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Showing most liked content on 22/08/24 in all areas

  1. Amazed there isn't a thread for this Thank Goodness You're Here is short, I could understand people deciding to wait for it to hit a sale based on that. I managed to play it through without having to charge my Steam Deck, so it isn't long. It is funny though. You're a salesman that's sent to a Yorkshire town, I think in the 80s but y'know. You've got an appointment with the mayor but he's keeping you waiting so you head in to the town where you bump in to a guy with his hand stuck down a grid as he was trying to recover a shiny penny. He needs butter to grease his arm, so you head to the bakery and grab some, free him, go down the hole, speak to a worm to get some facts about worms, then it's on to the next area There's clearly things you can miss because I didn't get all the achievements, but generally it's very linear, you can only go the correct way. That doesn't mean you won't sometimes get a little stuck, but you probably won't need a guide. You will sometimes have to circle around to deal with things, but there's no going backwards, you always have to move on to the next area I'm not sure if I'm imagining it, but the world seems to get nastier and grimmer the longer you're in it. It gets more litter filled, invasive plants take over, but there seems to be more swearing, it gets more unhinged, there's more animosity towards you Fun game, very funny at points, and the voice acting is really good, but it's pretty brief
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  2. I read about the input lag shortly after I posted. Unfortunately that's really something you can only judge for yourself. But I was under the impression it would get a physical release? Also, for the record, I read your post dwarf but I think it's best not to derail the topic too much.
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  3. I just think it's strange to refer to random people on Twitter as "activists". It's a weird trend to see anyone with particular principles getting that label when it's something I'd say to describe someone as part of an organised movement. There was no organised movement behind Hogwarts (but probably more individuals with a platform than usual) or this. In fact this more falls in line with Steller Blade where some are trying to place these games as some forbidden fruit and you're sticking it to some person they mostly made up in their head. It's dumb online stuff. It's certainly not activism.
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  4. I'm not the best person to speak on this but I think WRT Rowling, maybe the challenge for people should be to try and put themselves in the shoes of those who feel victimised by her words and deeds and try to imagine why they would take advantage of something like Hogwarts Legacy to make that point more clear to people who otherwise aren't likely to hear it. I'm not a perfect person myself when it comes to things like that but I try my best to look at things like this I certainly find dismissing it as 'woke' a disappointing and incurious position to hear someone take
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  5. Always have to remember the first, big launch game for Xbox got delayed by a year. Out of the gate they released a system without the system seller. From the start they’ve just looked incompetent. It doesn’t surprise me the plans have changed so radically with fuck up after fuck up. Maybe Phil Spencer is a CEO and doesn’t care, but if I was him I’d be embarrassed having to concede on every plan and still end up in 3rd place. I kind of like Phil Spencer, he seems like good people, but how he still has a job I don’t know. But I can’t pretend I haven’t enjoyed the drama
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  6. Going to spend some time reading xbox twitter for a bit 🍿 I was reading somewhere that Xbox have actually only got one exclusive out of buying Zenimax (which I guess is Starfield). At this point it can't be claimed that the whole xbox thing hasn't went tits up for them, none of this can be according to plan. If it is then it's a very stupid plan, although a funny one as well so I encourage it
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  7. One of the biggest streams of it had this title so it just got the Streisand Effect
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  8. So this seems to be significantly bigger than their other projects. I've passed the 20 hour mark now and saw an, in context, surprisingly well-executed little narrative beat/plot twist happening. I've also been going back to earlier areas to get better ratings, because maxing these out per zone unlocks some handy little upgrades for your team (permament health +1, movement +1 and stuff like that). I've also found some really nice synergy between classes and equipment. There's one mission where you go up against melee units exclusively and they spawn too quickly for you to keep up killing them the traditional way. So I gave my bruiser, whose passive dishes out partial damage whenever she gets attacked, a melee attack bonus which combined with her skill to heal whenever she kills means that she could just stand there and everyone attacking her was basically killing themselves while she immediately recovered the health lost. One slightly annoying thing about the game is that there's no fast travel. I usually barely use these features, but the world is surprisingly big and getting around can take a while later on. Other than that I'm still very much enjoying it.
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