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2XKO (formerly Project L)


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Couldn't find a thread for this but we only saw a little glimpse of a very early prototype before so I doubt there was one.


A bit of backstory, this game rose from the ashes of Rising Thunder, an indie fighting game made by some veterans of the scene, among those Seth Killian (former pro and consultant on SFIV) and the Cannon brothers, who are the founders of EVO and the driving force behind the creation of GGPO (the original rollback netcode for fighting games). Rising Thunder never went out of early access and a few months after its cancellation we first heard about this project. At that time Killian had also left development on RT and was working for Riot which probably explains how this all came together.


Anyway, a couple of days ago they showed the game off properly for the first time and it looks promising. It's a 2v2 tag fighter not unlike the last MvC game but it actually seems to have more in common with Power Rangers Battle for the Grid, as it adopts a similarly simple control scheme (no motion inputs, only buttons and directions) to be more accessible. There's an excellent quote in the video about how this won't mean a beginner can beat a pro but the fun will be accessible to everyone which I think perfectly describes the approach taken by similar games but misunderstood across the entire industry.


They also say it's still early days and it will not come out before 2023, but so far this leaves a good first impression. Power Rangers was actually solid but I tried it out way too late into its lifespan. Will try not to make that mistake with this one.



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One complaint I hear ppl make of new GG is that while it lowered the entry barrier it took away a lot of skill expression at the top level, so they seem to be making a point in that video of saying this is making something accessible that also allows for lots of individuality so it sounds interesting. Like they talk about that a lot in the video, seems to be their whole pitch.


But I don't mind motion inputs tho, what's the trade off with not having them. I saw a game do that before and they have fireballs on cooldown and stuff, looked a bit bad imo

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I was gonna start a thread on this but it needed some contextualising I wasn't sure about but you did it.


It does look like it'll play a lot like the Power Rangers game but this'll have a lot more money thrown at it.  I struggled with understanding the Power Rangers game because while inputs are simple everything else is so open ended and it's easy to get lost in it, and it doesn't have much of a tutorial mode so it isn't the friendliest game to turn up late to when others are carrying you from one end of the screen and back again in one combo.  It relies almost entirely on community learning.


But there is a lot of decent talent working on this, as there was on Rising Thunder but they were quickly snapped up by Riot so I didn't see much of the game.

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4 hours ago, one-armed dwarf said:

But I don't mind motion inputs tho, what's the trade off with not having them. I saw a game do that before and they have fireballs on cooldown and stuff, looked a bit bad imo


Depends on how it's implemented. In some cases I find it actually more complicated than motions because easier inputs mean it's also easier to accidentally activate a move. But passively I think it does help a bit with accessibility, because it makes it easier to find something fun to do at the very early stages which in turn helps staying motivated to carry on. The biggest hurdle to get into a fighting game is and always will be your personal willingness to learn from your mistakes, so the developer's job is to make the in-between as enjoyable as possible. Simplified inputs can help here, the other big thing is an exhaustive and comprehensive tutorial, which so far only very few have managed to pull off.

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  • 1 year later...

Diaphone did this big video on this character. I'm not fully familiar with what he's saying wrt the system mechanics, seems like 'fuse' is a big deal. But main takeaway is these matches are long, and it looks mad technical. I think that's cool though, considering how quickly things can end in a SF match it often doesn't feel like you've had a chance to develop a sense of your opponent's tendencies until it's over (especially if they don't rematch). It can feel gimmicky. Here you got to work hard for those wins



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  • 6 months later...
  • Maryokutai changed the title to 2XKO (formerly Project L)
  • 5 months later...

If you'd make a list for Ryu and included all his normals and different variations of specials it would probably look similar. It looks just a bit unusual here because of their control scheme, so the lack of motions makes it seem like every line is its own move.

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Wooo defensive mechanics out the ass. FD and Burst like Guilty Gear, guard cancel like DBFZ, universal 1 bar parry and DP, and whatever the fuck Retreat is, I can’t make sense of it. Interesting considering Street Fighter and Tekken are so aggressive



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I haven’t really been that interested in this game. The short bits I had seen of it didn’t really appeal to me and I’ve never been a fan of the art style.


Seeing it be played for real has really put it on the map. This looks great. I particularly like Ekko who makes time travel clones of himself and has a counter super


One thing I am seeing is people complaining how simple the buttons are. Having everything be one button and no motion inputs means people can’t find a button scheme they like or condense the controls down to be like a 4 button fighter

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Sonicfox solo-ing Sajam and Apologyman  (Who I thought was a dev on the game lol)


I still like the way this game looks but they definitely need to fix these combos. I like aggressive and mix heavy fighters but this is a 2 touch game, basically

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