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Disco Elysium

one-armed dwarf

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I finished Day 1, with a lengthy list of tasks to sort out. Got a fair few things to tackle with the next day.


How do you go about making serious money in this? As being charged $20 per night at the hotel is going to kick my arse. I’ve been selling bottles I find, but that doesn’t seem to earn you much cash...

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  • 8 months later...

Picked this up in the PSN sale and have played a few hours. Wow - the writing in this is just wild. Some genuine laugh out loud moments already, then questioning my own sense of humour for laughing. This is dark, deprived stuff from the get go. It makes Fear and Loathing look like a kids book at times.

I'm embracing the weird though, questioning reality with every step and trying to be as debauched as possible. 

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  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...

I was doing a replay of this, but for some reason the way the text is laid out on a column on the right side was making me feel sick while playing it. I didn't even have that problem with the original game for some reason. Think its combination of constant text scroll and very few words per line, meaning your eyes are constantly moving


Wish they would just lay it out on the bottom half of the screen. I didn't even complete my original playthrough, and now I never can I suppose (I know there's voice acting, but I wanted to read it and as is can't even look at it). I'm not even sure why it's an issue now but not before

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Making progress - levelled up a couple of skills - and visited a few areas and progressed beyond their initial layer.


It's like a mash up of Gabriel Knight meets Planescape : Torment - with the point and click style of the first, and multilayered dialogue of the latter.


The only real thing that irks me is there isn't (that I can find) any way of identifying objects before you pick them up (unless they are key items which are signposted in the dialogue) - so it's only after a "Collect All" that the description comes up as the go into your inventory (which is weird for an RPG as sometimes you'd rather not pick certain things up!).


Also had a hard crash, lost about 30 mins, with a NS black screen "This software had unexpectedly closed" message.

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The hard crashes are a bit irksome - as I then want any checks to have the same result as the first time around (to keep my story continuity - so pass & fails) so end up quick saving and repeating until they do (and the number of times I then fail a 72% or so check is ridiculous).


Today I had it freeze up, but because it was in a line of dialogue where a character told me to wait (as they went to do something) then I didn't actually realise until I was, hang on it's been over 5 minutes now..... and controller isn't responding to anything anymore.



It was asking Measurehead to cut down the body - and he says, okay you stay here, and he walks off - so I waited, and waited.....


The workaround it to ask him, then use the back off option, then ask him again, and then it works as it should, as once he's walked away a dialogue triggers with the Katya, the woman there.


An internet search suggests it's a known issue (and there's a workaround) so it was another reload.


So that's a bit disappointing given how long it's been out for.

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Coming to the end of Day 2 and I feel I'm making pretty good progress (including pulling off a surprisingly low success roll when examining the murder victim).



Got a success on 27% when looking in the mouth, found and extracted a bullet !


I've mainly stuck with levelling up my Psyche skills, and using the clothing & item bonuses to give assistance with the rest.


It's slow, ponderous, well written, and oddly compelling - but, hey, I'm a Superstar Cop....

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Did a whole bunch more investigation of the murder victim and those seemingly involved, and now I've got a new lead too 


Also the water bridge has opened so I have new area to explore and....


Since the investigation has now pointed to Ruby, and her possibly hiding in the fishing village, I've a good reason to go there.


What I do wonder is whether the main story alters if you use a different (skills based) approach or if it's just your means of progression that changes ? The former would be great (and a huge incentive to replay) but I would imagine it's more of the latter.


Hard crashes seem to be every 60-90 mins, so I'm now just routinely saving it every 10 min or so, so redo is minimised. Sort of reminds me of my PC gaming days from yesteryear and hitting F5 to quick save.....

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Today's problem seems to be - that I've now unlocked 3 fast travel locations, that are shown on the map screen - yet I have no idea how to actually use them.


If I go on the map they are highlighted (when I stand adjacent to one of them) but I can't seem to cycle to them on the map - I can only cycle between the outstanding skill check markers.


I've tried all sorts of button combos, nothing seems to work - and an internet search hasn't turned up anything either.


Playing on NS (docked).


The 3 locations are (as below) and there's probably not a huge time saving in fast travel - but it's a bit irritating.



Town Square (by Kim's car)

Fishing Village



I wish they'd put one by Evard's container office (well if I could actually use Fast Travel) it's a pain going up and around to get there.


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Weirdly now, after a reload, the Fast Travel locations now come up on the map....


 I'll just put it down and another interface/conversion quirk - like how Consumable inventory items (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes) don't actually trigger (in terms of being able to use them using R3 L3) unless you equip then, unequip them, and re-equip them....

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It's now started occasionally hard crashing too when trying to save/quick save.


I'm far enough I that I want to see it through now - just have to put up with the issues - as I'm enjoying what's there.



Just done a big sequence with the guys in the tent, who want to turn the church into their new enterprise - found a body on the pier and started to investigate that too - and made a number of weird phone calls to the ex


Got a further lead on Ruby too.


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