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  2. There’s some really interesting sounding stuff with this game. It’s going to have Splinter Cell style light/dark stealth system. So killing light and being harder to detect in the shadows. It’s also going to have changing seasons which will affect gameplay. Examples are in the summer guards will cut the tall grass to find you, but in winter stay closer to fires and heat sources. Also in the winter ponds will be frozen over so can’t hide underneath the water. I didn’t see this in the article just speculation. But wonder if it’ll be Forza Horizon 4 style where the seasons changes weekly? Also explains more why this game is online only. Kind of obvious but yes, samurai guy plays like recent AC protagonists but the ninja girl is more classic AC style gameplay https://www.ign.com/articles/assassins-creed-shadows-inside-ubisofts-ambitious-open-world-japan I like this All sounds promising to me. I will play this game for sure. IGN also has in game screenshots. Hard to say, but it looks like the tech is the same from the latest versions of the game, but the art and environments look really nice.
  3. Today
  4. Wow the trailer got 1.6mil views in 3 hours on the main Ubisoft YT. Err, I think this game is going to do ok
  5. Got the little artist girl, and got battered by a dragon in the opera house. Haven't had a whiff of the assassin guy, and I'm a bit worried by @OCH's revelation of 14 characters to find, as I have 11, and can't quite recall anyone else, unless I can get the old guy who gave that last blitz move to Sabin to join the fray. I'm going to have one last gander around the map and then it might be guide time, cos I don't want frustration to set in again. I'd rather get my characters and then level up for the final dungeon by going after the dragons. I've beaten 2 and know where 2 others are. Seems like a good way to see out the game.
  6. Also not coming to Steam? https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/assassins-creed/shadows?isSso=true&refreshStatus=noLoginData
  7. mfnick

    Hi-Fi Rush

    Yea I’m going to do same.
  8. Maryokutai

    Hi-Fi Rush

    Guess this doesn't have a News topic because it was a shadow drop. Anyway, last update is out: I've moved away a bit from the whole LRG gimmick but I think I'm going to get the physical version for this. Especially as it will most likely also be delisted at some point due to all the licensed music.
  9. At least on console Valhalla is playable offline in its entirety. I remember installing and playing it in offline mode when I got it – on Xbox no less, which usually doesn't even have all the files on the disc. The forced connection is just egregious for purely SP games.
  10. Yeah to be fair, I have Valhalla and it also does this I think I did not know that though when I bought it, just happened to start it up one day and see that I wasn't allowed to play without downloading a 60GB update, which would take me hours So I stopped playing it, deleted the whole thing and moved on. But the situation with The Crew just reminds me that lots of their games are going to be impossible to play at some point, so why buy any of them if they're clearly not afraid to shut them down so quickly? The Crew was not an old game
  11. Yeah, every game of theirs is doing that now, even singleplayer stuff like Avatar, PoP or Star Wars. This looks really cool and if they can avoid the bloat of something like Valhalla it might turn out really well, but as long as it's locked to an online connection Guillemot can shove it where the Eiffel Tower doesn't reach.
  12. Mild interest obliterated 🤔 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Crew_(video_game)#Server_shutdown
  13. I blinked and a whole year went by
  14. The timing for this could not have worked out better for them, considering how popular the Shogun series has been this year Apparently the samurai guy is real as well, and he served as a retainer to Nobunaga https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke
  15. First trailer. Nice, but all CG, no gameplay. Looks to me they’re trying to bring stealth back in to the series by having 2 playable characters. The samurai who I expect plays like the new trilogy characters, and the ninja who will be more stealthy. They clearly show a huge area so presumably the structure is still like the new action RPG games. But hopefully there’s some towns/cities for the ninja to do her thing They also show and hang on a image of big boats at a dock… please no 😓 Assuming this tone and aesthetic is true to the game then it could be very cool. Very Ghost of Tsushima-y. But it could just devolve to running around grass fields for 80 hours opening chests, who knows
  16. I enjoyed it more than most seemed to. It was good being back in that world again. From what I remember of the finale (no spoilers) some real dumb shit happens which sort of spoiled it, but I'll watch another series of it
  17. X-Men '97 - Season Finale: Tolerance is Extinction Pt 3 Ok that went places. At break neck speed too. We have a lot of plot resolution. Even more cameos than I expected. Some unexpected twists and one quite disappointing one. A very good episode and fitting send off to the First/Sixth Season. 9/10
  18. OCH

