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I've changed my mind about the gameplay, it's pretty alright. Very loose and full of jank but it's hard to argue with lifing benches off the floor and dashing above fuckers and slamming it into them


Really need more melee options tho. I'm ignoring gun upgrades for now in the hope that speccing for the psy abilities and melee will pay off in a cool way.

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Saw the credits on this... I think I actually hate the game.


Absolutely nonsensical story coupled with irritating as fuck boss fights and iffy combat = the worst Remedy game I've played.


I've two achievements left to get, they can bollocks as can keeping the game for any expansions... Where those glowing E3 previews came from baffles me.

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Had to take a break from this because of an annoying maze section. Honestly my interest could be dwindling now. It's not that I expect or demand an answer to all these questions the game provides. In fact I'd prefer most of them remain unanswered. But the questions themselves need to continue to be interesting. Right now the game is in danger of just asking lots of uninteresting questions and losing focus.


Tbh tho this might also be that I'm getting slightly annoyed at how tiny the text is on the written documents, which I'm determined to read every single one of. This is such a problem with modern game development. UI developers either aren't interested in or aren't paid enough to test how well their UI scales to different sized displays, and it is a bad problem to have with a text heavy game which sells itself on its weird mysteries.

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The maze was by far the best moment of the entire game for me. Unless you went there before the story tells you to in which case you should just turn around because you can't get through anyway.


Agree about the font size though. It was borderline for me, slightly tinier and I wouldn't have read a single document.

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I think I'm in the right place. I need to find Marshall? Maybe I went the wrong way.


It's a never ending frustration though that games are so bad with accessibility. My eyes aren't great either, some sort of recorded version of these notes would be nice. God of War had the same problem. I think it's because they test everything on PC monitors while sat at a desk, then on massive TVs.


My favourite game, FFXIV, has a pretty busy UI. But it has billions of customisation options to size and position everything to the player's taste. More games need to be flexible like this.

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1 hour ago, one-armed dwarf said:

I need to find Marshall


Typing that in to Google says it's the forth mission... If that's correct you're no where near ready to go through the maze.

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4 minutes ago, one-armed dwarf said:

The problem was me all along

This is what I’ve been saying


4 minutes ago, one-armed dwarf said:

Nag is still wrong, as usual.

However this is also true 


We are in that rare occurrence where two opposite truths are both correct at the same time 

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  • 1 month later...

Just rented this, and I’m really not sure what to make of it. Only an hour in, yet it feels like I’ve missed 6 hours, as I don’t have a fucking clue what’s going on. 

I don’t have a problem with weird. I’ve played plenty of weird games, and seen lots of weird shows/films in my time. But, starting off weird is a bit of a gamble. Because either people will go “I want to know more”, or “What the fuck is this even on about?”. I’m currently in the second category with this. And it doesn’t feel like a good thing. Sure, what I’ve played of the combat thus far seems fun enough. But I don’t feel any connection with it, it feels like absolute gibberish. And as such, it’s hard to really get on board with it. And from what I’ve read here, it doesn’t sound like it ever really answers anything.


I’ll stick with it for now. But it’s not off to a good start.

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That I’d like. I’m easily pleased like that.

I could play it the rest of the night. But, I don’t feel I want to. I played for an hour, saved, and decided “that’s enough for now”. And that’s purely because I don’t have the slightest clue what’s going on. I don’t care about anyone I’ve met yet, at all. And it’s all down to it being just, well, weird.


Maybe tomorrow I’ll get on better with it. But currently, my reaction is “I can’t be arsed to play this anymore tonight”. So I dunno.

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