one-armed dwarf Posted December 15, 2024 Share Posted December 15, 2024 This might be one of those things where people have a really different impression if they're point of contact with the character is the Insomniac game. I like these characters more when they are fairly unvarnished than the overbearing Ted Lasso-esque niceness of the video game versions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maf Posted December 15, 2024 Share Posted December 15, 2024 I’m sure I’ve said this before but over the past 20 years Peter Parker has changed from “relatable, put upon, guy” to “super Samaritan” and it’s only harmed the character imo. That’s why it’s fun when he makes jokes at he’s bad guys, because he will do the right thing but that doesn’t mean he won’t be a dickhead about it I thought in Spider-Man 2018 they did this quite well, especially with he’s relationship to MJ. They sort of ruined it Spider-Man 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maryokutai Posted December 16, 2024 Share Posted December 16, 2024 I think Raimi's movies, at least 1 & 2, did the relatable hero quite a bit better than Spider-Verse. That's not saying they're overall better movies, but that aspect fell off the wayside in the latter rather quickly after the first 30 minutes. But live action and animation have very different tools at their disposal to get their ideas and messages across that I don't really want to compare them anyway. They're both (=Raimi and Spider-Verse) great at what they set out to do. Never warmed up to the Holland movies. The first two were sort of enjoyable because of the villains, but the last one was an overhyped mess people will look back on in the future as purely nostalgia-bait fanservice and nothing more, and even that aspect wasn't even particularly well executed IMO. I can see why someone might get enjoyment out of watching it, but it just isn't good I think. The only part I liked about it is that it gave Garfield's Peter a bit of closure because his second movie was brutally downbeat towards the end. And to answer @Nag's question from the last page: yes, both Spider-Verses are on Netflix. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maf Posted December 17, 2024 Share Posted December 17, 2024 I think the first Holland movie lives in that weird everybody-shits-on-the-mainstream-thing-everybody-likes place. Like, it’s mega popular, so it can’t be good To me it’s truly underrated and a top MCU film. I’m probably biased in that. But there’s a scene where people are robbing a bank in Avengers masks and Spidey is making fun of them. You don’t get more classic and perfect than that. The other thing with all the Spider-Man actors is Maguire made a good Peter, Garfield was a good Spider-Man, and Holland is the only one that nails both. So he deserves credit imo for actually being the best Spider-Man, because he nails both parts That fucking scene in Homecoming where he walks through the prom to leave he’s date and go save the day. Oh, it’s perfect, it’s so good. I really find it hard to find fault in Homecoming. Iron Man is a bit overbearing, the boat scene is a bit similar to the train scene, why MJ is called Michelle really feels like they wanted to do something different with MJ but was one of those “we’ll set it up now and think of a reason later” and then nothing it’s just pointless So it’s not perfect. But then he lifts the rubble saying “C’mon, Spider-Man!” And I’m like I’m going to fucking cry, dude, look at him! I wish that scene was ever so slightly more self-indulgent it would be the best Spider-Man scene full stop EDIT: I still think Spider-Verse actually has the most relatable and likeable versions of those characters. Even though it goes in to the multiverse, the strength of the film is you never lose step with the characters, they’re consistent all the way through, and given that the story is so crazy it’s the personalities and writing that keeps it grounded. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
one-armed dwarf Posted December 17, 2024 Share Posted December 17, 2024 The No Way Home hype was wild, Jimmy Kimmel was giving out at the time about it not getting nominated for best picture. Not to say every best picture nomination is necessarily a great film, but come on. There's a sort of reverse snobbery that goes on with some stuff like that, eg the quote there about Power of the Dog. Even the bit about Don't Look Up having a lower Rotten Tomatoes or whatever. The first MCU one was decent tho and for me having a good villain goes a long way. But I don't really identify so much with the Spidey adoration, the character itself I mean. Like I just don't get it, I dunno. He kinda lives in his own universe in a way I find super alienating that sometimes feels like an act sometimes feels like he's just literally insane. Like I know someone will mention Dante, yes he's very Spidey-coded, but still. But that again is probably a reason why I like the animated version of Miles a lot cause he's just way more grounded and relatable. There's a whole sequence early in the film where he meets the girl Spider person who I forget the name of that's just the most charming bit of animated cinema I've seen in ages. As well as the stuff with his Dad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maf Posted January 5 Share Posted January 5 Watched Deadpool vs Wolverine. Glorious nonsense and a genuinely lovely ending to the Fox-verse. It probably