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[Rumour/Leak] Resident Evil Rumours


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4 minutes ago, one-armed dwarf said:

Yeah I know, so I don't think it can be RE4 then is what I think because they would have to skip a big part of the story.

Agreed. CV and 4 are more or less the follow ups to RE 2, giving you the next chapter in the lives of Claire and Leon respectively. In all likelihood this is Dino Crisis or Onimusha.

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Yeah it doesn't have a number but it's not a spin-off like Revelations. Although at the same time RE4 straight up bins the entire plot up to that point, so these things might not really matter that much


I do think they will do CV first tho. These remakes seem to be sort of about 'fixing' the earlier Umbrella timeline so CV would benefit from a revisit from that PoV well before RE4, which again was the point where they were clearly sick of Umbrella stuff.


Actually it could be another Remake of 1 also, which I would be down for cause the mansion setting is the best.

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The village segment being the best part of RE4. ? RE3 is still my personal favourite of the original trilogy (Mostly for Nemesis).


There is even less point to re-remaking the first game, than in remaking 4 (being less than none) It is objectively the most accomplished of the REmakes so far. With few, if any detractors. Meanwhile there were bits/omissions etc to REmake 2 (& 3) that irked some. 

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CV is definitely like second worst after RE6. Also a bit of a step back controls wise from RE3, which makes absolutely zero sense.


But you get some Umbrella backstory finally so it would be a mistake to skip it. What they should do imo is try to correct the canon and close the Umbrella story in a CV remake, rather than the weird place they leave it at in the end.

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I recall the opening bit at the prison with Claire was really good (sans Steve) and could definitely benefit from being recontextualised, with a greater emphasis on Horror. Adjust the lighting, make it darker, more atmospheric. Akin to the Lisa sections of REmake 1. Still keep the nutjob Alfred Twins exactly as they are, though. Just... make Steve likeable.

As far as the second half of the game, that needs the most overhauling. Pacing and backtracking need to be heavily reworked.

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So it is homaging Silent Hill even more than RE7 did aesthetically via the PT Demo?

yeah, turning RE into Silent Hill will anger a lot of fans of the former.

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How do you pull off a RE4 remake though? That game is massive by comparison with three very distinct locations all having their own assets and enemies. There's no way you're going to develop a game like this in 2020 with how fast budgets have been spiralling out of control these last years. Unless of course you either cut major parts out of it or do a Square and turn it into a trilogy.

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11 minutes ago, Nag said:

In regards to that Remake that's apparently in the pipeline the more I think about it the more I actually want it to be a RE4 rework... get rid of enemies dropping ammo and all the dumb humour and turn it in to a proper survival horror game.


So basically, scrap everything after the Village sequence? That's never going to happen...

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Getting rid of the dumb humour and making it a survival horror game would be a demake, not a remake.


It's supposed to be an action rollercoaster. Its whole identity was how it broke away from the survival horror stuff.


At this point what they should do imo is establish a new timeline of events which include RE1make, 2, 3 and REVII and fill in the gap between with new canon. 4, 5 and 6 can be a separate thing from now on.

25 minutes ago, Maryokutai said:

How do you pull off a RE4 remake though? That game is massive by comparison with three very distinct locations all having their own assets and enemies. There's no way you're going to develop a game like this in 2020 with how fast budgets have been spiralling out of control these last years. Unless of course you either cut major parts out of it or do a Square and turn it into a trilogy.


Also this too. IIRC RE engine's pipeline has a lot of creating things in real life and scanning them in. Which makes me wonder if it's partly responsible for how some games created in it don't have huge visual variety.


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There is no need to keep remaking everything, just make sequels. It is creatively bankrupt to keep employing these lesser hacks to plagiarise the work of their predecessors, under the guise of "reimaging". 

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Although I can't seem to find a trace of it online, its like the original concept of RE5. Wherein you would be suffering from exposure to heat, via hallucinations etc. That version of RE 5 sounded so much better than the nonsense we got instead.

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I don’t really see the need to remake 4. That stands as one of the absolute best in the franchise. They could certainly remake 6, as thats a bloody awful game that needs significant improvements. 

But I’m with OCH, I feel we don’t need to be constantly remaking the rest of the games. 

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