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Defeated the evil Black Stake of the Black Deck, now it's onto blue stake which has an additional condition of -1 discard


What done it for me was using the 9s Joker and the Joker which increases the sale price of every joker every round. Which has the additional side effect of making it so that temperance tarots were giving me 38 dollars every time. I could have pushed it further but I felt like having 10 9s in the deck cause of all the tarots I was getting made the economy fluid enough. Would be an amazing combination tho with the bull and bootstraps joker, if you managed to get all of them lined up like that and were rolling in dosh. Also had a common joker which gives extra chips for playing exactly 4 cards. Then the spades joker which gave +50 chips for playing spades, so I turned lots of cards into spades. One issue of course being if I got a boss fight which killed all my spades card I'd be fucked as I never got the director's cut voucher. But I also don't know if that particular boss condition even occurs in the late antes, I think it doesn't


Had also a swashbuckler joker which got a mild +mult for the sale price of every joker going up and another one which gives +mult for every tarot spent. Then I got a king joker that gives x1.5 for every king in hand but I found it had a mild impact and I don't really know how good it is unless you are really locked into your deck building. At the end sold the 9s joker to get one that gave x3, kept rerolling until I got something decent with all my dosh from 9s


Half my build was common jokers so I'm going to stop overlooking them, they might be the most versatile and build-enabling Jokers tbh. Uncommons are good but require an already decent build, same with rare. Legendary I hardly ever get and they hardly seem worth it when they appear tbh


In the very last boss fight the condition was it would preselect a card, but I had a few tarots on deck that allowed me to work around that. So if it selected two and I had 2 9s on hand, I would swap them around and use the convenient death tarot I had to turn the 2 into a 9, play 3 of a kind and add a fourth unscored card to buff the 4 card joker get my x3 for 3 of a kind.


(in this screenshot, I couldn't do that as the 9 was selected so I turned it into glass instead, as it doesn't matter if it smashes this late in the game)





It was a kinda clunky synergy but good enough I think cause of all the rerolls and tarots so I had tons of enhanced cards. Could have done with pruning it some more and getting rid of some of the useless non-King face cards but didn't manage to somehow

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Ayy, well done


Now I’ve beaten my first deck I’ve let my self watch more videos on how to play the game and what big scores look like. I did watch one video on basics because I was struggling but now I’ve worked it out a bit in my own I’ve started watching how good players play to pick up more advanced stuff


Think I might get the Steam version for cheap as well at some point, as I enjoy playing it on iPad but it kills the battery, and I find when I start playing this game I end up playing for fucking hours at a time

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Damn, I really like doing 'eat the rich' builds on this and just nuking all my face cards. But I had to happen on this amazing joker right when I was doing my 'fellate the rich and pull myself up by my bootstraps' build


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It's true, Balatro is evil. It giveth it taketh away


Thinking on it tho, maybe I can wait until the last couple antes to get on my regicide shit 🤔

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Won on the Blue deck with relative ease, took a Joker combo that gave me zero discards but extra hands, with one that added multiplier to hands when you had zero discards (i.e. for me that was every hand) and another with a multiplier per skip - so I had at least 8 hands per round and so I could always score at least 20-30k whatever hand I played (and then unused hands kept giving me extra cash).


Played the whole game with the standard deck too (had the Red Joker, getting a +3 modifier each time I skipped cards, so had that up in the high +90 by the end too).


BTW I keep buying that $10 Blank Voucher thinking one time it might turn into something great eventually......



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I've heard the red joker is secretly one of the best in the game but I haven't been able to get it work. At least not on black deck, it shows up early often enough and I grab it but not having an immediate +mult or decent chip on the first ante on black deck usually kills you.


Then I never see it again if I don't pick it up. 


Other thing is that skipping tarots in the first rounds feels bad cause I'm looking for economy boosting stuff, like gold cards

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Green deck won too !


I'm beginning to wonder where the Shop Cards are really random, or weighted to appear towards allowing certain combinations


e.g. First round I took the Egg (+$3 value per round) thinking at least earlier on it'd be okay to sell later - but shortly after got the Joker that gives you a multiplier based on your total Joker sell values...... (so they combined really well, and it was too valuable to sell !)


Anyway, more future decks unlocked - really is a fabulous game - how you veer and haul different strategies each game.


e.g. when I played rounds with zero discards it was initially a panic wtf moment, until I shifted my perspective and strategy, and now it's relatively easy to play with zero discards or just not using any (also really useful too to pick up money and bonuses based on any remaining discards etc)


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I don't think the game needs to weigh the odds like that tbh, cause the reroll system means you can force these cards to come up eventually


I did have a really good run at purple last night which made use of economy jokers, like bootstraps and the one you mention that buffs the sell price. Think swashbuckler was in there too. But it all hinged on 'hack', and I hadn't curated my deck down to 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s so I ended up having to play a three of a kind Ace on a boss that required me to score 25000 in one hand but only got 20000. Which was a bit unlucky but goes to show how a discard voucher can help a lot.


