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DC's test of willpower 2011


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Spare time is getting low and money even lower. Drastic actions have to be done.

I have 3 games coming to me this year, and after that I'm going cold turkey, NO MORE NEW GAMES! Don't know how well it'll go, especially with downloadable games and any cult-y games that are destined to fail and I feel I have to buy.. so I'll see how it goes, I reckon some slips are inevitable.

It's not all bad news, my backlog is now a joke, I'm going to use this year to catch up, also replay some classics. I want that iron will that Dante has.

So here is my list;

Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout 3 DLC

Mass Effect (hardcore run)

Mass Effect 2 (+DLC and hardcore run)

Okami (in progress)

Shadow's Tale

New Super Mario Bros.

Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition

Red Dead Redemption

Metroid Prime 3


Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (maybe series)

Mirrors Edge

Vanquish (+hard run)

Bayonetta (hard run.. unlikely but I want to give it a proper go)

Sakura Wars

Valkyria Chronicles

Dragon Quest IV

Chronno Trigger

Luna Nights

Infinite Space

Ballad of Gay Tony (very nearly done, last mission is a cunt)

Silent Hill 2, 3, 4

Super Meat Boy

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Jet Set Radio Future

Hitman 2

Rock Band 3

Deadly Premonition

Epic Micky

Cave Story (if it ever arrives)

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit or whatever it's called

It looks like a big, enjoyable list of games so I don't need to get newest releases, and it'll probably take me all year.

I can do this... Fuck Halo Reach :raspberry: , fuck The Last Guardian :raspberry: , fuck Kirby. :finger:

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Hell, no.

Are you saying you won't be buying new games for the next year or the rest of the year?

My backlog isn't too shabby at the moment although KotoR has just been added to it and I'd like to give that a good go.

I want Fable III for Christmas, maybe Black Ops and Ass Creed 2.5 - not sure what else but there always seem to be quality downloadable games cropping up within a couple of months of being announced.

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Do you have any idea how difficult this is!

I recommend the following advice to you, and young padawan you might make it....

Don't go in game shops. Don't be near the internet with you wallet. Don't buy game magazines. Don't download demo's.

Play 1 game at a time, stick with it, cheat if it gets boring.

Good luck.

Either that or your fold faster than Superman on laundry day....

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he's actually notoriously shit at folding, its his 2nd greatest weakness.

I've got Fist if the North Star to buy, I want Ivy the Kiwi? and there's never been a steam sales that hasn't emptied my pockets.

But aside from that there's not much I'm falling over myself to buy and there's a stack of stuff I enjoyed enough to go back to.

so I guess that's a no, but I won't be buying much new stuff I don't think

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Do you have any idea how difficult this is!

I recommend the following advice to you, and young padawan you might make it....

Don't go in game shops. Don't be near the internet with you wallet. Don't buy game magazines. Don't download demo's.

Play 1 game at a time, stick with it, cheat if it gets boring.

Good luck.

Either that or your fold faster than Superman on laundry day....

There are no game shops where I live anyway, plus they're expensive. Sales on the internet are going to be the biggest challenge, I am gonna stop buying GTM and while I have been downloading a few demos lately I did go a while not bothering so I reckon I can do that. I don't think I'll be doing one at a time, but as long as I keep with the games I own then fine, if it's boring I won't play it.

I may be on the internet longing for some new release but the moment I keep myself occupied with something else, or balls deep in a game I already have then surely it's not impossible?

I forgot about Steam, I've got a load of games on that, too. I've still got two games on pre-order this year, but I've just cancelled LoZ: Skyward Sword, it's the only 2011 game I had ordered.

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I sort of did this thing, this year, my only rule was i couldn't buy full price games, so second hand or price cut games that was ok! But its still not stopped me buying more, especially when i have a littl bit of cash, this year alone ive brought and not completed and some not started:


Red Dead Redemption

Assassins Creed 2


Motorstorm Pacific Rift


WRC - ok only got this the other day but still not started it

Fifa 11

Halo Reach

Dirt 2

Mass Effect 2

Prince of Persia

The list goes on, i can't do it and i doubt anyone could unless you don't read about games, watch other games, go anywhere that sells games, infact games just don't exsist, that is the only way. ah well will try again next year to slow down my spending!

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the crazy thing is, when we were kids we'd have thought nothing to having to replay the same games over and over. Granted I used to rent a bit, but I still completed the games I owned endlessly. I'd even have theme days where I'd complete every title I owned in a franchise (so Golden Axe 1, 2, 3, Streets of Rage 1, 2, 3, and the Sonic games over a weekend). Now if I stop playing a game, it's effectively dead to me

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I agree with gaming as a kid, I completed my favourite games multiple times, I must have found absolutely everything on OoT through the many play throughs. Everytime I sat down with a Sonic game I finished it and got all the emeralds.

I think these days, or at least getting older is you always feel you're missing out with the latest game but many have similar ideas, you're not actually missing a lot.

Going cold turkey is insane, I get loads of freebies and I still couldn't do it >.< maybe have an "only buy it if it's less than £20" rule or maybe we could organise some kind of swapping service so technically you're not buying anything, you're just trading it

I'm very protective over my game collection, but there may be items I wouldn't mind trading if the need became too strong.

And of course I don't have Epic Micky now....

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I think I might have to join Mr. Class on this one. My back catalogue has been horrendous this year. I really do suffer from "Shiny Syndrome". This year I've got so many games started, but very few finished. And I still want Black Ops, Need 4 Speed, and Fable 3.

And so next year, aside from the occasional purchase, I'll be working through my older stuff. Now I just need to gag Ed, before he mentions something else being released, and my Shiny Syndrome kicks in again.

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I choose to keep living in the vain hope that i can play everything that comes out and somehow catch up with my back catalogue in between releases. Of course it doesnt help that my current game is huge (Fable 3) and then its finish Metroid Other: M, start New Vegas, followed by Dragon Age Origins before the sequel comes out with Ass Creed Bro chucked in between that lot somewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay. I have three games released in 2011 that I really, really want.

Shadows of the DAMNED


Catherine (if we get it)

I'm thinking that these won't count, and it's only three.. even before the year has started.. These are like three wishes and I'm allowed them.

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  • 3 months later...

So we're just over a month and a half into 2011 and I guess I have failed at my task. But I think I've been doing pretty damn well.

I have just bought three games so far. Both Stacking and Shantea: Risky's Revenge were just downloadable games bought using credit already on the respective accounts so you could throw that out for debate. But a game that I did buy which I have to hold my hands up and say I failed to was Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. The recent announcement of a Ninja Gaiden 3 made me want to play this version, and I got a nice copy for £11, I thought it was a good deal.

But already I have managed to ignore Dead Space 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and number of other smaller titles. So there has been a small wobble, but it's essentially going well I think.

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