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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3


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I had planned to get on this today but its taken me 6 hours to download the beta, so wasn't able to, will be on it first thing tomorrow afternoon though.

Still got 1 code spare on PS4 if anyone wants one, initial impressions from others have me a bit worried though, seems like it's not quite so innovative as AW, and I absolutely loved AWs MP, but, still, I'll go in with an open mind, sure I'll still enjoy it.

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Had a go. Yeah,its typical Call Of Duty.Its fun,until you eventually tire of it and play something else. As I mentioned earlier,I rarely play online these days,if ever,what with working nights. So dont plan to Day One this. But plenty of people will,if it ain't broke dont fix it.

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Played 2 hours today, and was already a bit bored of it in that time.

It's just your typical CoD MP with wallrunning, a double jump and sliding mechanic tacked on to me, nowhere near as innovative as AW, actually a massive step back in my opinion. When I played AW last year I thought all CoD games would use that AW template and add to it, instead Treyarch seem to have gone for a more 'grounded' traditional CoD approach, and whilst there's nothing inherently wrong with that, and I'm sure it appeases some of the hardcore CoD fans that thought the AW enhancements went a little too far, it just seems like a massive step in the wrong direction to me, I'll probably still buy it, but I certainly won't be spending too much time with the MP on Blops 3.

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This is so much better than Ghosts and Advanced Warfare.

I had someone use Glitch on me last night. I traced them back to where they had been previously, and took them out before they could get me. Final kill. B)

New map coming later today, Uplink game mode, and level increase to 34.

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Unsurprisingly I think it's a right load of old wank. I'd had enough after 2 games.

As a series it needs to be put to sleep, fucking awful with nothing innovative or done well. Wank maps. Shitty gun control. Ideas ripped from superior games. Just terrible. It's beyond comprehension how people can spend hours playing that tripe.

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It has its fans,but even I've had enough of it now. There's the odd difference here or there. But it comes down,as usual,to "get absolutely destroyed by saddoes who literally have nothing better to do with their lives but play this online 24/7".

With friends,it can be fun. But as a Lone Wolf it gets very boring,very quickly.

It may end up being more stable online than Star Wars Battlefront. But at least that will be doing something different. Something this series cant afford to do.

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Unsurprisingly I think it's a right load of old wank. I'd had enough after 2 games.

As a series it needs to be put to sleep, fucking awful with nothing innovative or done well. Wank maps. Shitty gun control. Ideas ripped from superior games. Just terrible. It's beyond comprehension how people can spend hours playing that tripe.

After 2 games. :lol:

COD really isn't my bag. But I thought it was fine. Far from terrible but nothing was really impressing me.

The movement/map design doesn't feel as fun as Titanfall or even Destiny. There was a map where i could jump high enough to get on a roof but the game didn't want on it. I didn't play AW but having Titanfall like abilities on smallish maps feels restricting. I want to fly across the map.

Playing this just made me want Titanfall 2 even more.

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Unsurprisingly I think it's a right load of old wank. I'd had enough after 2 games.

As a series it needs to be put to sleep, fucking awful with nothing innovative or done well. Wank maps. Shitty gun control. Ideas ripped from superior games. Just terrible. It's beyond comprehension how people can spend hours playing that tripe.

I get you don't like it, but you've barely given it a chance to be fair, 2 games isn't enough to make any kind of judgement, Si.

After being a bit down on it yesterday, I actually had a lot of fun with it today, I don't know what changed exactly between today and yesterday, but everything just kind of clicked for me today and I was having a wail of a time, still not as innovative or good as AW in my eyes, but I had a lot of fun with it personally.

It's definitely a Blops 2.5 approach Treyarch has taken and its nowhere near as 'outside the box' as Sledgehammer's approach to the AW MP, but Treyarch have done a decent, albeit slightly unoriginal, job with Blops 3 and I'm eager to dive back in over the weekend.

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Titanfall maps were built around jumping and wall running. This felt like regular cod maps with those mechanics dumped on top for shits and giggles.

Now that I can agree with, the wall running stuff and double jump definitely feel a bit tacked on to me too, trying to add some small gameplay features on top of their standard CoD MP formula.

I would've much preferred they'd of taken the AW template and added onto that rather than the (now slightly old-hat) Blops 2 MP mould.

Nah. Even if the game fellated me after every match I wouldn't give it the time of day. Trash of the highest order.

How anyone can judge any game, no matter the genre, in 20 minutes is absolutely beyond me I'm afraid, I don't understand how you're able to make any kind of judgement more than a first impression in that time, so many games I could've quit in the first hour that I then went on to throughly enjoy, even MP games I don't get on with like BF4 and Titanfall I played for 3 hours and 9 hours respectively before passing judgement that they weren't for me.

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