It was the first black deck run I got to use the hieroglyph voucher as well. It's hard to use that voucher cause the -1 hand can be devastating but the scaling was going out of control that it would outpace the usefulness of an additional hand, especially with all the temperance tarots massively increasing the bootstraps each round, my pairs were devastating until that one unlucky boss. Definitely my favorite build so far even tho I lost

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I think the decks have loot pools for jokers, when you really look at it there's some jokers that show up a lot in certain decks, but you'll never see them other times on other decks. You still have a lot of useless jokers in some pools, like the deck with no face cards can get the face card jokers, but I feel like some of the cards that would bust certain decks are voided.

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That got me curious to try the white stake on Abandoned and it does give you face card jokers, which is interesting. But I wonder if a true Balatro pervert could do a face build on that deck, like if you get the rerolls cheap enough and get the voucher that lets you buy cards and just stack it with Kings and get the King Joker which gives you 1.5x, while still having a reasonably slim deck cause it starts off with 40 instead of 52


I'm motivated to try this now, black deck is burning me out a bit.


edit I beat a few stakes and couldn't do that but I managed to get a XMult of about 2000 on the last round and I don't even understand why. Like I had a level 1 high card turning in 50k chips, the math didn't check out to me but I'll take it I guess

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Got a little delayed trying to complete the Black deck - but had a Joker combo today that completely blew it away (lots of multipliers on pairs & two pairs, and joker that gave chips equal to 2x money, one that increased joker value each round, and another giving multiplier based on joker value).


Hit my highest ever single hand score too (320k).


So that's all basic decks done, now to try all those special decks and Challenges !

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I beat purple stake on black deck and discovered a new hand along the way, using its planet card unlocked a new joker apparently




They don't need to be 5s I think, that's just a weird coincidence here lol


So that leaves two more stakes on black deck, orange and gold. Orange stake is making it harder to lock in a strategy now with black deck, cause a lot of my recent wins have depended on specific synergies on certain common jokers early on (like swashbuckler here with the price value increasing jokers, and using all the cash to buy tarots to get +mult on the tarot joker too + fishing for fives for Yorick xmult)


I did have a quick look at white stake on ghost and got that handily. Will probably try and progress Abandoned a bit more cause black deck takes so many attempts now at later stakes. I'm on black stake for abandoned, the eternal jokers one.


I did have a really good run on another deck, can't remember what, but it was all about hanging chad and high cards. High cards might secretly be the most OP especially once you get red seals and stuff but it takes a bit to get started with.


edit beat black stake on abandoned with a deck full of eights and generating tarots, tho the tarots were rubbish. Not much synergy but it was easy

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This game uses a ton of battery on phone, I think after beating black deck I'm just gonna start again on PC or something. Easier to look at for long stretches too.


The framerate gets bad sometimes too, like really choppy and the phone gets hot. Maybe a memory leak or something.


Only have the gold stake left to clear on it anyway so not much left.

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I had to put a pin in the gold stake for black deck, it's so hard that it's the first stake that actually feels like it requires favorable RNG. This is probably not the case and I'm malding cause I'm bad, but it does feel like that. Like you're doomed just cause of the first shops you get


Starting over on steam I'm shocked that I never even cleared a run on the PC version. Well I cleared a few white stakes nice and easy, will leave the evil black deck for last. It's weird how grinding that deck makes the white stakes so permissive and easy, like I can play them all loosey goosey with little regard for builds. Just a different game entirely.


Having to unlock everything again does sort of suck tho, just unlocked the hanging chad which is key to my favorite build of all, high card.


I've sort of discovered that 2 pair builds are also a scam, unless you can get a very large hand or a very curated deck, or you're on painted. You have to discard so much and you have little room for on hand card abilities. I think pair and high are the best, beyond that it would be the weird meme hands like 5 of a kind if you get favorable spectral and tarot pulls

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If i can get good jokers yeah. I think it's really flexible. I feel like any build which limits the amount of discards you feel you need to do makes things a lot easier, especially as you can use steel cards, gold cards and blue stamps more easily. But the harder the stakes the harder i find it to control and I can't get those builds started as easily cause you're more often forced into ones you might not want


I don't want to make it sound like I'm right or anything but I think my friendship with trousers joker is coming to an end

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