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Everything posted by mfnick

  1. mfnick

    Apex Legends

    I’d be up for that mate. I’m not on it all time like some others and not great but I’m definitely up for playing with some of you lot. Just send me a invite if you see me online and I’ll join when I can. Goes for anyone on this site. Definitely more fun with people you know rather than randoms. I’m mainly on Xbox although there’s nothing to stop me downloading it on PS4 too. GTAG - MF Nick
  2. Watched about 5 min of that, I don’t know, it still doesn’t look that impressive IMO. Im hoping it’s just because it’s a demo and like Dangerman says you haven’t got access to as many skills or haven’t been taught them due to being a demo so you’re unaware of them. I definitely dont remember DmC or DMC3 feeling this slow and mashy. DMC 3 in particular. Bayonetta has always been a bit more like that but it was still loads of fun and it didn’t actually feel like I was just hammering same attack. It disguised it well. I just didn’t get much enjoyment from this demo at all. Like I say, want to check out the full game before I disregard it entirely though.
  3. £23.49 - £25 PSN Top Up £13.99 - £15 PSN Top Up £9.39 - £10 Xbox Top Up £3.53 - Save me Mr Tako (Switch) £3.55 - Pool Panic (Switch) £37.99 - £40 Xbox Top Up £37.95 - Dirt Rally 2.0 Pre-Order (Xbox 1) Total - £129.89
  4. I tried the demo not long ago, I’m not keen at all It just didn’t feel right. It didn’t flow as well as I wanted it to and it felt like I was button mashing more than I’d like in a DMC game. There’s also just not enough feedback when you hit stuff either, it doesn’t feel like you’re doing anything, and doesn’t convey very well when you can carry on hitting or when the enemy is going to attack through your own attacks. Really don’t like messing about picking up the arm upgrades and swapping them about either. Only a demo though, I still plan to buy the full game (not at launch anymore though) and I’m sure it’ll be at least decent when I’ve put some proper time into the full game.
  5. I always like reading this thread. Interesting reading up on what people are into each month and sometimes found some games in the want sections I’d completely forgotten about at times. Plus get reminders on other great games I may have missed. The podcast part is a very, very nice bonus.
  6. Play Red Dead Redemption 2 - Only just started, not far into it yet but I’m enjoying it more than expected. The movement and controls are really annoying at times but not enough to out me off yet. The characters and storytelling are fantastic and really pulling me along. The poker minigame has really got its hooks in me too, playing way too much of that. Apex Legend - Best Battle Royale Game I’ve played. But still not really for me. Crackdown 3 - Don’t get all the negativity aimed at this. I’m having a absolute blast on it. It’s good, simple old school fun! Makes you feel mega powerful too which I always enjoy in games. Want Trials Rising - Not long now! Can’t wait. Might even be the first retail game I buy digitally at launch since I never sell these on and there’s little to no price difference Metro Exodus - I’ve only played the first one so far but absolutely loved it! This looks brilliant too. Dirt Rally 2 - The first is one of my favourite driving games, hopefully this is even better Can’t believe how close it is to release, really snuck up on me, hope it doesn’t affect sales too badly there seems to be no marketing at all. Bin Persona 5 - Only because I’ve finished it now. Just under 85 hours over many months. Loved it. Battle Royale Genre - I keep trying them, I keep bouncing off. The new Apex Legends game has just confirmed the fact I need to accept this genre just isn’t for me unfortunately. My complaints about the others - the feel, movement, shooting etc. Are brilliant in this but the core gameplay loop just does nothing for me. I find it mostly tedious, repetitive and boring. Especially the looting part.
  7. Set up 1 - Main Living Room. 4k tv, One X, Pro and Switch Set up 2 - Spare room, Xbox One OG, 360, Pi and PS3 & Most importantly a wheel setup Both got surround sound setups because I fucking love that shit. Adds so much to programmes, films and games IMO. Only budget setups but wipe the floor with even really expensive soundbars in my experience (bought 1 and heard a couple others). Definitely the way to go if you have the space and patience to set them up. Yes I’m very lucky and have a understanding partner. She doesn’t let me play on them as much as I’d like though. Can’t have it all I guess.
  8. mfnick

    Apex Legends

    I played a few more hours of this last night, had some enjoyment and it’s a very well made game. Some matches were really good fun. But I’m pretty sure this isn’t a genre for me and I’ve given this plenty of time to click now. Those fun moments were very few and far between and not worth the hours of the - IMO - mediocrity between. I just find the looting sections of these games so boring and tedious. & that is core to this genre so not for me. Feel like too much of it based on the luck of getting the top gear too. I’ll still have the odd matches on it, especially when friends are on but I doubt I’ll stick at it for long. This is loads better than Fortnite and PUBG though.
  9. Damn! Game Pass is so fucking good. Remember Crackdown 3 will be on there on release this month too
  10. mfnick

    Apex Legends

    Got to give them credit on how well it seems be be performing. I’ve not had any trouble getting into any games and it seems pretty lag free. Usually when a game like this launches you can’t play it for a few days due to server issues. Huge respect to them for this, it’s a first as far as I know? Not seen enough praise regarding it to say how much people usually slag games like this off at launch for not working ( and rightly so).
  11. mfnick

