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one-armed dwarf

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Everything posted by one-armed dwarf

  1. OneTwo you also need to do a double playthrough of REmake 1 like me or you're a big pleb. But I'll make it easier for you and tell you to forget about Smash and Dead Cells and just play Spider-Guy
  2. As someone who didnt like the game it was just interesting to hear why it clicked with Brad, Alex and Abby. There's almost a 50/50 split between people who loved it and hated it in the room so it's not just a love-in or a hate-fest (although Jeff contributed very little). A thing I really loved about it that I talked on elsewhere was the amount of discoverable narrative details like on Arthur's journal but then also in Dutch's reading material. That's the part where you really learn where he develops his world view and get a better picture of where things are going. But it's all so incidental and missable, which I like a lot. I'm glad they didn't miss on this on their discussion. RDR is heartbreaking to me cause in order to enjoy the parts about it that are great it will force you to resign yourself to some inelegant, badly explained systems, suffocating mission design and an oftentimes laborious pace. I had no expectations of it but it's definitely my winner for "most disappointing" cause of those aspects. It gets so close sometimes to feeling like cowboy Planescape Torment or Morrowind but drowns you with systems that make the whole design feel overthought out , clunky and occasionally self-contradictory.
  3. The Red Dead II pod is excellent. Deep dive into the systems and intertwining of plot/scripting into open world stuff and how that worked/didn't work for some people. Makes me wish I liked that game.
  4. Yes I tried to create my pawn from Dragons Dogma. On the selection screen she looks like Halle Berry. In the game she looks like a lobotomy patient It's got these sort of Black Desert Online style looking character models for the creator part which get swapped out for more rubbish ones in the game I think.
  5. I'm going to buy this on the PSN sals I think. Some of the lukewarm takes on the other pages put me off a bit and the music is a big problem for me as someone who attaches memories of JRPG playthrough to their soundtrack. But I'm still just fucked up enough rn that I need some sort of time-sinky games and FFXIV don't cut it no more.
  6. The problem is the perspectives on offer are limited by the bone-headed artistic choice to make the whole thing single cut. I get that people were impressed by that, but it offered nothing imo and was unnoticeable until someone pointed it out to you and the illusion was broken anytime you went into a pause screen anyway. You can't have a sudden perspective shift in GoW cause the narrative model literally makes it impossible. You could never have something like the MGS2 Raiden switcheroo in GoW 2018 cause of it. I think they will probably drop it for the sequel. I also don't get the big deal about having cuts in a game. Sometimes you need a good cut. The hallway scene in Oldboy is impressive cause it's the only scene in the movie like that. But something like Birdman is just tedious thespian twattery in comparison to that.
  7. I think Abby was more fair this year to GoW than she was with Nier last year. I couldn't finish the pod last year. Not just cause I'm a big fan of Nier but cause there was a nasty undercurrent to every comment she had about it that made it a kind of rotten thing to try to listen to. Like a kind of "fuck you for liking this thing" type thing. She's really young tho and it's easy to forget how firmly young people get entrenched in a position. I think as we get older we cool off a bit and moderate. I reckon it's like this anyway, I don't really know lol. I like this new format anyway cause I will just listen to the games I'm actually interested in. Frostpunk sounds really cool, the kind of thing that I would have really enjoyed if I still had a PC. I will put that on a steam wishlist when I get back into PC gaming maybe.
  8. It's not restrained. Well by GoW's standards it is but it's also pure excess. It's too long by about 4 hours or so. But by the bar set by AAA story-telling this year GoW is so much less full of fat than Red Dead was this year. I get that it's a tired point but that's a game that needed a fucking editor to do some emergency surgery on that bloated ass story that it had. GoW is much more the direction I'd hope blockbusters will go from now on and not the "more is more" approach of Rockstar. As for GoW I don't think it's brain dead I just think the story-telling beats in it are very broad and obvious, like a lot of games really. But it excels in the quieter moments like when the talking head is regaling you with all the old myths. It's got that kind of reverence for the old stories that old GoW didn't have and it pulled it off in a way that felt earned and not forced. It contextualises all that nice little stuff they call flavour-text in other games within the A-B moment-to-moment stuff really well. Not all exiled to a horrible codex menu with tiny text like loads of other games tend to do (GoW does this a little bit to be fair, but you never need to look at it like the way you do in something like Mass Effect).
  9. Yet in contrast to a certain other big game released this year it might as well be the most tight and restrained and not at all excessive shit to ever get written in the video game form ?
  10. one-armed dwarf


