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FOR FREE - Your stuff, GOG, EGS, giveaways, etc.


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Post any free stuff here. Your own games, games being given away on services such as GOG, EGS, etc.



I don't know if this could be a running thread on here, for people to get rid of any stuff they no longer want, or stuff that isn't really worth selling that others could appreciate. RLLMUK and NTSC-UK have them. Anyway...

I have Everybody's Golf for the PSP that has a broken UMD shell but still plays fine. I have since replaced it with a new copy, as it's my most played PSP game by far. It's the Euro version and is complete.

The clear plastic bit of the UMD has become partly separated from the white outer, causing it to be very fragile when being handled as it's possible to push the clear bit right in. It's possible to superglue the case back, but the manual does mention not to use discs that have been repaired with adhesives.

It continues to work without any problems though, so if any well established members would like to experience the best PSP game for free, or just wants a spare PSP game case, reply here and it's yours.


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A kind offer to be sure! I'm declining though as I know it would sit on my shelf unloved.

But speaking of giving away stuff, I have a couple of things that I can't trade in any shops. I could eBay them but I'm willing to give them as long as they're going to a proper home and not whacked on the bay of e.

LEGO Star Wars (DS) this is ear-marked for illdog, but if he doesn't want it then it's up.

Spiderman (UMD) it won't fetch much as there's plenty of them about so it's up for the taking.

Super Mario 64 DS (DS) No shop will accept it as there's no manual.

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wiivo wrote:

I'll take Lego Star Wars if the dog doesn't.

Yea, take it man, no probs.

Cheers tho H, meetin you was the only present i ever wanted from you. :kiss:

I expected this thread to have been started by Sambob's mum.

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  • 1 month later...

I got a code form CD WOW but i wont use it

can only be used against the featured DVDs.

Your voucher code is 4aa6c-c21a9-c0578-64827

Your voucher expires on midnight 26th May 2008.

Just post when someone has used it

Enjoy! :)

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  • 1 month later...
i used to love that movie

Used to?

there's too many movies that i used to love as a kid and then when i watched as an adult i realise they suck (romancing the stone is the main offender here) so i like to keep the old rose tints on

though it may still be awesome

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