take that option. Even for the convenience surely the money outweighs that? Take Spider-Man for example. My mate bought it physical for £40 brand new when it was £54.99 digital. If that wasn’t bad enough he then sold it a few weeks later for £28 to CEX. So all in it cost him £12 when it could have cost £54.99 digitally. This price disparity is the norm for every major release too. Even now in the Black Friday sale its £34.99 digitally when I couldn’t have easily bought it from my mate for £30 and then sold it on for almost that after too. Sure massive multiplayer focused games are different but there’s no guarantee you’ll definitely love them either. So I always buy them physical just in case it’s rubbish then I can sell it. And if it’s not I’ll buy it digitally in the future when it’s £10 or under like I didn’t with Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1. Even buying those twice I still saved money compared to buying it digitally to start off with. If you just stick to Gold games and Game Pass I can see this disc less version actually being pretty good though.
  21. Shame but not surprising. They were really only good as fancy art books these days, remember my SFIV one having some stunning artwork in it, loved it for that.
  22. mfnick

    Forza Horizon 4

    I love this game, but... Winter sucks! It looks amazing and drifting is fun but forget trying to 3 star most events or driving anything that’s not 4WD. Almost pointless playing in winter. Almost.
  23. That to me reads like its to all users now? Later it says the improved shopping cart is still only for insiders
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