    As I've been starting to feel better I've been trying to get into reading again. Also I really need to reduce my screen time and I figure it's not good to have hobbies which are just looking at blinding lights on LCDs all day when that's what my job is also, don't want to get early onset macular degeneration (if I don't already have it) So I picked up the lightest read possible which is Christmas Carol on kindle. Not a lot to say about it really as every adaptation of it ever made is pretty much scene for scene. But it's good enough at putting the fear in you of not wasting your life as a miserable, lonely cunt at this time of year and resolve to do better with the time you've got left. Wonder if it's the reason we have NY resolutions. I've also being trying to read something very different to that. Pourtnoy's Complaint by the late Phil Roth. It's about this neurotic guy complaining to his shrink about his upbringing or whatever. I've only read two chapters but the second one is called "Whacking off" and is a lengthy and very descriptive essay on wanking and includes some real literary gems which I'm afraid to print here but yea it sure is something. I'm just not sure it's something I can read the whole way through tho
  11. I swear also that true survival gives you fewer bullets or something. Also I had like enough healing items to heal Chris ten times over at the end of the normal playthrough. It's going to be weird going through the game again with a character who actually takes considerable damage cause it's Jill and the higher difficulty and such. I suppose that's why she gets the grenade gun. Kill more fuckers than run past them. Also I didn't get any acid rounds off Barry. He just fucked off eating burgers with Wesker or something I guess. Anyway he's snake food. I think it's the snake that gets him right. Or Lisa Trevor or whatever.
  12. I'll give you a hint. It rhymes with ned bones. I have the 598s, but I think they're an old model now. Got my brother the 598c last year for Christmas. Slightly different to mine as they muffle sound and would probably be very immersive for VR. Enter 598c on Amazon or try googling sennheiser noise cancelling headphones to see what is the recommended one these days. Or if you're not a brand-whore then people also like the ATH-M50X but I've never heard them.
  13. It's not even a question of right or wrong really, it's just a bummer reading a comment section where it's full of people dumping on someone for having that problem with the game Cause on the one hand I did not have these narrative issues with it and I can see a GoW sequel where they completely justify the approach taken here. Like I am specifically thinking of a major way they can do that which is I also generally dislike the whole notion of "tropes" and how it feels almost specifically used to disallow certain narrative devices cause they might be cliche. Like can we never tell a story now where a woman's death is a vehicle to move the plot? Cause then you're just going to push people into leaning on other "tropes" and it just sort of goes on and on and anyway tvtropes.com has listed every single fucking thing as a "trope" now can someone shut down that site or something please But it's just there's this cadre of shitty people who are dedicated to making it as uncomfortable for people as possible to express that kind of take on a game that makes me feel bad. But not when someone says the combat feedback feels poor or whatever. Where you pop into the YouTube section for that video and it's full of people dumping on one of these things and hardly anything else. There's an irony to this comment I realise but I hope it makes some sense anyway
  14. It's bullshit is what it is. I've decided I will not be saving Barry on this playthrough. See how he likes it ? Turns out there's a trophy for that anyway and I've already got the "save everyone as Jill" trophies
  15. While I don't fully agree with all her arguments I feel sad Abby has to be so apprehensive when broaching the subject of female characters in nu-GoW. The backlash for talking on gender in games is so out of step with anything else She's not even that wrong about GoW really. Like not all her arguments were super well articulated or nuanced but she's at least developed a bit more of a voice over last year's podcasts. Anyway I'm just picking the bits in the podcasts where they talk about games I'm interested in. The podcasts last year were too long and difficult and boring to get through. Hearing them throw down on GoW and Red dead II for an hour or so is all I'm here for really.
  16. I ran to the Jill Sandwich room and waited patiently for Barry to save me so I could get my free shotgun but instead I became a Jill Sandwich. Playthrough ended cause no ink ribbons got used. What is this cunting bullshit. ?
  17. You should get some Sennheisers to fix that sound problem. I've had to put off getting VR. Wanted one but can't justify it now that I'm temporarily income-less and I heard that that Micro bot thing has sections where you have to twist your neck around and fuck that noise no sir
  18. Barry isn't in Chris' game. He fuks off and never shows up again Same for Rebecca in Jill's game. This is my first time seeing the Rebecca cutscenes in the remake and she is a shit character. I liked her better in the PS1 game when she got her head liberated from her neck by a hunter.
  19. I beat REmake today it is gud But I found out it was not hard mode I was playing but normal. So I think I'll do it again on hard mode as Jill with that true survivor thing where the item box isn't magic and auto aim is turned off I've got to imagine they expect you to use pen and paper to record where you leave your items ? Very DnD.
  20. You literally beat this game with just a knife wtf you saying to me rite now? ?
  21. No, shotgun is for doggos. Also I just found an assault shotgun down in the shark area. I never knew this existed. But I don't get why you'd ever need a better shotgun than the default one ?
  22. I killed everything and burned them. But Chris is rubbish at putting a small canister in his pocket even tho he can carry a big shotty no bother. And if a zombo is a crimson zombo then I'm just not going near it. It ain't worth it. I electrocuted a shark. Fuk u shark.
  23. I hope the last day pod isn't as hard to listen to as last year's. Abby got nasty over that Dream Daddy stuff. Maf you are absolutely fucked for Red Dead spoilers. No hope you beat that game soon with how little you've touched it. Might as well embrace the spoilers and read them all. ?
  24. The mould men were shockingly rubbish enemies. But VII is the closest the series has ever gotten to a haunted house scenario as good as the first game It also manages to do the whole thing where you can get overwhelmed in tight spaces by putting it all in FPS view. I know people like the weird camera angles in the old games but you don't need them to force the player into a corner. The OTS shooter view still makes things a bit too easy imo. It's why my hopes aren't super high for RE2 but let's see
  25. I'm up to the outhouse now on this on my Chris playthrough. Fought off the snake and got the trophy. It's a really long game when you're constantly having to manage your inventory as Chris. This game is still the best RE I think. It's such a good level layout for the mansion and you really have to learn which rooms connect to each other and where the really dangerous spots are. There's one hallway now which is full of crimson heads that I have to keep taking the long way around cause it's so deadly. I'm wondering how RE2 will thread the needle between this type of game where you're constantly under threat and the newer ones where things are much easier to deal with. REVII made a good try of it just the execution was lacking in the back half a bit.
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