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F2P PC only Overwatch style hero shooter with Marvel characters


I have no idea about this genre at all,  it the trailer makes it look kind of OK? I didn’t hate what I was looking at, at least

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I think the character designs are pretty cool, there's some destructible elements on the maps, which Overwatch doesn't have. Hulk and Banner being some kind of stance character is interesting, especially as he's supposed to be a tank. 


But then again, it's free-to-play. So this will most likely be a money-grubbing mess.

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In F2P MTX is more forgivable, though. They have to make money somehow. 

As long as the game is actual F2P, players can hop in whenever, and all the paid for stuff is cosmetic, should be Ok


Assuming the game is even fun to play, which not my game, I can’t tell 

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3 hours ago, Maf said:

In F2P MTX is more forgivable, though. They have to make money somehow. 


It's still an awful business model for the end user in most cases though. I don't remember where I read it, but someone once said that they don't play f2p games because they're too expensive, and that kind of hits the nail on the head. While there certainly are a few positive exceptions, the usual way these things go is that they're designed like predatory FOMO machines first, and good games second. And my trust in Disney to put out something that doesn't have 'generate big money' as its primary mission statement is relatively low. But we'll see I guess.

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Different developer, game, everything, etc. But the last F2P Marvel game was Marvel Snap which is excellent. So it's not impossible.


I think a bigger challenge for this game is selling a hero shooter in 2024 

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It's not really like Fortnite though. Fortnite is a battle royale game with some building mechanics and also has no character classes to my knowledge.


This is a 6on6 arena shooter where every character has a unique set of abilities. Closer to Overwatch or Paladins.

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Goes to show what I know about the popularity of hero shooters. The trailer on the Marvel YT channel alone has 1.4mil views in under 24 hours, and I’ve seen a lot of people on Twitter say they think the trailer is good and excited for it


I was trying to hedge my bets a little bit because I’ve never played a game in this genre. But I think the game looks quite good as well


The idea of Marvel characters running around shooting each other sounds dumb, but having seen it they’ve got my interest. Not saying it looks amazing or my most anticipated game or anything, but it looks kinda good

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  • 8 months later...

So as I've been jumping in and out of Overwatch again these last months I'm actually kind of interested in checking this out now when it comes out. Beta feedback was somewhat positive, but regardless of that games like these are usually rather fun in the early days before everything turns into a toxic wasteland. They recently revealed Wolverine (obvious) and Squirrel Girl (not so much), so the roster looks pretty neat, too. 





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I saw the launch trailer yesterday and thought it was great. Although there’s something disappointing about the fact it doesn’t have any gameplay in it. If you’re having a video game launch trailer, I think you should really have the game in it 


I still want to give this a go as well. Think I will download it over the Christmas break and try it 

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I looked at the roster a bit but I have no idea who I want to play here. Conceptually Storm, Strange and Hulk seem cool, but they're archetypes I'm usually pretty bad at. I'll probably go with the Shark Doggo first, he seems to be a support class (which is severely underrepresented to the point where I wonder how impactful/useful they turn out to be).

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Wow I'm really surprised maf wants to play as Spiderman


Looking at the trailers, Hawkeye seems cool. He can parry and knockback stuff with his knives, sort of feels like a zoner guy. Sorry Squirrel Girl




That said I feel like there's something missing in these trailers, they sort of make all the characters seem really repetitive in gamestyles



Spidey seems the closest you get to a Nero-esque DMC character. High mobility, pulls enemies in and launches them for air combos



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I’m very exciting and unpredictable


But actually Spider-Man’s gameplay looks really cool and a type of character I would play normally


I said this earlier in the thread that I’m no expert in hero shooters and have barely played them. But this game looks really good to me


Maybe it’s just a trailer and maybe it’s Marvel but I genuinely think this game looks really cool

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It does look a bit like characters are just flinging stuff at each other and cycle through cooldowns and hope something dies at the other end of the screen. But it's also important to note that nobody really knows what they're doing so far I'd say. I recently played the Overwatch Classic mode and with the knowledge and skillsets of today it was a completely different thing to what we all played on launch day.


I did watch a video about Shark Doggo and he seems a bit different to the damage dealers at least. Saw some elements of Paladins, Splatoon and even Bleeding Edge in his kit. Spider-Man looks like a total nuisance though, nobody's going to land a hit on that guy on console. 

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I would like to play a support character in a game like this eventually but I think roles like that I would want a decent enough understanding of the base level of the game first. I prefer playing support in stuff like XIV cause that's what makes you feel like a real superhero, rather than being self-obsessed playing a solo game. I remember hard carrying some random duty finder normal mode raid in FFXIV as a scholar and you're putting out so many fires and pushing the team to victory in a big way

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