    Apex Legends

    I’ve played the others with mates and still not got on with them. And I’ve used those tactics, propblem is I just find it boring. Like you say one of the things is to actually avoid combat and stay away from people. I’m impatient and want to get involved in the action. I’ve tried it both ways and not had much fun with either. I think i may just not click with this genre unfortunately but I’m going to give it a bit more time just to be sure because I do want to like it.
  12. mfnick

    Apex Legends

    Had a few matches on this, I think I just need to accept the fact I don’t like Battle Royale Games. Feels loads better to play than Fortnite and PUBG (only 2 others I’ve played). But the gameplay loop in these games just doesn’t nothing for me, run around the same environment searching around for loot for a while, shoot a few bullets, miss, die, wait a while to load a new match and repeat. I just find it tedious and boring constantly looking for loot at the beginning of every match. Especially when I’m bad so don’t last long when a gunfight starts, it usually just feels like a waste of time. Ill give it a few more matches just to see if it clicks, maybe as I start getting a bit better. Hope it’s does. I’d like to be involved with something like this for a change. It’s definitely got the best chance just because it actually feels good to play unlike the others I’ve tried. Otherwise I’ll just go back to TF2.
  13. I started this yesterday. Part way through chapter 2 now. Just got the bear hunt done. Miles away from camp now! Im enjoying it so far. I’m already loving getting to know the characters! The shoot outs have been fun too. But I can definitely see the slowness reaching the point where I’ve had enough after a few hours and I understand where the control criticisms come from, especially when trying to fine tune to some pick up or hitching the horse. Not found the conversation thing too bad though, just got to make sure their name has popped up on LT first. For now I’m enjoying it thought. I need a fast travel system to unlock soon though, already getting slightly bored of riding everywhere. Edit - anyone know if the HDR issue has been patched? I can’t find any more recent information than the December patch and that said it hadn’t been fixed yet. The colours just look washed out and not sure if it’s down to that.
  14. Dragons Crown is a brilliant Streets of Rage style brawler from what I’ve played. Got RPG elements too to help stopmit feeling repetitive like some.
  15. mfnick


    Original PS4 console for sale, fitted with a Seagate 1TB SSD. All boxed and in very good condition. Bit of a tear on the box near the handle and the gloss finish bit has some very light surface scratches. Apart from that all is in perfect condition and good working order. All leads and 1 pad. Hasn’t got the original headset though, that shits in the bin. Including Tearaway (still sealed) & Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition (mint condition). Only selling because I’ve now got a Pro.
  16. No Titans? Shame but not end of the world . The no Titan mode was great still in TF2. Its just like future CoD but really fucking good. But no Parkour either?! That just defeats it being a Titanfall game entirely. That’s what makes that series for me. What’s the point? It’ll be no different to all the others. Hope that information is incorrect.
  17. £23.49 - £25 PSN Top Up £13.99 - £15 PSN Top Up £9.39 - £10 Xbox Top Up £3.53 - Save me Mr Tako (Switch) £3.55 - Pool Panic (Switch)
  18. mfnick


    The way Epic keep changing, evolving and adding to this game along with these 1 off events is seriously impressive! Just wish I enjoyed the actually playing it
  19. mfnick


    £20. In as new condition. Anyone want it before I eBay it?
  20. Sweet, heard good things about Booodstained. Come close to buying it a few times. Used to love Bomberman back in the day and heard decent things about the new one but wasn’t confident enough to actually buy it so that’s great news for me.
  21. 10/01/19 - Donut County (iPad) - Complete 12/01/19 - Gardens Between (Xbox One X) - Complete & 1000/1000GS 28/01/19 - Persona 5 (PS4) - Complete Finally done. I loved it, kind of sad it’s over . Took just under 85 hours! I’ve not put that much time into a game like this for a very long time. Took me a few months.
  22. Listened to this today, excellent show thanks! Good to hear someone else slagging off the joycons too. They’re shite!! As for New Mario U deluxe, like I say I’m not expecting much, don’t usually like the “New” Mario series. Doubt I’m going to like it more than you do to be honest, had it on Wii U and barely played it thought it was a bit dull, but want it still, hoping a second try will make it click with me.
  23. Excellent work, the lack of Dead Cells love is very disappointing though. Shame on you all.
  24. mfnick


    Same with me. Plus Destiny and Destiny 2 didn’t hold my attention for more than a hour and this looks like it’s trying to do the same thing. I’m worried about that with BioWare too. First Inquisition, then Andromeda and now possibly this. Could be the start of EA trying to shut them down.
  25. mfnick

    Just Cause 4

    That’s shame, I watched the giant bomb quick oook and thought the balloon system looked great fun and how you can modify how all the abilities worked seemed a brilliant idea. Was worried the core gameplay wouldn’t hold up though. Damn shame. This could really do with a sandbox/challenge mode similar to Red Faction Guerilla where you don’t need to worry about getting shot all the time and solve puzzle like explodey areas using those abilities.
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