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The Witness


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Explored some of the areas that the boat takes you to. Got stuck on a rotating platform in the swamp. I turned it once and it led to a dead end. I couldn't get the platform to turn back (using the solution that had made it turn in the first place) so in the end after a bit of googling I realised that you had to enter the reverse solution for the platform to turn in the other direction. It pains me to google anything but I thought for a moment I might have fucked up my file! Luckily I didn't read anything I didn't want to read.


I left that swamp area after having no joy with the puzzles and took the boat to the treehouse area. This area is a lot easier for my poor brain so I've been making good progress there.

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  • 2 years later...

Started this earlier, very early in. 

Solved some puzzles that made me feel especially smart and now I'm stuck on one that I can't even figure out what it wants me to do.

There's a bunch of white and black dots in squares and when I get it wrong, some of them flash. I somehow managed to brute force my way to finish 6 of them. Got 3 more left but no real clue what I'm doing.


Edit: Actually, I think the idea is to separate the different squares. 

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I really enjoyed this game.

My advice would be to keep a pen and pad near while playing, it's amazing how making a doodle can help you out.

Also, if you're stuck, go find something else to do. The puzzles are non linear so keep thinking about it. I found it amazing how many times I got stuck only to solve things first go on the next day.


In regards to brute forcing. 

It's a legitimate strategy BUT if you solve the first couple of puzzles with brute force, you're going to come unstuck when you get to the next puzzle in the chain.

The witness is a great game to play with someone next to you (or streaming)

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Bought this a while back and only played a couple of hours, but the PS+ inclusion has rekindled my interest.


Fired it up again last night and spent the first half hour wandering around the island trying desperately to solve at least one puzzle. Nothing was clicking at all - I just felt like some sort of village idiot. Then, I solved my first one and I immediately got the bug again! Fantastic stuff.


I’ve noticed that many of the puzzle sequences go like this:


- first puzzle introduces a new idea/concept

- next few get a bit trickier, but serve to enforce idea/concept

- next few twist idea/concept so you have to approach it slightly differently

- next few completely spin idea/concept on it’s head and blow your tiny little mind! 


It really is superb game design. Love him or hate him, that Jonathan Blow is a clever chap.

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3 hours ago, Middle_Class_Hero said:


I’ve noticed that many of the puzzle sequences go like this:


- first puzzle introduces a new idea/concept

- next few get a bit trickier, but serve to enforce idea/concept

- next few twist idea/concept so you have to approach it slightly differently

Which is the exact reason I advised against brute forcing. You miss that first puzzle and you can get quite stuck!


There are 'other' puzzles too... When you see them...

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I'm around 150 puzzles in now, 3 lasers triggered, and I'm sort of enjoying it - but sometimes the puzzle sequences feel a bit dragged out once you've discovered the key - but then to have to keep doing variants of the same thing over and over, not fun (yep, just finished Desert Ruins, where the initial concepts were great, but having to repeat them, ad nauseam, wasn't).

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15 minutes ago, RoboticMonk3y said:

Have you found any ambient puzzles yet?


I have no idea what you mean - so I'll say no.


Currently grinding (because after a while that's how it feels) my way across the treetops around the treehouse - also found a timed switch which opens a door up there, but haven't yet completed a path to get there quick enough.

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21 hours ago, RoboticMonk3y said:

Puzzles aside...

Doesn't the game look so pretty though?






Found a few of those now, not sure there's much benefit, albeit they seem to highlight on an obelisix.


I've now done 8 lasers so gone up the mountain to (hopefully) end it soon.


I've had much more fun with Professor Layton, Myst, Shivers, 7th Guest etc....


But it does look pretty, and if you don't mind the repetition there's a lot of content here.

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They serve no purpose outside of making your mind obsess over spotting circles with a line coming from them.

You don't have to find any of them to get to the ending. For that matter, you don't even have to complete all the puzzles in an area to get to the end of the game.

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1 hour ago, RoboticMonk3y said:

I'll have a dig later, there's an interesting talk by Johnathan blow about obsessing over puzzles in games and how puzzles when done right can make you feel empowered.


That sounds quite interesting - the problem I have with The Witness is that I don't feel that empowered when the reward is often just more of the same but a bit more complex.


The empowered feeling (for me) comes from that bit when you initially figure out (when you move between areas) what you need to do and how to do it, not from the completion of a whole bunch of sequential puzzles that just vary, gradually, in difficulty.

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