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Nintendo 3DS

Sly Reflex

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I might be wrong. It was listed as 10/10 when i checked the other day but there doesn't seem to be any mention of a streetpass cap on the net

Edit: from what ive read there is a limit in terms of how many the 3DS can store in sleep mode. Open your 3DS up and it takes them off wherever they're stored and you can get more in sleep mode again

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Most annoying. Why would they put a cap on it? It's like the coin cap. You want people to walk around with the 3DS's in sleep mode, and as an incentive you give coins out for every step you take. Except you are limited to earning 10 coins at 1000 steps. I make 1000 steps walking around my house.

They really should have made getting coins RPG-levelling-like. You get your 1st after 50 steps. Then 100. Then 250. And so on and so on. Make people walk more and more to get their coins.

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dont know how accurate this is

StreetPass has no limit to the number of times you can exchange data with another system. I believe it's once a day though.

You can only have 10 Miis waiting at once and then you can't StreetPass anymore until you "meet" those 10 Miis in the Plaza.

And StreetPass works while you are playing a 3DS (not DS) and while you're in the Home Menu. At least they claim it does. I haven't tested it yet.

And my brother and I will be testing the StreetPass distance in an open field (we've got a soccer game) tomorrow. So I will soon know the distance limit with no obstructions.


and yeah, I can understand at some point it would have a limit, but it should be more than 10. And the coins would be more use to me if I took my 3DS with me when i left the house, which i generally dont

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I'm still going on about the marking on the top screen, you know what I'm like. I saw on GAF there's a 16-page thread dedicated to the problem, so it's not just me. I decided to do something about it myself, rather than contact Nintendo of Europe and have them deny the problem exists. Some on GAF have posted pictures of their solutions, the most popular one seeming to be using the rubber feet from a 360. Someone else used the feet from their notebook.





I came across my Barclays PIN sentry card read that I use for online banking at home. Perfect! The stubs don't stick out anywhere near as far, as they rest next to the Start and Select buttons. It's not ideal, but it'll do. Mine was leaving the lines on the screen, the circle from the circle pad, and even markings from the D-pad. I get none of that now.







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Reggie Fils-Aime said the company had learnt lessons following the launch. 'We needed to have key franchises and stronger first-party titles,' he told USA Today.

The Nintendo boss said the firm still has high expectations for Pokemon Rumble Blast, Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land, but he explained there needed to be 'stronger support at the launch from a first-party perspective'.

As well as this, he suggested perhaps some of the important first-party titles should have been released during the launch window to speed up the sales of the 3DS and 'drive momentum'.

He said that the critically praised and well-selling Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was already driving hardware sales, and that the upcoming Star Fox 64 was also do the same in Japan, where it's out already.

Mr Fils-Aime suggested the fact Nintendo delayed the launch of the online eshop could have contributed to poor sales too.

'As a result, that created a situation where the momentum wasn't sustained. And that's why we have now had to go back and reduce the price and reduce the price by a large amount,' he added.

Nintendo has announced that from tomorrow, the price of the 3DS console will be dropped by as much as £80 in order to push sales.

The price of the device is also being dropped in the US tomorrow, while the reduced-price 3DS is already on sale in Japan.

£80 is a fucking lot. I was expecting units to go on sale for about £150, but if they are going for £120 and less then no amount of games are going to cover the first day buyers remorse.

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Just heard that nintendo are giving some kind of compensation for people who bought 3ds cos theyre dropping the price but you need to register by midnight.

Yeah man, it's what was mentioned on the previous page. Go on the eShop before midnight to be eligible for 10 free NES games and 10 free GBA games.

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I put this in News, but thought it was worth placing here too.


Gargoyle's Quest (Game Boy) is coming to eShop next week! Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins and Metroid II by the end of the year, too.

Zen Pinball coming via 3DS download as well. Might interest Sly Reflex?

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Was in Tesco's last night, with some birthday money burning a hole in my pocket, so I stumped up the cash for one of these bad boys with Ocarina.

Very impressed so far. The 3D sweet-spot isn't as difficult to achieve as I thought it might be, even with moving the unit around to view/aim, and after a few hours of use I wasn't feeling any ill effects of looking at the screen.

I was very, very skeptical that the 3D would actually add anything at all to the games, but in Ocarina at least, there's a real feeling of depth when jumping from platforms and running around in the world.

Faceraiders is alot of fun, especially when you get a few friends' mugshots in your collection. The AR cards are cool to show off the system with but don't hold much value after that. I suppose that's all they were meant for though.

Solid construction (aside from a floppy lid hinge, which seems to be normal thing), screens are very crisp and clear, circle pad is comfortable, d-pad and buttons feel nice and clicky. The only thing that's annoying me atm is the position of the stylus as I keep going to pull it out from where it lives on the DS lite, which is where it should be dry.gif.

Overall i'm very happy with it atm, but we'll see what happens once i'm finished with Zelda.

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