    Final Fantasy VI

    That might as well be the subtitle to his name. I like how the game gives you 14 characters. Which splits into three teams of four and two ..extras. Gogo warmed the bench for my entire playthrough.
  19. Maf

    Diablo IV

    Ok, ok, I’ll download the game one more time https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/diablo-4-is-finally-the-exceptional-action-rpg-i-wanted-it-to-be/
  20. I've decided to embrace the difficulty on this (or lack thereof). I started to miss the little freeze frame animation you get when you equip the ring of focus as an accessory. And, let's face it, the game is so easy it makes not a jot of difference to whether you survive a battle. It just makes it a bit more interesting to the eye. Not that I would increase the difficulty even it that were possible (it isn't). It's not really that type of game. Sort of reminds me of Okami, where the battles can be long and interesting, but it's not like you're ever gonna die. Of course now that I've actually posted this there'll probably be a mad difficulty curve that will leave me with digital egg on my face. Like that mad house in 7 remake 🏠.
  21. I should give it more credit for its presentation, it's got this vaguely expressionistic kinda thing going on in the 3D nun bits. Even early on with the landscape of the covenant being all crooked and shit, churches sort of lurching all oppressively over you. Subtext, init. Of course that aspect gets intensified when you do the environment manipulation stuff I read someone say it's sort of like a videogame version of an A24 film, like Saint Maud or something. Guess that makes sense
  22. Maf


    I haven’t played it yet 😭 Eurogamer gave the game 4/5 review saying in terms of narrative it’s funny and out there, but the gameplay is quite ordinary. So similar-ish to your impressions by the look
  23. one-armed dwarf


    Maf refused to create the thread for the weird Russian nun game I put about 4 hours or so into it the other day, cause the description sounded pretty weird. Anyway it's sort of a third person narrative adventure with a focus on puzzle solving and platforming. It's set in a surreal realisation of 19th century Russia. You're playing a nun at this like Orthodox covenant, everyone hates you for some reason. It blends together a few styles, mainly the TP narrative thing mentioned but also 2D platformers, which indicates a split in the period of the narrative (the 2D bits are the main character's memories). The 3D sections is fairly standard block pushing type stuff, but also an interesting environmental manipulation gimmick involving prayers and shame, it's like the environment gets all DmC for a bit. There's a few strange things with the setting, a kind of steampunk thing going on and one section with unreasonably huge fish. It sort of straddles the line between feeling like this ironic sendup of... something but also using genre conventions from games and maybe some eastern european cinema to chat about guilt, religious conflict, sexual repression, v. standard stuff. It's alright, I expected it to be weirder tbh. Make sure to light up these Christ icons so you can get a high score and level up your Christian guilt skilltree (points are pointless)
  24. Moving quicker through this than I hoped, but it's really enjoyable. Chapter 3, while it might not be everyone's cup of tea, was a wonderful case of meta-narrative. The protagonist's powers of channeling other people's emotions I find still a bit too vague as a concept, especially as the game treats it like some kind of situational mind-reading superpower. They are doing some interesting things with it, but just like LiS2 it feels like a feature born out of necessity. But it doesn't drag it down either, so I'm a bit ambivalent about it. Noteworthy also is that this isn't the kind of rollercoaster the first one was, it's more steady storytelling that isn't afraid of spending a lot of time on more mundane things to ground it. It might end up being less memorable as a result maybe, but after years of TV shows aiming for that big cliffhanger to force engagement I'm kind of glad this just goes into the other direction instead, where you almost can't sense the cut between chapters.
  25. This is a great trailer, looks like it's getting into the meat of things. I guess this pretty looking elf is Sauron. That said, did not hear great things about season 1. Or at least the word of mouth on it didn't seem to really make waves Maybe they'll find their feet here, I dunno
  26. I got Sonic Superstars and Star Ocean in a Amazon sale last week and GTA5 was only £15 regular price.
  27. Well, I haven't actually used him yet but, as far as I can see, surely his dress sense alone would strike fear in the heart of the enemy I've never seen such pixel saturation.
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