won’t be, but if none of these actors ever played these roles again it would be a pretty much perfect ending. The story is kind of whatever. But I also think that’s kind of whatever. After a decade of superhero franchise cinema and Deadpool’s meta and 4th wall jokes and him being apart of the Fox movies now being swallowed up by Disney, to bring all these things together as an ending to an era of these films is very smart, fitting and fun. Sometimes knowing comic book material helps get more enjoyment out of comic book movies, but brilliantly this is not about comics, it’s about all these Fox films. It is putting a capper on even Fox movies that didn’t get made. This isn’t for hardcore comic fans, it’s for hardcore comic book movie fans. And the fact it’s so expensive, so over the top, and still it’s making a 1000 rapid fire jokes about everything from the films you saw, to the films you didn’t, to public celebrity disputes, to behind the scenes drama, to the box office flops to the lack of continuity and Wolverine finally getting the costume Sometimes it feels like a bunch of sketches based around Fox’s Marvel movies then strung together by Deadpool’s chatter more than a story. It’s dysfunctional. But the whole Fox/X-Men/Fantastic Four has been a messy, up and down dysfunctional fiasco as well. So for this movie to not care and just tie it all up, it’s very fitting and I really enjoyed it I think my only negative is the film starts really slowly. Basically because it’s about the MCU and 2 immortal action figures punching each other, but the more it goes on and over time crosses over to be about all this Fox stuff. It can’t be Fox’s Endgame because that universe was so fragmented and inconsistent. But having Deadpool joke and celebrate it all is probably as close as you could get and for that I really enjoyed this film Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OCH Posted January 15 Share Posted January 15 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
one-armed dwarf Posted January 15 Share Posted January 15 James Gandolfini's son is in this (1:32), was he in the old series? Also I wonder how they did all that bone crunching foley 'Born again' makes me think of Adam Warlock in Rivals, dick Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maryokutai Posted January 15 Share Posted January 15 Stylistically very much in line with the Netflix show, which is very promising. Seeing Cox and D'Onofrio in action almost makes you think not a single minute has passed since the last time we saw them together. I think I'm going to rewatch the previous season by the time this comes out, has been a while and it'll help me skip the annoying one-episode-per-week phase. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maf Posted January 15 Share Posted January 15 No idea where the story is at. Felt like S3 of Daredevil was kind of eh and basically forgotten it But at least they’ve captured all of that tone and atmosphere. I hope they do the MCU references well. Just a few, and a way that makes sense or makes for a good joke But certainly looks the part. Hope it’s great Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maryokutai Posted January 15 Share Posted January 15 I really liked S3, Bullseye had such an intimidating presence and it was both funny and frightening to see him pick up a pencil and realising someone in his vicinity could now die at any moment. I'm actually looking forward to revisiting that season the most, the first one was a bit slow at times with its numerous flashbacks and I never liked how the Hand stuff was handled in S2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maf Posted January 15 Share Posted January 15 The thing about Bullseye is anything he picks up can be a weapon. So when he breaks out of prison by killing cops with a paper clip, it’s like cool. But there’s one scene in DD S3 where Dareveil is hiding behind a cubicle while Bullseye is throwing stationery at him, it’s like c’mon, he’s a superhero Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maf Posted January 23 Share Posted January 23 Almost more people have watched the Daredevil trailer than the last Captain America trailer. Especially when you consider DD has almost outpaced it in a week Didn’t Marvel trailers used to get 100’s of millions of views or am I misremembering? I have a feeling after Secret Wars Disney will try to sell Marvel. They’ve just gone too long without consistency That was the key to Marvel in the 2010’s. Everything fell in between this 7/10-9/10 window and if one movie was a bit on the weaker side 3 months later a stronger movie came and made up for it. Especially as it always felt like it had a good forward momentum towards Thanos as well. I know there was over saturation. But when you think about Marvel from 2010-2016 as opposed to 2019-2025 ouch Wolverine and Deadpool was good but most of what made it good was built on the back of the Fox/Marvel history I don’t know. If the new Captain America movie is only getting slightly more interest than the revival of a 10yo dead Netflix show OUCH 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maryokutai Posted January 24 Share Posted January 24 I don't think they'd outright sell Marvel, these conglomerates love sitting on as many IPs as they can. I could see them scaling down movie and tv show productions by a significant margin, but they will never give up on selling Thor toys and Hulk lunchboxes. I do think it's mostly over saturation though, which affects not only the consumer side but also people behind the scenes. Johansson wouldn't have gone to war with Disney if her heart had still been in this and if she was fully committed to the Black Widow role, for example. And Thor 4 was just Waititi phoning it in. They missed their chance for a natural feeling time-out after Endwar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
