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Everything posted by pickled

  1. pickled

    The Orange Box

    nice work on the insanely old quote of mine ill and i still don't like the game
  2. pickled


    it does look like arse on the wii though, the still pictures look lovely, but the actual gameplay looks horrendous i'm enjoying what i've played of it so far though (which admitedly isn't much). Although it did take me about a million attempts just to use the paintbrush for the first time chopping that rock, just not quite level...aaaaaaargh
  3. fuck....this....bit made me hate the game
  4. pickled


    what an awesome way to stallk celebrities, i've got stephne fry on mine (from hendos list) and han now thinks i'm obsessed with him and am a stalker which maybe i am
  5. play fallout 3 civ revolutions ds okami filthy filthy horde on gears 2 mk vs dc universe want okami to look better, think sambob was right with his "looks like an xbox game without my glasses on" comment to be excited about some new releases,nothing really catches my attention at the moment bin the pathetic amount of snow bristols got when everywhere else seems to be a winter wonderland
  6. me too, they're kinda cool, but i'm really not an art person
  7. pickled

    Home in a Game

    Onionton ftw or the big metal robot filled city in Scrapland, that was cool
  8. pickled


    I haven't either,gonna have a crack this weekend and actually post some impressions (before illdog has one of his hissy fits )
  9. Damn you chinzon, damn you I'd forgotten about this game,had it for a while and never got round to playing it,this thread reminded me, and as if by magic 2 hours of my life vanished, I only stopped playing because my ds batteries ran out Between this and fallout 3 I don't think I'm gonna get anything done for a while!
  10. pickled


    So far okamis not going down well then!!
  11. pickled

    Being Human

    oh yeah i hope he gets better
  12. pickled

    Being Human

    He is really bad isnt he - I was embarassed for him. You can see what he is trying to do but it just doesnt work! Russell Tovey - I like him - and he gets nekkid - result! hooray, no hang on!!! who's the embarrassing one, i can't remember
  13. pickled

    Being Human

    i watched it, mainly because it's filmed in bristol and it's fun seeing places you know well on the tel, and they filmed some bits of it in the cafe just up from my house so i'm gonna see if my house gets onto the tv. I thought it was gonna be a bit of a shitty sitcom too, but it's actually pretty dark and well worth a watch
  14. pickled


    mine turned up today, not yet had a chance to play it though
  15. pickled


    i'm on it, pickledo be my name, don't use it much though
  16. what a bunch of arse nearly everyone i know has had their 360 break down at least once nearly a 100% FAIL rate not good
  17. pickled

    Sambobs xbox

    Helll yeah! I do CFD for a living and pretty much fell off my chair when I heard about this! Fair play if you are trying to break it (?) but no way can this ever make things better... I wonder what it does that makes it work, it must literally be melting something inside... it's something to do with the solder used on some original motherboards (maybe on the gpu), it melts at temps lower than the inside gets and lol at runours, that'll teach me for trying to be clever
  18. pickled

    Sambobs xbox

    they're hard about what runours!! and nobody loves pickled anyway
  19. pickled

    Sambobs xbox

    they never sent me a box to send it back in, i had to use an old hoover box packed with stuff
  20. pickled

    Blue Dragon

    theres a few like this scattered throughout the game, and a couple where you have to press buttons at exactly the right time the rest are impossible though unless you put some serious time in, i spent about 35 hours on this game and hardly scratched the surface for achievements, stilll it was loads of fun
  21. just get a boyfriend who knows you love portal and knows you love to cosplay and you're away
  22. i used to read amiga power, i think i actually subscribed to this and got a free copy of megalomaniaa with my subscription
  23. I'm in, yeah player matches are ace fun, though I normally spend a lot of time watching other people fighting, then last about 30 secons then back to just spectating again
  24. i've never been able to do them, in the arcade, on the snes, anywhere we should get a big mfgamers session going on at some point
  25. i still suck at this game, and can't do a dragon punch for shit
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