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<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gJlPun8LQss?wmode=opaque" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><!-- <embed id="mymovie" width="640" height="360" flashvars='mapp=giant_bomb&autoPlay=true&config={"progressive_low":"http://media.giantbomb.com/video/tr_ridgeracer_031312_700.mp4","progressive_high":"http://media.giantbomb.com/video/tr_ridgeracer_031312_1500.mp4","progressive_hd":"http://media.giantbomb.com/video/tr_ridgeracer_031312_3500.mp4","playlist":[{"provider":"http","url":"http://media.giantbomb.com/video/tr_ridgeracer_031312_3500.mp4"}],"netConnectionUrl":"rtmp://video.giantbomb.com/cfx/st/","streaming_low":"mp4:video/tr_ridgeracer_031312_700","streaming_high":"mp4:video/tr_ridgeracer_031312_1500","streaming_hd":"mp4:video/tr_ridgeracer_031312_3500","adcall":"http://ocp.cbs.com/pacific/Request.jsp?/gan/giantbomb;xml=vast2;partner=giantbomb;brand=4;site=1018;format=MPEG4;ord=999999?","playerId":"fp_57022526","clip":{}}' wmode="opaque" allowscriptaccess="always" scale="noScale" salign="lt" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" name="mymovie" style="" src="http://jason.dev.gamespot.com/giant/pharos.swf?ver=009_4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/></embed>It's not really like SMB in that it's more about exploring than jump puzzles but it controls the same. The Dark Souls comparisons are pretty valid though - it's a Rougelike so when you die, you're dead. You can unlock shortcuts but mostly you will get a couple of levels in and then die, back to the beginning.It's unforgiving but also fair, like Dark Souls. You have to take your time, don't rush, don't do stupid things and you will be fine.It feels pretty old school but them you can do modern things like steal from the shopkeeper rather than just buy his wares, but risk him coming after you.Also, don't hang around too long because if you do, a giant ghost will come chasing after you and is a one-hit kill. Those moments feel a lot like Dark Souls where you just shit yourself.It came out a few years ago for free on PC, so if you don't have an online 360 you can try out the original here - http://www.spelunkyworld.com/original.html

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Modern like zelda links awakening? :awe:

This looks really interesting and everyone seems to love it but I think it'll be too hard for me and get annoying :unsure: I mean meat boy is hard but you only start from the beginning of a short level not the whole game...

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Still play the original from time to time but looks like they've done a bang up job of bringing the graphics and gameplay up to date. The new style looks amazing.

Bit disappointed it's 1200 MARPs as I don't feel there's enough there to justify that price. It'd be an instabuy at 800.

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you had me at dark souls! boughted but will no doubt be at least 800points by the time i get to play it.

nevermind, got me them cheap points from m$ anyway.

cheers hendo.

Instabought this but not Minecraft? For shame man. For shame.

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you had me at dark souls!

Hmmmm, I foresee disappointment, unless you've watched the video! It reminds me of Dark Souls but it doesn't play the same, and also is randomly generated levels so the sense of learning isn't quite the same.

But the feeling that every time you die is your own fault, is.

Pro-tip: best not to whip the clearly marked box of dynamite.

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i tried the demo and it's too hard for me, i dropped down a level, an arrow flew over my head, hit a wall, bounced back and killed me. but yeah mostly me jumping into spikes like an idiot. still massive praise for this everywhere i've looked makes me want it, bit like when a new gta game comes out, even though its highly likely that i won't like it.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Currently 600MSP due to that there Fuck Off Puritan Day deals. I cautiously tried the demo and fell in love. Yeah, it's good. There's a bit of frustration because every time you come across something new, you sort of have to take damage and/or die to learn how it works. The whip has some weird delay on its hitbox too which I found killed me a few times because I couldn't fend the fucking bats off. I guess it's something I'll learn.

I had some proper comedy moments in it. I was carrying the lady to the end and had to put her down to deal with a mob. She came around and started running about just as I was whipping the bad guy, taking a whip to the back of head, the resulting force knocked her off a ledge, she got hit by an arrow and then fell right into a pit of spikes. :lol:

It's a good 'un. I might not play it right away, but it's something to pin to my dashboard for a rainy day.

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  • 1 month later...

I started tonight as my raw fingers couldn't take any more guitarist action.

It's really good. learning to cope with the dangers is a bit trail and error. I did figure out a cheap way to get the idol without it fucking me up. In manay cases it makes a corridor rright to the end too.

Throw a rope up to the side of the idol, then when you are ready whip it and then run right up the rope. The boulder comes and destroys everything mnormally giving you a clear run to the end.

I'm a bit confused to how the tunneller works. I though once you met the tunneller you could just teleport right to the world he tunnelled to, essentially making a shortcut for future playthroughs.

I really like the game. It's very moreish. It has that weird satisfying way of you getting better as you get more experienced with the game. Those massive spiders can fuck right off though, I'm not normally one to be freaked out by in game monsters, but they do.

I also had the best comedy death ever on one of my tries. I threw a rock up to kill a spider, but it glanced it and came crashing down on my head. Lesson learned. Don't throw stuff up like that again.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Started this today. Played through the tutorial and a couple of runs on my own. Seems cool. Thankfully it plays completely differently to Rogue Legacy, I can see this having more legs.

I'll plug away at it and see how I get on, although I think I'll be focus on console gaming for the next few weeks until my internet resets and I can download some new games.

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Played this a bit more, still discovering all the traps and dastardly ways the game can kill you. I played my first daily spelunk and got as far as 1-4. I can see how playing the daily spelunk would make you a better player.

Yeah, I checked out the leaderboards tonight after seeing your Tumblr blog. If you're down for some Spelunky four player death match next week we can set it up.

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