one-armed dwarf Posted January 24 Share Posted January 24 This has less to do with Marvel and is more specifically due to their whole strategy with these films. You look at something like Rivals and it's the third most popular game behind FortNite and CoD. It's the films, not Marvel that's the problem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maf Posted January 24 Share Posted January 24 This why I think it’s more lack of consistency than over saturation. I think over saturation has played apart for sure, but 5 years of mostly meh with the odd yay and no sense of progression for the universe has just killed it In a twist Superman got more trailer views than anything in WB/DC history or something. Maybe DC will bring interest back to comic book films and Marvel can ride that wave and find their feet again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maryokutai Posted January 24 Share Posted January 24 Mostly meh is, technically, also consistent. Though probably not the kind of quote you want to put on your movie posters. 'From the studio that brought you mostly meh entertainment' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
one-armed dwarf Posted January 24 Share Posted January 24 The question I have is I wonder do audiences care as much about this ongoing continuity stuff as before. I thought that Superman trailer was so good I watched it multiple times and I don't like Superman Here's what I think tbh, I think the MCU is dated. You can feel it with the way people make fun of the way characters talk in it, the constant undercutting of every serious moment. It's just old shit now. Maybe I'm wrong. The one that broke through, Deadpool, has its own unique gimmick going for it with the R rated stuff. But a lot of these other films feel of an era now maybe. Anyway I am looking forward to Superman, even tho I think he's a rubbish character. But the trailer for it worked on another level or something, I dunno. I don't think it's a malaise with comic book material cause you also have something like The Penguin really drawing people in as well. It's just how it gets treated, the adaptation of it is pure diminishing returns when it's done the way MCU has been doing imo Still I am really curious about Doomsday but that's because RDJ is in it. I don't even know if that will be a good film but it's an interesting stunt. Also he can't be doing the wisecracks as much if he's doing evil things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maryokutai Posted January 24 Share Posted January 24 There's probably a time and content limit regarding expectations of continuity, and at some point audiences might move from perceiving it as a bonus towards something more negative. I mentioned that I recently watched the Harry Potter movies, which is this one, pre-established continuity, and IIRC they did those eight films over the span of ten years. But had they taken more time I wonder if it would still have had that impact (disregarding the fact that the actors would have grown too old too quickly).* The first Iron-Man movie came out ages ago. In fact it's so old now that some people likely feel nostalgia for it, because maybe it was their first cinema experience as a kid, and yet it is still somehow the foundation of an ongoing saga. I'm not saying it cannot work, but you'd probably need to handle it very differently and instead of opting for a somewhat copy-paste approach to script-writing it should be adapted to an audience that either matures and changes over the course of time (which I suppose you mean by saying it feels dated). A good example here would be Toy Story I think. Watching the third movie (I still refuse to see 4) after having seen the original as a kid was an incredible emotional experiences thanks to some surprisingly strong writing that respected me as a viewer at this now grown-up stage of life. *for a time this was also a recurring argument about long-running videogame series I remember, Resident Evil and Metal Gear in particular, who kept dragging along a story foundation for well over a decade, making it difficult for newcomers to find a good spot to jump in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
one-armed dwarf Posted January 24 Share Posted January 24 By dated I just mean this sort of style of dialogue. Like how we all watched that Concord FMV and instantly lost interest in that game. Like this type of character interaction, it's gotten stale I think. Maybe I'm super offbase with this, I dunno. Almost all of my predictions for MCU have been wrong, except The Marvels bombing. A bit off topic but the thing about Pixar is they tell these stories which are universal, or they used to anyway. Ratatouille is probably one of my favorite films and it's a film anyone can watch, it's not an old man film or a lofty inaccessible film but it's also wonderful. Toy Story is also really good, the 3 I saw anyway Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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